Chapter 26: Propose?

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Staring into this ring, I never imagined myself ready to propose to a girl I never met in my life in person but only chatted with on the internet. I really loved this feisty girl that made me act like a crazy teenager waiting to see her.
Damn it! I looked so whipped when I said her name,
Or what I think her name!
When that guy that is so full of himself talking to another girl at their table said to me I was talking to a wrong person... I wanted to punch him in the face.
Then what is her name?

Is it Angela because she looked like an 😇 angel
No, that isn't hers... she is so damn intelligent in a witty way that makes you so charmed by her whenever you get to know her.
Well, I never got to see her at first, I only got to know her personality.
She captured my heart, the next thing I knew I ordered an amazing diamond ring,
Why was it for?
Maybe I wanted to make her mine, to show to all the people she is mine only!

Was I going to propose to her?
Am I even ready?
Is she really into me or does she even like me?

Wow, when I talked to her at first about my ex that I wanted to get back to, I kept on saying a lot of stuff that I would never tell to a girl I like but, I was always thinking of ways to return to that girl that I didn't realize I was telling each minimum details I hated or liked...
All along she understood me, she never made me feel as if my parents' story was a problem and she never insulted me with the information she knew.
She was too good to be true!
That kept me thinking... how did she look like? How old was she?
What if she was a he?

I spent this month before the ball thinking and evaluating my feelings.
Each day I would wake up to a text and become so damn energized and happy only to realize it was Maronda, my assistant scheduling an event, a concert,....or any lame thing to do.
Well, at first, I really loved my career and then the fans' overreacting to my looks, girls drooling on my photos and asking repetitively for autographs whenever I went to a restaurant with a friend became unbearable!

Seeing all these girls at my feet and realizing all these chances, I changed from this goody nice boy to the player all my fans wanted...
Guess you get the next things that happen but, truly everything changed when I began talking to her, and confessing all my faults to her.
I fell deeply in love while sharing my life story with her, I realized what a fool I was in wasting my life like that.
Did I ever enjoy what I was doing?
I soon stopped with my lifestyle.

Texting her for an hour was just an appetizer that made me ache for more!
She was funny, thoughtful, bossy and OH GOD! I loved bossy women, she was so polite and I really noticed that from her polite manners in her messages! Other than that she seemed so strong, indepent but innocent in an unbelievable way...yeah! She told me she never got to date anyone or talk to a boy.
Do you believe that?

So maybe she's young after all so, maybe there is chance that we'd be together!!!
She once made me so damn jealous without realizing, she was telling me that her little brother had told her dad that she was texting a boy and that they had lots of messages together.
My blood boiled, she said she wouldn't talk to boys! What now?
Well, it turned out to be for her studies. She asked him about her studies and to explain something to her, he did message her then, she said thanks and that's it. That caused a relief to me.
I grew to realize more and more that I love her and can't stand someone near her.

What now after that ball?
Everything came flashing in front of my face! Oh God! She almost got raped in front of my own eyes, I went to the garden to search for her and here was my friend Chase there trying to have his way with her...
I was a bad boy and I knew it and so was of course my friend... well, he surely became an ex friend after I punched him over and over again till he lost his consciousness.

There was she crying non stop and sniffling! She was almost suffocating.
I felt helpless, she was with her mask on... so beautiful and breathtakingly attractive, what have I done to deserve this girl? Does any guy deserve such beauty and this innocent pure heart?
She didn't know what to do, she wanted to break down and cry till sleep but where?
I wanted to offer her to join me but I knew she wouldn't accept and would get me in a wrong way so, I decided to shut up.
Maybe her house would help her but I knew she would face her mom , what about the sea?
I know I am a mess. How do I help her? I only get how to break girls not calm them down and help them relax, what to do?
God help!

"Hey I really wish I could help but I just don't know how to act after what this guy tried to do"

"I really wish I could... Umm!
What about we go to the sea, you told me once it helped you a lot in reaching peace while facing your problems, I just really wanted you to stop crying, I just can't stand seeing you like that "

No answer

"I guess I know what you're thinking and it's probably how you could trust and by that I know you're completely right because we just met in person."

"Why are you so sure I am the one from the blog, huh?"

"Oh really! You said blog, right?" I said with a smirk 😏.

"Okay! You got me. Why did you come here tonight? Why did you travel here?"

"Well, I had a good reason! I came to save you, as always the prince saves the princess to gain her heart... " I sighted in defeat "Okay! I came to see you!"

"Why? We were solving your problems on the blog but why did you want to meet me?"

"Well in this month when you haven't texted me or talked to me, I was nasty! At first, I said I was coming as a joke but then I feared you forgot about me while I missed talking to you ... I missed you, okay!

I feel what I feel for you is more than friends then, you don't get out of my head, I was rereading your messages, imagining how you would look, how old you'd be which made me worried..." I said half laughing
"But thank god you're young, pretty younger than me.
I stayed and tried to even imagine our first encounter, how I could tell you my feeling, I even dreamed of it a lot and I couldn't concentrate at all because of how I was interested to see you finally.

I hope we could really work out, you?"

"What do you mean by us working out, what would we be?"

"You know like I ask you to go out like boyfriend & girlfriend because ...
I love you"

"What are you saying? There is no boyfriend & girlfriend relationship here in Egypt, we are not friends okay?
We. Were. Virtual. the virtual world "Internet", you can't be with me because you can't accept Egyptian traditions, so just please leave!"


I wasn't focusing as all what she said came pumping into my face
Virtual friends! Really?
No boyfriend and girlfriend?
What? So you get to marry someone without knowing them?
So was that what she wanted to say by talking to me about what happened in the so called funny set up she talked to me about.
Was I ready?
I had the ring in my pocket.
Would I propose?
She didn't say she love me.
So, why would I marry someone that doesn't love me back.
What if she is a gold-digger?
That face can't be?

She mentioned her dad was rich I guess so, no....
What traditions wouldn't I accept?

"And those are? Care to explain them and why I wouldn't accept them because how could you judge without knowing my own opinion!"

"Okay! Hear that bomb that is my life!

I guess I'll get married soon to a guy I don't know from my dad's business or mom's acquaintances, you know why? Because of that; you don't get to talk to a girl and take her out unless you were married or to simplify it more engaged but in that with one condition, you are accompanied with her friends or members of her family so you wouldn't be left alone together,

Do you get it now, Romeo?

Do you accept it? Do you accept this responsibility?

Or were you planning to play and have fun a little bit?"

"Yeah! My mom is forcing and pushing a lot this while, so I won't be available soon but you...
As I was imagining,..."
She said laughing sarcastically

"You know you really helped me without even noticing to forget for minutes what had happened earlier but I guess you got your answer, hope you liked it!
Could I be excused?"

No, no, missy!
could  "I" be excused?
What is this life?
Should I go after her?

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