(13) The Game

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You lean against the front desk in the museum lobby with your arms crossed. Your twin brother Nick sat on a swivel chair, spinning back and forth. King Ahkmenrah stood behind the desk, mindlessly tapping his fingers against its surface. The miniatures, Jedidiah and Octavius, sat by Ahkmenrah's hand playing their 734th game of rock, paper, scissors.

"So..." you say breaking the silence. "What should we do...?"

"Hmm....Oh! I have an idea but I know you won't like it, (yn)." Nick says as you turn around.

"I'll do literally anything at this point." You say.

"Then we're playing truth or dare." Nick smirks.

"Anything but that!" You shout. Truth or dare was the worst possible game to ever play.

"Ooooo I love that game!!" Jedidiah shouts jumping up.

"Why do you like truth or dare, Jed?" Ahkmenrah asks the cowboy.

"It's the game where I get to inflict pain upon others for fun."

Ahkmenrah opens his mouth but then simply closes it. "Let's just play." He flatly says.

"Fine." You sigh.

"Why the sudden change of heart, sis?" Nick says wiggling his eyebrows.

"One more word and your face becomes a punching bag." You warn making a fist.

Nick holds his arms up in defeat. "Okay okay...let's just play."

The five of you sit in a circle, Jedidiah and Octavius siting on a stack of books to be at eye level with everyone else, and begin. "Who wants to go first?" Nick asks.

"I do!" Octavius jumps up. He scans the group, looking for a victim. "Nick. Truth or dare."

Nick thinks for a moment. "Dare."

"I dare you to let (yn) write 'I Love James Charles' on your hand in sharpie."

You giggle and grab the sharpie. Nick reluctantly gives you his hand sighs as you begin writing. You close the cap on the marker as Nick shows his hand to Octavius. "There. Happy?" He asks sarcastically.

"Very." He laughs

"Okay, my turn." Nick says. He looks to you and smirks. "(Yn). Truth or dare."

Shoot. You knew very well what Nick would ask if you picked truth...but he could be brutal with his dares. Not to mention you just wrote ' I love James Charles' in his hand. "Dare." You sigh.

Nick gives you a devilish grin. "(Yn), I dare you to eat a spoonful of Mayonnaise in one bite."

Oh. My. Lord. He knows how much You hate mayonnaise. Three years ago when You were thirteen, Dad pranked you by making cupcakes and putting mayonnaise on top instead of frosting. That scared you.

You let out a small moan and walk up to the fridge in the nightguard lounge. You grab the mayonnaise and a spoon and walk back to the lobby. You sit down and unscrew the lid, dipping your spoon inside. You bring the icky white goop to your mouth and quickly stick it inside. You sit still with a scrunched up face as you try to think of something besides mayonnaise.

You swallow and gag. You felt so nauseous...
"(Yn)? Are you alright?" You look to your left and see Ahkmenrah giving you a conceded face.

"I'll be alright." You say taking a gulp of water. Ahk rubs his hand on your shoulder, and you almost choke on the water. You look at him as he smiles and you can feel the heat rising in your cheeks. You quickly turn back to the group. "Jed, truth or dare?"


Several rounds had passed since the mayonnaise incident. So far you've yodeled for a minute straight, done pushups for three minutes straight, and admitted to forcing Ewan Garza to kiss you in the first grade.

"Ahk. Truth or dare?" Nick asks, glancing at the pharaoh.

"Hmm...dare." He says smiling.

"Ahkmenrah, I dare you to kiss the person to your right." Nick grins.

Ahkmenrah's cheeks instantly turn red. The person to his right was you.

"You're takin' a video of this right?" Jedidiah loudly whispers to Nick.

Ahkmenrah scoots closer to you and leans in, closing his eyes. You do the same and bring your lips to his. They touch.

The kiss only lasts for two seconds, but it was the best two seconds you've experienced in your entire four years of knowing Ahkmenrah.

You oh-so-desperately wanted to kiss him again, but you had no idea if he liked you that way back.
Ahkmenrah's silky voice breaks out from your thoughts. "(Yn)? Truth or dare?" He asks.

"Oh uh...truth?" You say, still a bit started.

"Alright...do you have a crush on me?" Ahkmenrah asks sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck.

Your jaw along with Jed, Octavius, and Nick's drops. "Uh..." you stutter nervously. Of course you had a crush on Ahk! He was one of the sweetest and kindest people you ever met! Not to mention he was pretty cute... "Okay I do!! I understand if you don't feel the same way or something but you wanted my honest opinion and that's it." You burst out. You look at his eyes and hold your breath.

He smiles and brings his face close to yours. He brings his voice to a soft whisper. "Can I kiss you for real now?"

You bite your bottom lip and nod.

Your lips make their way to Ahkmenrah's as the the miniatures and Nick begin groaning.

"Oh for cryin out loud! Get a room!" Jedidiah shouts, smiling to himself.

"I shipped it first." Octavius whispers to Jed.

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"Did not!"

You tune them out.

All that matters in this moment, is you and Ahkmenrah.

Maybe truth or dare isn't such a bad game after all...


Hey everyone! I'm really sorry about not posting to this story for a couple of weeks :c Things have been getting hectic in my life lately.
I'll try to post more in the future!
Love you all! <3

(P.S. Requests are still open! ;))

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