Chapter 39: Life going crazy!

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" What? Are you crazy? Didn't I just tell you... I can't get married to anyone...
Do you understand what I had been telling you these past few minutes?
It's like I had been talking to myself!
I guess I need to refresh your memory..... I.can't.marry.anyone! "

" No, I didn't mean it in that way... we can get married just so you could get out of that trouble... I won't try any funny businesses! I know the mess you are in and I won't push you further... I just want to help!"

" So, your idea of helping is getting married?
As if marriage is that easy... what will it be? A marriage with a deal and a fixed date for divorce? Tell me...
I am in a bad situation and I am totally aware of it but... since I was a kid, when I thought of being married to someone...
I always wanted him to be my first and last one... I always wanted something real not fake or a deal...
If I will truly get married due to those stupid gossipmongers, do you think they would leave me when they find out I got a divorce after that?
Just forget it... there is no way out!"

" Could I tell you something without you freaking out on me?" I signaled him as a yes...

" Each time I talk to you about anything involving " US " ... you just become totally harsh as if you want me to hate you, are you aware of that?
But the thing is you can't push me away... even if you tried your best... I know you and this... " he said pointing at me
"Isn't you!"
"You are the best person I have known or will ever know but why?"

" Why?" I said chuckling...
" Are you even asking me that? "
"I am scared
A lot of people I cared about where the reason I got hurt...
They stabbed me at the back!
They made me lose hope of finding happiness...
Each time I became happy, someone sabotaged it and to my surprise... this person turns out to be the closest one to my heart...
Each time ! Do you get that?
I don't want to build up hope and get heart-broken again...

Remember when I told you about picking the safe choice to evade the pain of... uhum" I was cut off by him saying " Love... Isn't it?"

I stayed silent

" I don't want you to answer that so, don't worry!

I won't ever hurt you because, you never did that to me...
You were always there fo me... making me laugh... making me happy of all sorts!
I truly love you so much!
One look at your eyes is worth everything... I don't want this marriage as a deal or a way out... I want it for real!
I know it all changed but...
I won't ever push you or force you ...
We could get married as your parents said for those guys but, I know you wanted to get married after finishing your university on the age of 23 years old at least...
We could take things slow... Be friends then best friends then ... you know a couple!
I want to experience every little thing with you because, you're all I could ask for or even more...
I want to be a better man to deserve you.
I want to be worthy of you! " He continued.

" I don't know who I am anymore...
the damage I felt would certainly change me and I don't if I am a good person anymore...
What if I develop feelings of hate that would turn me into the worst person... A person you never loved and never will... What if I change course in my life?" I blurted out.

" You won't ever change but into someone more beautiful as always...
You lived a lot in your life and when you got to choose, you chose to be a better person not as Ryan did...
You chose to cure all wounded people like you, not hurt others as you were hurt...
You chose to make them happy and see their smile and he chose to see hurt in their eyes.
Your beautiful and amazing character can't change like that overnight...
Heraclitus once said

" Good character is not formed in a week or a month.
It is created little by little, day by day.
Protracted and patient effort is needed."

And this beautiful, unique and blessing soul could never turn into a devil... NEVER!"

" Thank you so much, Xander!
It really means a lot what you said... I guess then it's an okay."

" What do you mean by an okay, on what?"

" You know... the offer you said." I smiled.

" You mean you want me to marry you... well, let me think then... umm... should I agree you think?" He said smirking.

" No No No, Mr. X! You were the one asking for MY hand in marriage so, don't flatter yourself..."

" Mr. X? Cool name... was it my name when you referred to me on the blog?"

" Well yeah! I didn't know your name... what should I call you back then...
Mr. unknown identity?
It's so much long... I needed something more simple!"

" Don't worry, I actually like it for your information..."

I was smiling now and I thought...
It's during our darkest moment that we must focus to see the light...
Aristotle was right!

" I guess I am the light then? Isn't it, babe?"

Oh my God! Did I say it out loud? ... I blushed!

I was caught!

" So something came up in my mind...
You said you saw me everyday and every time I went out with Ryan...
Care to explain that, Mr. stalker?"

" Are you turning the tables now?
This is getting pretty interesting, miss!
I'll have so much fun in this marriage I guess.
And Yeah miss Intellia, I did and I am not ashamed of it or hiding it...
I truly like you, OKAY?
I truly wish I turn the clock back and propose to you with the ring back there at the party...
I wish I wasn't that coward who feared reliving his parents' life... I wish you hadn't lived what happened but I was stupid... I could have been the one laughing with you in restaurants, making you happy and secure, being with you in this orphanage with the kids... being the man you always wished for!
Could I ask you something?"

" Yeah!"

" Why do you help all these people in your free time and you never let people around you know? I mean this could add a lot to your dad's reputation and even yours after that... there will be a lot of articles, magazines, and even sites on the internet talking about this."

" Well if I did so, that means I only did it for my image and for my own benefit...
When I thought of it...
I only thought about the kids, their future, their life... every little detail about it...

What does it mean to have your name on a paper, when your name will be engraved in their hearts and their sons' and daughters'...
Pericles once said
" What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others"
And that is totally what I thought..." I said smiling to myself.

" You're truly beautiful, you know that?
I am honored that I fell madly and dementedly in love with you, my soon to be wife!" He said winking

God help me...

Why does the right thing has to come in the wrong time?
Why is my heart fluttering...
What am I going to do...
I know I'll be falling all over again but, will he be worth it this time?

Author's note
Can't wait to know what you think of this chapter so far and how you think of this couple up till now...
Love you all,
Your friend CGR

Love you all,Your friend CGR

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P.S. Couldn't help it as the rings were beautiful!

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