(7) Queen

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(In this One Shot you're an exhibit at the Museum of Natural History. You're a wax model of a medieval queen called 'Queen (yn) the 3rd')

You wake up in you're usual position sitting in an elaborate throne, both hands in your lap, and a straight face. As you stand up, you're (hair color) curls bounce a bit beneath your vail and crown. You carefully straighten you're crown, and fluff you're blue and gold gown.

You walk down the halls past the Huns, Pilgrims, and Animals, until you see him. A pharaoh named Ahkmenrah.

He is a handsome young man, with large eyes, warm tan skin, and a beautiful smile. He was locked in his sarcophagus for over 50 years, until the new nightguard, Larry Daley let him out.

You'd been wanting to talk to him, but couldn't muster up the courage to do so. Ahkmenrah suddenly turns around and looks at you. He gives a small confused smile and waves in your direction. You're face turns bright red and you duck behind a pillar.

Oh God...this is so embarrassing... you think.

As you sit there wallowing in self pity, a friend of yours, Sacajawea, walks over to you. "(Yn)? What are you doing?" She asks.

"Hiding." You're voice says, muffled from your head being buried in you're dress.

"Hiding? What from?" Sacajawea asks, kneeling down next to you.


"Why would you hide from Ahkmenrah? He's not unkind or scary."

"It's complicated..."

Sacajawea looks at you and then over at the pharaoh. "Oooh...I think I see what's going on here. You like him, don't you?"

You nod your head.

"But then I still don't understand. If you like him, then why aren't you going over there and getting to know him?"

"I don't know...I'm just nervous..."

"But do you really want to just keep watching him from a distance without ever talking to him?"

"I guess not..."

Sacajawea stands up and holds out her hand to you. "Then now is the perfect time to change that."

You take Sacajawea's hand and stand up. You look her in the eyes. "Okay. I'll do it."

You confidently march towards where Ahkmenrah was. He was standing at the banister, overlooking the main foyer of the museum. You approach him, but then your confidence goes out to lunch and you panic. You're about to slowly creep away when Ahkmenrah notices you. He looks a bit confused. "Are you alright?" He asks.

You're face heats up as you try to form a proper sentence. "Oh-uh-Yeah!! I'm Queen (yn) the bird!" You mentality facepalm.

Ahkmenrah looks a bit confused "bird?"

"I MEANT THIRD!!!!" You quickly say.

Ahkmenrah chuckles. "Well it's a pleasure to meet you. I am King Ahkmenrah, fourth king of the fourth king."

You smile. "It's a pleasure to meet you too."

"Is it alright if I ask you something?" Ahkmenrah suddenly asks.

"Sure. What is it?"

"Why do you always follow and watch me?"

That question took you off guard. You tried to think of a believable excuse, but simply couldn't. You look up into Ahkmenrah's eyes. "The truth is...I like you. I was just to nervous to go up and talk to you until now..." you hold your breath and look away.

Ahkmenrah's face becomes a bit surprised but it then softens. He places his fingers under your chin, and turns your head to face his. He slowly leans down to your face and you feel his lips against yours. You at first widen your eyes in shock, but quickly give in. When Ahkmenrah's lips leave yours, you look up at him.

The pharaoh moves a stray hair out of your face and blushes. "I'm sorry...I should have asked for your permission. I don't know what I was thinking." He says.

You let out a small smile and stand on your tip toes, gently wrapping your arms around Ahkmenrah's neck. You whisper "Don't be sorry." And close the gap between your lips.

Off to the side Sacajawea stands behind a pillar watching you two. The small cowboy, Jedidiah sits on her shoulder. "Now that there is something you don't see every day. How'd ya know?" He asks.

"I could just tell. Besides, every king needs his queen."

Moonlight's Secret (Ahkmenrah x Reader Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now