(34) The Last Night

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Request- @Eunice_Carino
(This is also my first request, so I was very exited to work on it!)

As always, requests are still open!

First Person POV

I run as fast as I can up the stairs of the theatre, along with my dad, brother, best friend/secret crush Ahkmenrah, and all of the other exhibits of the Museum of Natural History. We were chasing after the knight, Sir Lancelot, who had stolen the already decaying tablet thinking that it was some magical relic from Camelot. We run out onto the roof of the theatre. I shiver in the cold winter air.

"Stand back! Back!" Lancelot threatens, waving a torch at us. We all look at him in confusion, as his wax nose began melting. Dad gives him a weird look. "What?" He asks

We all look at each other, wondering how to tell Lancelot that his nose was dangling from his face.

"Your nose..." Dad begins.

"What? What about my nose?"

I roll my eyes. We didn't have time for this. The tablet was almost fully out of moonlight. The exhibits were all weak and in pain and here we are worrying about this idiots nose. I look over at Ahk. He looked horrible. His skin was dry and he looked ill.

Lancelot suddenly begins panicking as he had discovered his nose's melted state, and he begins frantically jumping around. He puts out the torch in a bucket of water and pulls out his sword and points it at my dad. "How bad is it?"

Dad gulps. "It is...not...great.."

"But I'm Lancelot!!" He yells.

"There never was a Lancelot! Lancelot is a legend! You're not real.." dad sighs.


"I know. I know it's a lot to take in, but please just give me the tablet." Dad holds out his hand.

"Oh and then what?" Lancelot scoffs. "Back to the museum? Stand there as little children ogle and point~"

"And learn." Teddy cuts in. "And get inspired to do great things. There are far less noble fates my friend."

"Not for me there aren't! There is no Camelot...there is no Guinevere...no Lancelot...I'm nothing..I'm just a sad lump of misshapen wax-STOP LOOKING AT MY NOSE!!"

"I wasn't looking at it." Dad says, begging to sound annoyed.

I roll my eyes again and scoff.

"I saw you. You were like, 'ugh...'" he says making a dumb face. "And staring."

"It wasn't like that. I was~"

"You were!! Don't look at it!"

"It really is hard not to look at..." Jedidiah whispers to Octavius.

"Yes...he is..."

I giggle, and look back at the arguing adults who were still going on about the freaking nose.
"Nobody cares about your nose Lancelot!! Please just give us the tablet!! My friends are about to die!" I yell, marching down the steps towards them.


"I'm not gonna look at your nose-I can't help it!!" Dad exclaims


We all look up at the cloudy night sky above us. Suddenly the last of the tablet lights up and becomes green with erosion. The exhibits all begin having another one of their glitches, except this time it's worse for all of them.

Ahkmenrah grips onto the metal railing he was standing next to, and starts to slowly fall to the ground. I run over to him and catch him, holding him tightly in my arms. I lower him down to the ground, still holding his body in my arms. His body turns back into a mummified corpse. His cheeks were sunken in and completely dry. His beautiful brown eyes had now become white. In any other circumstance, the thought of seeing a four thousand year old corpse would disgust me, but now I didn't care. The only thing that mattered was the fact that the man I love was dying right before my eyes. "(Yn)..." he looks up into my (ec) eyes and cups my cheek with his cold, dry, hand. "I want you to know...that I love you...I always have...every since I first laid eyes on your beautiful face..." he softly whispers out, with a pained voice.

I put my hand over his hand, holding it on my cheek. Tears start flowing from my eyes. "I love you too." I choke out.

I bring my forehead against his, my tears dripping into his cheeks. Snow begins softly falling around us, and I can hear dad sadly talking to Dexter, trying to comfort him.

"I love you so much..." I whisper.

Ahkmenrah gives me one small smile, before his eyes shut, and his body becomes a mummy corpse once again, just like he did every morning when the sun rose. The only difference with tonight was that this time was his last. I sit there with Ahk still on my lap, holding his hand and softly crying.

Nicky walks over to me and pats my back. I could tell he was trying to be strong for me. "I'm...so sorry (nn)..."

I don't respond as he walks away.

Lancelot looks around at the exhibits, looking guilty. He begins talking to dad, but I tune them out and continue crying, thinking about all of the memories we could've made together if I had just told Ahk about my feelings for him sooner.

Suddenly an all-to-familiar golden light blinds me. Ahk's mummified body flashes back to life, his cracked and dried skin becoming its normal, healthy self. He takes a deep breath and his brown eyes flutter open. He smiles at me with a look of joy, relief, and love.

"Ahk!!" I happily exclaim, helping him stand up. "I thought...I thought..." I wipe the tears from my face.

I quickly wrap my arms around him and we embrace. I smile from ear to ear, and nuzzle my face into Ahkmenrah. We stand there like that for a few moments, and I hear all the other exhibits celebrating, as they had come back to life as well.

When we part I look up at Ahkmenrah and smile, just looking at his beautiful face. "I'm so happy you're back..." I whisper.

"So am I." Ahk smiles down at me. He looks happier then he's ever looked before.

"I-I don't know what I would've done if you...if you..." I wince at the thought. I couldn't even say it.

"You don't have to say it. The important thing is that we're together again."

"I love you so much."

Ahkmenrah hooks his finger under my chin and lifts my head up to meet his gaze. "Can I...can I kiss you, (yn)?"

I smile and lean up to kiss him. Our lips meet.

When we part, we smile widely at each other, and run down the steps to meet the others. I walk over to Lancelot, who is looking off into the distance. The cold London wind blows through his blond hair.

"Lancelot? I just wanted to say thankyou. You're a more heroic knight then the real Sir. Lancelot could've ever been." I say.

He brings his hands to his face and squishes his nose back together. He turns around to face me. "How do I look?"

In all honesty, his nose looked lopsided and uneven, but I don't say anything. "You look like a hero."

He happily smiles. "Thankyou Lady (yn). I shall remember our time together fondly." He bows.

I mimic the actions of a curtsy, and walk back to the other exhibits to celebrate with them. I smile at my dad, who looks to be over the moon. He hands me the tablet, which looks as good as new. I take it over to Ahkmenrah. I hold it out to him. "King Ahkmenrah, fourth king of the forth King, I bestow upon you, the tablet of Ahkmenrah." I wink at him. He takes the tablet from my hands, and smiles at it the same way he smiled when we got it back from Cecil on the first night we met. He looks over to me and smiles.

For one moment, the world was absolutely perfect.

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