Chapter 27: My brother?

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"What? My brother?" I said in disbelief.
He just thought for a while and he seemed stuck in his thought, as if he was fighting something inside him and then as if he finally got or comprehended something, he said:

"I mean that you don't need to search for your brother or sister because I'll be just like your brother and will do my best to help you find your brother, I'll always be by your side." He said and then paused and began laughing as if this was a joke...

"You silly! Oh...
You thought I was your real brother or something?"

"Oh God! You know you made me freak out. You asked for my hand in marriage, we met and I just got to know that I have a brother or a sister, you tell me I am your brother and of course, I am sorry all what I learned today shocked me that I thought for a moment you were saying you were the baby."

"I can't blame you because you have been through a lot today." He said half chuckling.

"Why are you laughing?"

"You haven't seen your face when I told you I was your brother...
WOW! Did someone fall for me so badly and was afraid we wouldn't be together? Tell me miss Intellia!"

"What? Don't be so full of yourself. It just that I have lived a lot in my life and the closest people in my life were the worst people to betray my confidence; I can't help but feel insecure around people because...
I kind of think they would hurt me at last and I don't want to get broken again...
I won't afford it."

"You seem like an amazing person.
I just been with you for a day and I feel that I like you more.
It so hard not to fall for you!"

"Look! I am just an honest person which makes me fall in big trouble but if you truly want us to be something and get married, then...
I actually need to tell you that I have a blog that helps people dealing with their problems in life, and one day, an unknown superstar...well, I call him Mr. X ." I chuckled to myself. "Well, he wanted to get to know himself as he felt lost in his life and he didn't know what to do to get back to his girlfriend. Well, things changed, he didn't want to be with her as she was a gold digger ......"

I told him everything and even showed him our conversation but skipped the part about my parents as I didn't want him to know right now. I explained to him that I never told him what I felt but he was the one to tell me at the ball, and I told him all what happened at the ball.

"That's why you were flustered when I saw you at your dad's, you had passed the biggest fear any girl could live.
I am really sorry, that's why you freaked out when I put my hands on your mouth...
I didn't get it when I saw the horror and pain your eyes.
I can't believe I am that bad of a person!"

"I promise I wouldn't think of him, I haven't seen him, I don't know how he looks like and I only liked his personality. You seem like a really good guy: kind, caring, funny, full of yourself in a surprisingly attractive way and not to mention, good cook and amazing with kids."

"Did you just say attractive?"

"I mean attractive in a spiritual way, I mean on the level of your personality not in another way."

"Okay! I won't embarrass you and stop rambling! I know I have that effect on girls."

"Sush! You have no effect on me.
Step out of my way! It is getting late, I should go back home. Bye, nice to me you, mister!"

"I know, wifey."

"What?" I said chuckling. "What did you just call me?"

"Nothing but the reality! I talked to your dad and our engagement will be in 2 days and in this way, I'll see you more, even if it would be in the presence of someone to watch us."

"Why do you want it this fast?"

"Well, you will go to America I want to help you and protect you there while you're something to me so that people won't say rumors about you."

"What did my dad say?"

"He accepted immediately and was happy with it, why? Aren't you?"

"I don't know, I feel it's happening too fast. We've met today! How could I be sure about the person you are? I am sorry if I hurt your feelings; but what if you're a schizophreniac person?
What if you're putting on a masterclass the act of a good person?
A day isn't long enough to decode a person."

"Wow! You made me freak out for you. I'd like to tell you then let us meet but you know, we shouldn't meet a lot unless it is official. Don't worry at all! You'll fall for me in no time!"

"Good night, Mr. Ryan."

"Good night, intelittle." He said laughing.

"I am not little, okay. My height is about 153 cm."

"Too short, you even look so young for your age!"

"How many times have I told you bye and not left?... Oh God! You're annoying!
Stop making me stay to answer you!
Bye! For the last time, I hope."
I drove away as the next 2 days would be hectic with the preparation of the engagement party and dresses as I realised Ryan had previously booked the place where we will hold it and to be honest, it was magnificent: it was a garden with blue orchid flowers and blue, purple, silver and gold decorations; it was just like a dream or a fairytale! Maybe it's time I give him a chance in this engagement period to get to know him more and maybe get married at last.

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