(10) Millions

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"Conner, are you sure this is the best solution?" You ask your big brother.

"Positive. That tablet is worth millions, and we need the money." Your brother looks down at you with his bright green eyes. Even though he always had a tough act, you could still see the old Conner. The Conner before the accident.

Two years ago you would've never guessed that you'd be standing outside the New York Museum of Natural History at three a.m. about to steal the priceless Tablet of Ahkmenrah.

Life's funny like that.

You look at Conner again. Two years ago he didn't have a three inch scar across his cheek. Two years ago he had neat, well kept hair. You thought back to your life before that devastating accident.

You had just turned 15. You and your parents lived in a spacious apartment in Brooklyn. Your seven year old sister, Dawn, was always aspiring to become an artist. Conner was preparing for college, and always studying. On your birthday, you parents drove to the bakery to pick up a cake for you. It was pouring that day and they got into a car accident. Your mom died instantly and your dad was only in the hospital for two hours before he died as well. Suddenly you and your two siblings were alone, with no family to go to. Conner put college on hold and took on five different jobs to put food on the table for you and your little sister. Things were going...alright...until Dawn got horribly sick. Conner wasn't making enough money to pay doctor bills, and you even had to start working.

Which led to tonight. You and your honest, kind, caring brother were resorting to stealing. If this one robbery went well, your small family would finally be safe.

You sigh and look up at the window. "Let's go."

Conner hoists your feet onto his shoulders, and you peek into the window. "The coast is clear." You whisper, peeking through the glass. You gently open the window, and climb inside the museum. You pull a climbing rope from your backpack, tie it around a pole, and throw the rope down to your brother, who then climbs up.

"So where's the Egyptian exhibit?" You ask, glancing around.

"It's to the right and down this hall." He says, pointing in the direction. "So first lets-"

You both jump and turn around to see a wooly mammoth, standing behind you, trumpeting! Your heart completely stops beating, and you feel your jaw drop.

"What. The. Heck. Is. That?" You ask, not even moving.

"I have no idea..." you see Conner pull a switchblade from his pocket, and grip it tightly. "(Yn). Run."

"How are you going to fend off a mammoth with a switchblade?!?" You whisper/yell.

"I'm not sure, but I want you to trust me on this!! Head to the tablet!" He firmly says.

You take off running down the halls, not daring to look back. As you bolt down that halls you see strange things. Pilgrims, animals, and even Huns!! All of which were giving you odd glances. You were running so fast that by the time you arrived at the Egypt exhibit, you didn't even notice the twenty foot jackals about to stab you. You stop in your tracks and look up at them, eyes wide in fear. So this is it huh? You think. Just as you are about to bid your final farewells, you hear a loud and commanding voice. "Gaurds!! Stand down!!"

The jackals bow in respect and stand holding their spears at their sides. You turn around to see a young pharaoh standing with his arms crossed, and a firm look on his face. At seeing how tough and commanding this pharaoh looked, you were beginning to wish the jackals would've been the ones to finish you off. "I'm sorry!!! Please don't hurt me!" You plead, covering your face with your hands.

The pharaoh approaches you. "What is there to be sorry for?" He asks.

"Uh...well...I snuck into your tomb." You say, scratching the back of your head.

"I would hardly call what you just did sneaking." The pharaoh chuckles. God, he was cute. "But I would like to know what you are doing here. The only one we see from the daytime is Larry."

"Well, you see..." you trail off. "Daytime?" You ask, curiously.

The pharaoh smiles and gestures for you to follow him. He leads you to the back of the room where the golden tablet of Ahkmenrah is hung. It glistened in the bright light, giving it a whimsical look. "This tablet brings all of the exhibits in this museum to life, every night. It's magical!" The pharaoh exclaims.

"What would happen if something happened to it?" You ask nervously.

"Then the exhibits would never come to life again." The pharaoh flatly says, looking off into the distance.

A wall of guilt slams into you. As much as Your sister needs the money, you couldn't bring yourself to steal the tablet. The pharaoh interrupts your thoughts with a question you didn't want to answer. "Why did you sneak into the museum in the first place?"

"Oh...well..." you sigh. You were never a good liar. "The truth is...I came here with my brother to steal the tablet. But I can't take it from you! It's not fair to steal something so important from you."

The young pharaoh's face stays stiff and emotionless. "Why would you want to steal my tablet?" He softly asks.

"My little sister is very sick. Me and my older brother can't afford the proper medical care for her, and she'll...die if we don't get it for her." You feel a lump form in your dry throat, and tears welling up in your eyes. You quickly wipe them away, not wanting someone to see you cry. "Sorry." You apologize.

The pharaoh says nothing and just pulls you in for a hug. You hug him tightly back.

"There she is and she's trying to suffocate Ahkmenrah!!!" A tiny voice yells in a cowboy accent. You turn around to see a army of miniature cowboys and Roman soldiers, a small group of Huns, a monkey, Theodore Roosevelt?, and oh no...the nightguard.

Then without warning the cowboys and romans begin lassoing and shooting arrows at you. You let out a shriek, and then see it. Conner. His arms were being held to his sides by two strong looking Huns. He looks at you with sad eyes.

"Jedidiah, Octavius, let her go! She isn't a threat!" The pharaoh shouts.

"Oh for cryin out loud!" Jedidiah whines, looking incredibly disappointed, but he still signals his cowboys to untie you. You let out a sigh of relief as you feel the ropes fall of if your body.

"Ahk, what the heck? That girl and her brother want to steal your tablet!" The nightguard says, clearly confused.

The pharaoh, er- Ahkmenrah, places his hands protectively on your shoulders. "I know, but I don't blame her. When people are desperate they do things they may not want to do." Ahkmenrah then lifts up his wrist, and takes off a solid gold bracelet, with diamonds and other gems incrusted inside. "Take this for your sister." He says, placing the bracelet in the palm of your hand.

You let out a small gasp. "Ahkmenrah, Thankyou..."

That's when the nightguard steps in. "Ahk, you can't just give a random stranger some priceless Egyptian artifact!"

"I'm in my sarcophagus all day so nobody will know if that bracelet is gone. Besides, she needs it more than I do." He says, smiling down at you.

You stand on top of your tip-toes, and kiss Ahkmenrah's cheek. "Thankyou"

Ahkmenrah's face turns a bright shade of pink. "Y-you're welcome."

The Huns then release Conner, who runs up and wraps his arms around you in a hug. "Let's go, sis." He says.

As the two of you walk out of the room, you take one last look at Ahkmenrah.

Little did you know, you did end up stealing something that night.

Ahkmenrah's heart.

Moonlight's Secret (Ahkmenrah x Reader Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now