(5) Returned

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"I've already told you, I'm capable of watching the museum for three nights, dad!" You sigh, looking at your father.

Larry Daley sighs, and looks down at you. "Look, I'm just worried about your safety. You've never been to the museum on your own before. I could always call someone el-"

"But I won't be in trouble, Dad! All of the exhibits are friendly, and wouldn't hurt me." You say, crossing your arms. "You need to go on this trip dad. You are exhausted!"

Your father sighs and looks at the brochure for a trip to Florida. "Fine. But if anything goes wrong, call me and I'll be there." He says.

"Of course dad." You hug him and roll his suitcase towards him. "Now get going so you don't miss you're flight!"

You begin shoving your dad out the door. "And before you ask, yes I do have the list." You say giggling. After shoving him out the door, you give him one last kiss on the cheek, and slam the door shut. "Phew..." you sigh.


That night you put on the uniform your dad brought home for you and took a cab to the Museum of Natural History New York. You stepped through the front doors, and refreshed yourself with the building before sundown. As you walk into the Egyptian room, the sun sets, causing the tablet to glow. You smiled as it did this, exited about getting to talk to everyone again.

You're about to leave when the sarcophagus opens up and a young pharaoh steps out. "Ahk!" You shout and run into his arms. "It's been too long!"

Ahkmenrah smiles. "(Yn), it's a pleasure to see you've returned."

"I'm happy to be back! I wish I was able to come more, but dad's been making me put all my time into college." You sigh.

Ahkmenrah gives you a sympathetic look. "Larry often looks out for his friends and family. I wouldn't take it the wrong way." The Pharaoh says.

"Yeah...Oh! Guess what? I'm going to be the nightguard for the next three nights!" You happily announce.

Ahkmenrah's face lights up. "Really?! That's great! Let's go tell everyone!" The pharaoh says, excitedly, grabbing your hand and racing out of the room.

Ahkmenrah brings you to the top of the staircase. "Attention everyone! (Yn)'s back, and shes going to be the nightguard for the next three nights!" He announces. You look down at the exhibits in the main foyer, who all begin cheering.

You walks down the steps and Teddy walks up to you. "(Yn) my dear girl, good to see you back!"

You smile at the president. "Thanks Teddy. How has everyone been?"

"We've been doing well. You're father is very good at his job." Teddy begins. "Although, you may want to check on the miniatures. They've been having some problems...and might I suggest securing your keys?"

"Don't worry, Teddy. I'll check it out." You say, putting the keys in you're pocket. "Well I'd better get going, I'll see you later!" You wave to Teddy, and head to the miniatures "would you like to come along Ahk?" You say, turning to the pharaoh.

"Of course." Ahkmenrah says, trying to hide his excitement, as he follows behind you.

When you arrive at the hall of miniatures, you and Ahkmenrah gasp. The cowboys and Romans are in the middle of a full out battle against the Mayans.

"What the..." you trail off.

"I thought your father sorted out their differences." Ahkmenrah says, turning to you.

"Me too! I need to find out what's going on here." You March up to the cowboys, and kneel down in front of them. "Jedidiah, what's going on here?!" You say, looking at the little cowboy.

"Step to the side, (yn). This fight is between us men!" Jed turns to the cowboys "Attack those shirtless land bandits, men!! Show them the strength of this here posse!" The cowboys run forward, and you step in between the Two groups.

"Guys! Everyone stop!" You shout. The miniatures stop for a brief moment and turn to you.

"(Yn)? What are you doing here?" Octavius asks, looking up at you.

Ahkmenrah walks over. "(Yn) will be taking over for Larry for the next couple of nights." He says. "Why are you all fighting?"

"Those thieving Mayan's are trying to steal our half of the room!" Jedidiah yells, stomping his foot.

You let's out a long sigh. This was going to be a looonnnngggg night.


You sit against wall of the Egyptian room, Ahkmenrah beside you.

"Thanks for helping me out tonight, Ahk." You say looking at him.

"It was really no problem. I enjoy spending time with you, it's been so long since I've seen you."

"Yeah...it's been awhile...I've really missed you..." you say, leaning your head against Ahkmenrah's shoulder, gently closing you're eyes.

Ahkmenrah begins blushing, as he looks down at you. You looked so peaceful, laying there. "Hey, (yn)?" Ahk softy asks.


"I'm glad your back."

"So am I."

"Will you visit once Larry comes back?"

"Of course. I've forgotten how much I love this place...and the people who inhabit it."

Ahkmenrah looks down at you and you look up at him.

"I'd better get into my sarcophagus before the sun comes up."

You hug onto Ahkmenrah. "Please don't leave...if you go to sleep I'll have to leave...what if my dad doesn't let me come back?"

Ahkmenrah smiles at you. "Nobody can keep you from something but yourself."

You smile at the young pharaoh and he stands up, holding his hand out to you. You take it and he helps you up. Ahkmenrah cup's you're hand in his. "Until Sunset." He says, looking at you.

Ahkmenrah lies down in his sarcophagus and begins lowering the lid before you stop it. "Hey Ahk?" You ask.



Ahkmenrah smiles. "See you tomorrow?"

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

Moonlight's Secret (Ahkmenrah x Reader Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now