Chapter 57 - The Museum

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Dinner was eaten with minimal taking around the group, Bill still had too much to think about, while Rosalie was trying to figure out if she should try to talk to him about it, however before she could get the courage to talk to him, he had already finished his food and was in his tent without saying a word to anyone. Rosalie's family just sighed, they wanted to help but knew of they interfered it would just make the situation worse than it already was. On the other hand the curse breakers watched on in confusion, they had never seen Bill react in such a way about anything. It made them worry. They wanted to ask what had happened but they didn't want to appear invasive. Well Timothy didn't want to and as the leader the others had to listen to him, even of it was begrudgingly.

Eventually everyone followed Bills example and went off to bed. Fred had his arm wrapped around Rosalie's shoulders whispering to her gently that Bill just needed time to think and that she he didn't blame Rosalie for anything, so she didn't need to worry. Rosalie didn't know if she believed what Fred was saying, but she appreciated the effort nonetheless, no matter how futile it was.

Sleep didn't come to Rosalie for a while, her mind wouldn't rest, what Bill thought about her story mattered to her a great deal, he was like a brother to her in her past life, always there to protect and defend, she never understand why he did it, they very rarely spoke at first, her always running off with Ron and Hermione to do something stupid and reckless, like the stereotypical Gryffindors they were. But for some strange reason Bill was always there for her when she needed someone to talk to. However she did become a lot closer to him when he got with Fleur, who Rosalie had become close to during her fourth year, being champions really brought you closer.

That year everyone thought that the other champions didn't really like her, not until the end anyway, however that couldn't of been farther from the truth. It took a while for them to warm up to her, Cedric especially who was kind of bitter that Hufflepuff didn't get there moment of glory, and that once again it was outshone by Gryffindor. At first Cedric generally believed that she wanted to be a champion, that however changed quickly. Fleur was the first of the champions to realise that she really didn't want to be there. As the two female champions they bonded quickly over the fact that no one really thought that they could win just because of the fact that they were girls. It was because of this that Fleur realised that Rosalie didn't want to be there. Whenever that they talked about the tasks Fleur could see the misery on Rosalie's face, it was then that Fleur realised that this was a child. No one seemed to realise that Rosalie was only fourteen and as soon as she remembered this Fleur was immediately horrified with her behavior and apologized profusely. After that moment Rosalie and Fleur were extremely close and helped each other with the rest of the tasks.

When all four champions were forced to spend time together by there headteachers, who decided they should show the rest of the schools that they were supposed to trying to foster connections and friendly competition between the schools, Cedric yelled at Rosalie about how unfair it was that she was there as well and that just because she was the girl who lived didn't mean she could get away with everything. While Rosalie just stood and took it, believing that she deserved it, Fleur got angrier by every harsh word. However when Cedric went on to say how selfish she was Fleur had had enough and began to rip into him. That day Rosalie had learned what true friendship was as Fleur defended her. It was the first time had ever done so and it made her feel so happy. Cedric on the hand was slack jawed and uncomfortable as Fleur told him all the ways he was wrong, finishing off with the fact that she was a child who was just trying to survive. Hearing this Cedric went a little numb. People seemed to always have an opinion on Rosalie Potter, and for the last four years since she had been at Hogwarts was usually blamed for whatever had gone wrong. This year she was blamed for tricking the goblet which most of the adults in the school wouldn't be able to do. Cedric thought he was a good person and normally lay the blame all on Rosalie. Unfortunately he had also done the same as everyone else had. He had accused her of doing it herself, never taking into consideration that she was 14 years old and by the look on her face she really didn't want to be there. Cedric felt a bit sick thinking about it and immediately felt bad, promising to never do it again, although Rosalie forgave it took a while for her to really mean it and didn't stop feeling bitter about it until the last task, which lead to Cedric's death.

Rosalie Potter does it all over againTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon