Chapter 43: Could a coincidence bring lovers?

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My life became trapped as a haze after all these events: finding out the truth of Prouker and Loncent's attention, the ball, and even Intellia's fast marriage with this famous superstar I never knew about. I felt this life took an unexpected turn of events not only for me but I'm sure it would also be for those who tried to hurt me as now I know I won't ever turn into a fool while I'm sure they will.
Now thinking of a way to make them pay, I looked from the window of the subway. Seeing all this blur from from the speed at which the underground was going, I watched each moment I spent with them till I was interrupted by a voice.
"Sorry! Could I have your seat miss!" A very old lady told me and she seemed really in pain. This all made me angry with myself that I didn't notice her and didn't try to help her before.
"Oh yes, of course! I'm really sorry that I was just thinking too deeply that I didn't see you there. Here you are!"
"Thank you honey! You seem like a very good girl or should I say lady."
"You're welcome ma'am, anybody would have done the same and thanks for the compliment!"
"No, they wouldn't! I came to ask you because you seemed like a kind person while everyone whenever they sit, they turn their faces and they pretend not hearing when you keep on pleading for a seat."
"I'm sure they would and I think that you shouldn't always think the worst of these people... maybe they really didn't hear; maybe she or he is deaf... or maybe they didn't want to be embarrassed by saying they're really sick and can't stand for this long because you know how much people love to bully those in need.
You know ma'am... if we kept on thinking the worst like that, we won't ever see the good and we'll hate life!
Unfortunately my problem is that I see the good that I sometimes become blinded to see the flaws of others that's why I always end up with my heart broken again so, to be more specific, you should see the goodness but with wisdom or moderately and you should keep your eyes open in this life cuz, once they're closed you'll lose it all!"
"Wow little sweet lady! you seem to have lived a lot and to be honest, you seem hurt and I'm sure it's not long ago; it seems really recent!"
"Yeah! It's that obvious, isn't it? I know it is; I'm just taking a time off from my life to surpass and not show any of these weaknesses anymore!"
"Yeah, weakness! Whenever you are sensitive, they call you weak and can't bear anything. They... unfortunately... use all your goodness, kindness, everything good against you to trick you and finally see and feel their strength, their power, and their value. They get stronger by breaking you."
"You know; you remind me of my grandson, Hunter! He's always talking about everything in this mysterious way and these symbols. Maybe one day, you could meet him... or maybe today. Look, darling! He's been looking for a wife or to be more specific I'm looking for a wife to be suitable for him as he always he won't ever find his special girl so, what to do?! But you...
You seem perfect for him like his perfect match... I'm sure you'll be his type and I also like you so, what else do I want? Hmmm... what do you think?! Do you agree to meet him?"
"What? No,no, no! I don't. I mean I'm really happy that you like me and all but I can't marry someone like that without knowing anything about him or at least how he acts, his traits, his life style... and a lot other than that!"
"Okay then, but you'll see him when I get to my destination... he'll be waiting for me but let me tell you he's so handsome and all the girls like him...
He's an engineer. Oh my baby boy! How am I proud of him?! He has blue eyes that are prominent and sparkling like the clear blue sky. I'm sure you'll like him when you see him as he will adore you. Wait a second, you haven't told what job you do!"
"I'm an engineer." I began feeling uncomfortable as her questions were a lot and so encroaching on my personal space...
I knew I really needed to leave that metro at the next station to avoid getting into trouble and maybe take a taxi to the interview!
"Sweetheart, I'm leaving the next station...
Wait! Are you also leaving? Wow! It's like all the coincidences are proving you're meant to be together...
I'm sure you'll love my handsome Hunter!"

So, just when I thought I fled...
Everything turned to be the worst!

We reached the station and I thought I really needed a miracle to get out of this without a FREAKING MARRIAGE!

"Love...!" A voice said from behind me and I surely told myself it isn't for me but I was surprised when he turned me to face him to see a guy I've never seen before.

He was a clean-cut and well-bred young man. You know one of those guys that causes billions of stomach butterflies to explode in a second, the one your heart races only by looking into his eyes that were with this shiny green shade. He seemed athletic and cute in a dashing way and he was... HEY! SNAP OUT OF IT!
Who is THIS GUY? What is he saying? What love?!

"I know I've hurt you so much and I'm truly sorry. You might have lost your confidence in me and I know I turned you down a lot. There were times were I disappointed you in the man you always thought would be the best and the most caring of all but...
Here I am trying to prove to you that I am right now! I talked to dad about our marriage just like I had promised you and now, I can't wait to start my new life with you, my only love." He completed leaving me in shock... SAY WHAT NOW?!

I saw him winking at me as if he was telling me to play along...

"Yeah! Of course, my love. Our life would be so much better after this... oh! I just can't wait!" He added while acting as if he was the happiest man in the world. Wow! What an actor? If I had been this woman, I would surely be thinking that we were truly together and soon to be married. I don't know I really felt I was happy with all this as if it was true?

"No, no! Young man, it seemed that you hurt this girl so much in the past and she's still silly and fragile... So, you just keep using that to make her get back to you while in fact you totally don't deserve her with her beautiful and peaceful soul! I'm sure my grandson, on the other hand, will take good care of her and will always love her unlike you... playboy."

Well, in fact, the lady had a point he truly gave me the vibes of a true player and his looks told he was rich like "incontestablement" riche! The weird thing was...

"But isn't everything with her consent right here? So, what do you think me or that grandson?" He said and I told myself he surely isn't asking me, right? But he added :"Darling?"

He was harsh to be honest but while saying the darling thing, my heart surely fluttered and I surely felt like I was dreaming... I heard him chuckling a bit and I surely couldn't help it so, I did too but I gushed over him and said: "You."
And then I looked at the lady and told her: "Sorry ma'am! It's only him for me!"
Needless to say, my cheeks heated so much after saying those words I never said to anyone in my life.

The lady left and I felt I got something off my chest...

"So, it's only me then!"

"What?! Are you kidding me? I thought you were a gentleman helping me out but now... Wait! Were you helping me out as a chance to talk to me, imbécile?"

"What is that French? Do you speak French?!"

"Yes, good for you to realize that!"

"I need you."

Hello new characters...
CEO story on the way!
Love you guys so much and thank you so much for the support.
I hope you are all well and surrounded by your beloved ones enjoying your time and I really hope each one of you finds his true love one day and be brave to stand by it without giving up!
Your friend forever Carmela

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