Chapter 50: A hunter awaits!

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Wist's P.O.V

At first I tried to keep a straight face but I couldn't help myself and I started laughing so much, however, the last thing he said startled me and I found him staring at me in a way I didn't get but I don't know why I felt it held a lot of admiration and respect...

To be honest, I was afraid I haven't seen him a lot and I don't him that much so why would he like me...

"I must be in a museum, because you truly are a work of art."

No, something is going wrong; this is too much...

I mean where are his limits? I don't feel it is a work relationship!

Does he think I'm a girl he could have fun with? Is he trying to see what I'll do to take a step to ask me something like that?

"I don't know why I don't feel that those last lines you said were jokes, mr. Amory!

I mean I didn't find them funny at all."

"Yeah! You're right... Maybe I just wasn't focusing

Those are pick-up lines...

I am sorry I didn't mean anything wrong."

"Okay, mr. Amory. I finished eating I'll go back to work so that we could finish the last file after that."


I'll finish this and I'll be back Wi... I mean miss Wist."

The atmosphere was weird after that as I didn't feel comfortable anymore and as I was leaving he said:

"Look Wist! I feel I pushed you away by my actions without even noticing...

I mean I wanted to be your friend and get to know you more but I guess I made you uncomfortable with this weird intimacy; it just... I wanted to thank you for helping me with my project and how you didn't turn me down when you got that I didn't have anyone to save me in that situation! Anyway I'm really sorry if I offended you in any way."

"To be honest, I got startled since the first moment I entered your office with you calling me with my name without any miss thing; I'm Egyptian and I guess it was written in my C.V.

So, I just don't have boy friends...

You know friends that are boys because it isn't something respectful to a girl in our culture. We accept boys as colleagues, co-worker, boss only with a total professional way and...

You don't have to say sorry because you don't know anything about that.

I would like to thank you so much for all what you taught me and I hope I wouldn't disappoint you, but we better keep our distance so that even your employees wouldn't start talking about us telling rumors that will hurt you and will lessen your company value and maybe cause you a lot of problems in your business which I wouldn't ever like."

"Okay, have a nice day miss Wist and I am really looking forward to seeing your work! You could go now to your office and meet your colleagues."

I got to my office and it turned out to be perfect and just like the way I want. It was a piece of art but as I never grow up even when I show the opposite being wise and all, I sat on my roller chair and checked that no one was coming or close by and began spinning around in circles quietly chuckling to myself and enjoying it so much.

"Well, well, well. What have we here?" I turned around to see a tall guy about 6' feet tall making me feel like a small girl; I'm only 5'2 feet and I found my boss 6'1 feet and now this guy, am I short or are people suddenly so tall? Anyways, he had light brown hair, fair skin, clear blue eyes, and he had the shape of a basketball player. When I heard his voice I was scared away as I made sure no one was close by but as soon as I turned and saw his facial expressions, I got he was just kidding.

"I am caught in the act, ain't I?"

"Yeah, totally caught red handed." Said the guy playfully.

"Sorry, wherever I go if I ever found it, I have to try even once to spin around in circles a few circles before being serious and starting to work and as this is my first time sitting in my office, I had to do it. The weird thing is that I checked that no one was close by but ended up being caught at last!"

"I'm not anyone here, I well aware of each breath any employee takes to tell it to Andre... I mean you know Mr. Amory. I'm his assistant!"

"I just came from his office as I had been working all day even my lunch break was only 30 minutes so, I was drained. I guess that one spin wouldn't hurt so, could you just not tell Mr. Amory about that?"

"Of course, I actually wanted to tell you something so that you be careful...

All the company sort of know about you, I really want to tell the reason but you better keep it between me and you. So, do you want to know why?"

"Why, weird guy I don't know his name?"

"When you came out of the interview, our boss was seen by different workers making googly eyes and following you with his eyes while you were walking out of there so, you became famous as the girl the boss like.

All the people working in this company were trying all day to catch a glimpse of you to know how much you're beautiful to make him fall for you so as an advice, watch out!"

"What?! Are you serious? Does your boss know anything about that? Doesn't he say anything about it? How could he just leave it like that with all those people assumptions?!"

"As you're angry and saying why and how like that, this all means one thing!"


"You know our boss previously certainly. Tell me how and trust me I won't tell anyone and I'll keep your secret.

"... so that's how we met. Weird, isn't it?

It's like the weirdest encounter anybody could ever think of!"

"So you're this famous girl my grandma met at the subway and decided to make her my wife!"

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