Chapter 36: Please, live for ME!

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One week later
It's been a week now and she didn't wake up...
She stayed in extensive care for 4 days and doctors never permitted any visit to her...
he said she had few stitches in her head, her arms and legs were fractured due to the hitting and she had internal hemorrhage... but, he said she should have woken up two days ago...
She never did...
she was lying like a lifeless body in the bed!
Her innocent face was still healing after all this slapping these stupid guys did... I don't know when she wakes up how am I supposed to tell her what I learned about...
How is she ever going to get that???

This was the first day the doctor told me I could come in... I came to watch her each day from the glass outside the room, only to see her...
The doctor said that sometimes when the patient loses consciousness, she chooses to evade the reality by not walking up until she finds a reasonable incentive she still has in her life...
She searches for safety, love, family, studies, any dream that makes her happy...
Sometimes you should speak to her... she will surely hear you and you have to make her realize you have got her back... you're with her... and that without her is a mess...

I didn't believe him at first ... I mean how can a person be sleeping and I would talk and he'd be hearing me? But I lost hope, two days and if also today then, also the third...what to do?
" Hey there,
It has been a week, me looking at you without seeing your laugh, caring smile, even your scowl...
Yeah! I stayed in Egypt ... I don't know how much... more than a month, I guess ... was it two? It's not the point...
I watched you each day... in each place you went to ...
I saw you at the club boxing and let me tell you I was impressed by this amazing cute, small, pure and innocent girl playing that good...
I saw you each time you were out with Ryan... each time you laughed or made him laugh...
To be honest, I was green-eyed as jealous or you know... to be more specific overjealous! I felt he made you happy... I wanted to be that one ... You told him about the orphanage and that made even more envious because I didn't know about it...
But you managed to capture my heart even more...

The gleam in your eyes while playing with the kids... the kind-heartedness I saw in you with the poor... and let me tell you too between me and you, the smell of the food was mouthwatering... I fell deeply in love with you... I'm crazy in love with you, you just don't get it... I am your mr. unknown identity... I am, Vicky ... I am, my intellia !
You thought when I came to Egypt I wanted to play you... you know... each day in the month before the ball, I was like totally crazy; I waited for any message, any advice, any joke, anything... I needed to talk to you, I felt your impact on my life... I just got sure I was in love with you and what did I do?... you won't believe, trust me ... I bought you a ring, I wanted to propose... I truly wanted... but... I was a coward, I feared commitment... I didn't want to be dependent on you... but... my heart did the opposite... each day, I became more and more attached... I never wanted but your happiness... I saw you getting engaged in front of my eyes while you never noticed me...but I had hope
Before our flight I lost it, I had to Quit tracking you! I had to let you go because, I love you.

After that... I heard from Ryan you were hospitalized... I felt guilty as I didn't take care of you... you are the strongest person I've ever seen in my life... Come on! I need you ... How long am I going to look at you without seeing those beautiful blue wild eyes!
You're so important to me... your family... your friends... to your future patients...and... to the children in the orphanage... you're their only hope!

I thought I would never fall in love... due to my Past... But you were there with me to prove me wrong... to help me find myself... you made me want to know I read something once about true love that said:

" We're all a little weird. And life is a little weird. And when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall into mutual satisfying weirdness and call it love " true love" ."

   -Robert Fulghum
I just need to tell you that I will always love you, my weirdo!"
Just wake up now!"

I didn't realize that I fell asleep until I woke up on the sound of peeping...
What does that mean? I called for the doctor...
"Hang on, Intellia !
Please, don't leave me!
Please live for me!"

The doctor began to do heart massage!
The time stopped, it seemed as if it wasn't moving... each second mattered... each moment shared meant a life... I remembered each time I laughed reading her message! ... I remembered the ball... the time we met, how beautiful she looked with that dress...
Powerlessness kills you slowly and in the worst way you could ever imagine... You see all your beloved people slipping away and you're standing there impotently and unable to save them, unable to tell them for the last time you're sorry... or you love them... or you regret each moment you wasted without sharing it with them

Dun dun...dun dun!

Intellia's P.O.V.

I heard a lot when I was sleeping... Was it me dreaming? It's been 2 month since Mr. X showed up in my life but, why do I dream about him now? Who was this Xander that said he's Mr. X? Don't tell me he's the superstar I've seen on the plane!
But wait a second... if I am really sleeping, why can't I open my eyes? Why do I feel major pain in my whole body that I can't move to sit up and get out of bed? And my head... uhhh!
Each moment began to be replayed in my brain again and again...
This can't be true!
What happened after I passed out?
Did I lose everything???
Death is better than living with this reality... this pain... this hurt!
Everything seemed to be odd... I am panicking now but, my brain began to realize a lot I was missing...
I was at the mansion for more security so, how did these men get in? Also they said they were doing what they had been told by heir boss... who was their boss? Did I know the person? What did I ever do to him or her?
Wait a second... was it Ryan? Seeing it that way made sense... he wanted me to travel with him to America saying it would better for my future... when these men entered, they didn't break any lock or even a window as if they had the keys... maybe he did another copy before giving me the 2 others... but why? Where is the fun he'll get out of that?

What have I ever do to him to deserve that?

I lost everything now, isn't it?
I lost my hope...
Losing hope is the worst death!
Losing hope is losing the real you!

This life isn't worth it, I really want her to let me go...
I really could not cope with these complexities of life, I am not strong enough...

"Hang on, Intellia !
Please, don't leave me!
Please live for me!" ... was the last thing I heard before there was silence ...

P.S. sorry guys! I'm late one day.
Because yesterday, I didn't have any internet connection !
Hope you'll love it.
Waiting to hear your thoughts😍

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