(57) A Lot in Common

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"A new exhibit?"

Sacajawea nods. "She just arrived. However...there's something different about her."

Ahkmenrah raises an eyebrow. "Different? How so?"

"Well, Teddy Bear told me that she's a part of a traveling expedition. She's...alive."

"Alive? You can't be serious."

Sacajawea wrings her hands together as they approach the ocean exhibit. "Maybe you should just see for yourself." She says, opening the door for the pharaoh.

Ahkmenrah hesitantly enters the room. What exhibit could possibly be alive? The blue-dimmed lights of the ocean area cast watery shadows on the floor. A humongous glass tank was displayed front and center, with several decorative pieces of coral and rocks inside. As the young pharaoh approached the giant tank, he placed a hand on the glass.

"Hello?" His gentle voice calls. "Is anyone in there?"

Ahk waits for a few seconds for a response but hears nothing. Suddenly, a creature slowly swam towards him. She had beautiful (hc) hair and a shimmering (fc) fishtail. (Fc) scales climb up her hands and onto her forearms, and spread across her cheekbones. She carefully puts her hand against the glass where Ahkmenrah's hand was located.

Ahkmenrah gazes at her with wide eyes. She was stunning. He had never seen anything like her before. "H-Hello."

She looks at him with a curious expression. The fish woman points to her right and quickly swims to the surface.

Ahk walks to the side and notices a ladder leading to the top of the tank. He carefully climbs it, being careful to not slip on his Egyptian garments. As the young pharaoh reaches the top, the young woman's head emerges from below the water's surface.

"Hello." She meekly says.

Ahk softly waves, completely flabbergasted. "If you don't mind me asking...what are you? I've never seen a creature like you before."

She lets out a small chuckle; her laugh sounded like singing. "You've never met a siren before?"

"Never." Ahk shakes his head.

She gazes at his chocolate brown eyes thoughtfully. "Well, you have now. My name is (Yn)."

"I am King Ahkmenrah." He sheepishly scratches the back of his neck. "You can just call me 'Ahk'."

"Ahk." The siren tests out the name on her lips. "I like it."

The pharaoh smiles. He loved the sound of her melodious voice. "You have a beautiful voice."

She blushes and tucks a bit of hair behind her ears. "I should hope so; it's the most important part of being a siren."

"What do you mean?"

(Yn) looks away. "I'd prefer to not talk about it." Her voice wavers.

Ahk gently takes one of her hands in his own. "It's alright. We can talk about something else." She stares at the pharaoh with wide eyes, and Ahkmenrah's cheeks turn a bright shade of red when he realizes that he was holding her hand. He quickly lets go of it. "S-So how did you get here?"

(Yn)'s face goes dark. "I swam too close to a fishing boat and got tangled in a net. Instead of letting me go, the fishermen sold me to a traveling science company where I've been passed from museum to museum." A couple of tears form in her eyes. "...I haven't been in the ocean in over two years."

"I'm...so so sorry," Ahk says, feeling completely taken aback by (Yn)'s story. Were people really this cruel? "I know what it's like to have everything you love taken away."

She quickly wipes a tear away. "Y-You do?"

Ahkmenrah nods. "I was the pharaoh of a great kingdom thousands of years ago. One night, my own brother murdered me out of jealousy."

"That sounds horrible." (Yn) says. Hesitantly, she places her hand over the top of Ahk's. "It sounds to me like we have a lot more in common than what meets the eye. Would..." She stops for a moment to ponder. "Would you like to be friends?"

Ahkmenrah grins. "I would."

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