(51) Darling Brother -Shipped Off pt.2-

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You slowly look around at your surroundings. It felt as though you had just woken up from a long night's rest.

How long have I been asleep?

Then it all comes back to you. You were buried somewhere in the Smithsonian Archives, miles away from your home in New York. Your fingers find their way to the necklace Ahkmenrah had given you. You felt a small bit of comfort from the jewelry, but it was almost instantly replaced by heartache as you thought about Ahk.

Wait a second...

Why were you alive? The Tablet was back in New York with Ahkmenrah. It shouldn't be at the Smithsonian.

Suddenly the lid to your crate is removed, and bright light fills your previously dark box.

"akhruj!" A soldier of some kind peers over the top of you and points a sharp spear at your face.

"What?" You ask. You had no clue what he was saying.

"akhruj!" He repeats, gesturing for you to stand up.

You don't know what he's saying, but something told you that you shouldn't question him. Slowly, you sit up and step out of the box. Another soldier approaches you from behind, pointing an equally sharp spear at you. "min 'anti?"

You take a closer look at the soldiers. They were dressed in golden armor and had tan skin, a lot like...Ahkmenrah?

These were Egyptian soldiers!

You look around your surroundings and gasp in horror when you notice your museum friends being ushered out of their crates by more Egyptian soldiers. "Hey! What do you think you're doing?!" You demand, feeling your face boil with anger.

"aghliq famik ya fatatan!" One of the soldiers' barks, sticking his spear dangerously close to your face.

A glimmer of golden light catches your eye. You see Dexter the monkey clutching onto Ahkmenrah's tablet as a soldier tries to pry it from his paws.

That little troublemaker...

Another Egyptian man enters the room, and all of the soldiers quickly bow their heads.

He slowly approaches the soldier who had taken the tablet from Dexter and extends his hand out.
The solder hands it to him, and the man grins evilly.

You run towards the man. You weren't going to let some jerk take your boyfriend's most valued possession. The two soldiers who were guarding you quickly grabbed your wrists, holding you back. "HEY, YOU!!" You yell.

The man looks at you. He doesn't look at you with a look of annoyance or anger, but instead a look of curiosity. He slowly approaches you. "faqat aladhin rayuk 'anti?" He asks.

"I don't understand you." You spat.

The man chuckles. "Ah, you speak English. Now tell me, who do you think you are bossing me around?"

"My name is Queen (Yn) of England." You firmly state, standing up tall. "That tablet doesn't belong to you."

He scoffs at you. "I don't know if you've realized this, 'your highness', but you aren't in any position to tell me what is and is not mine." He turns around and begins walking away.

"That tablet isn't yours. It belongs to King Ahkmenrah."

He stops in his tracks and whips his head around to look at you. "What did you say?"

"That tablet belongs to King Ahkmenrah."

"How do you know my brother's name?" He says 'brother' as though he was talking about a wet rat.

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