Chapter 44: Mr. Lover CEO

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"What are you? Cornichon?!"

"I didn't mean it in a bad way this time. I'm sorry that I acted like an annoying jerk at first but, I really need you to work with me as an interpreter for an important client I have a meeting with at the end of this month. It's really hard to find someone that speaks French and I am in big trouble and I kind of heard that you were an engineer too so, that's even better. I want you to work in my software development company so, what do you think?!"

"Can't you find anyone?!"

"I really tried but, all those I know are out of town...
Could you please help me? Trust me I won't ever forget that you saved my business like that and I'm sure it would help you in your CV after that."

"Okay then... Wait! I'm kind of going right now to apply in another development company as a programmer, would it be a problem?"

"Which company? I mean the name."

"Amory SOF Co."

"Nah! Don't worry about it. It won't be a big deal!
Just know between me and you, they say the CEO of this company is such a psychopath and even gives off such vibes of a gangster so, good luck!"

"Oh really!" I said mockingly. "I won't believe it until I see it!"

"Your choice then."
He gave me his phone number and told me to call him when I return home to schedule everything for that upcoming meeting...
I reached my destination and got off the metro but I got surprised to see that guy doing the same, he dialed a number and seemed in a rush.

I finally reached the company after I walked 15 minutes and to say I was surprised would be an understatement; the place was gigantic and really beautiful.
The main structure was built to resemble the pistons of an engine and the adjacent structure was designed to represent the head of the piston's cylinder with BMW logo and his amazing colours. Wow! So, this company branch is responsible for evolving software systems of BMW cars... this means that each branch is different then; some for games, others for PC and laptop software, and cars too.
I really hope my dream come true so that I work in such an amazing company.

I looked at my watch and checked the time...
It was exactly 7 A.M.; thank God I got early to reach here on time as my interview is at 7:30 A.M. and I really hate being late.

I entered the company and asked her for the interview and told her my name. She told me to wait 20 minutes as the CEO came late today because his car broke down and he's changing to wear something neat and more suitable.

"Miss Kindil, mr. Amory is waiting for you in his office."

"Take a seat, miss... Wist!"

"Thank you, sir." I lift my head from the ground as I got seated to be greeted by the same guy of the metro!!!

"Welcome at Amory SOF Co., miss Wist. I am Andre William Amory."

"It's nice... to meet you, sir."

"It's also my pleasure to meet you too, how are you doing today?"

"I am doing fine and yourself?"

"Marvelous! Sorry we kept you waiting for long."

"No worries, I kind of got the chance to meet some good people while waiting." I said remembering the girl I met, Catherine.

"Look! I just... I'm not this formal so, let's skip all this and I'd like you to introduce yourself."

"Okay! I'm Wist Kindil, 23 years old. I got the bachelor degree in computer sciences last year and after graduating, I worked at Microsoft for a year and now I'd like to work at your company. I got a review of my work that year at Microsoft for you to check.
My final university project was developing different mobile and web applications and I helped my university professor in creating his device to measure blood glucose without pinching your finger to ooze blood for Glucometer."

"Why did you leave your first job after only one year?"

"I left it because it was in Egypt and I've come here in America since last month as my sister got married."

"So, you'll work here for a few months then, you'll go too leaving us needing an alternative...
Did I get it right?"

"No, I'm not planning to do so in these years... I decided to stay here for a while."

"Where do you see yourself in 2 years?"

"Well I'm really excited by this position at Amory SOF Co. because in two years, I'd like to be seen as someone with deep expertise in the energy sector, and I know that's something that I'll have an opportunity to do here. I'm also really excited to take on more managerial responsibilities in the next few years and potentially even take the lead on some projects. I've been lucky enough to work with some amazing managers, and so developing into a great manager myself is something I'm really excited about."

"Very excellent answer...
So you just followed all the advices to avoid saying anything like
(not in this job), (in your job), (at a bigger better opportunity elsewhere)
It's convincing for any manager to hire you but, the problem is it isn't something to tempt me...
As you see... I came today to this branch which I don't lead or supervise, I work in the programming branch... My dad got sick that's why I came today!
Unlucky you, I like something coming from the heart explaining your personality, your ambitions, your dreams, your future planning... and this includes your ability to say that you'll even be the manager or the CEO of the company; I truly don't care about that but, I like to see my employees in a different light and you want to be on my team so...?!"

"Okay then, I'll make it more personal!
Since I was young, I loved creating a lot... I play guitar, compose symphonies, sing whenever I live a new experience or feel new things... but when I am behind my screen, I feel so free to create a lot especially to lessen others pain like this glucometer without pinching as all diabetic patients check for their blood glucose a lot in a single day and I know how much it hurts as I have Diabetes mellitus and I grow more and more sick of its hurting.
Programming is very inconstant; you have to see the big picture, understand what the customer needs, how people behave and how business, technology and the world work. At the same time, you need to be extremely precise, as one semicolon may destroy everything.

I also became a fan of your company and I had a new idea for you as your computer sale decline...
I decided to work for you and propose my thoughts maybe you'll like it.
Frankly, this is all I thought of."

"I am really attracted and interested to know your idea! Maybe after I tell you that you got accepted, you can tell me about it... okay?"

"Sure! I'd be my honour, sir."

The interview went well I guess and as we said our goodbyes and I got up to go on my way, I heard him say...

"I'm sure you'll be the one recruited as you acted in a professional manner even when you knew me on the subway, you seem very ambitious, you also seem to love working without thinking of the paycheck, and I'd be more than happy to work with someone like you. You seem to have. A great future ahead."

He said it with a smile I won't forget because it held so much meaning that I couldn't get...
What is your story mr. Andre William Amory?
Why are you this kind to me?!

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