Chapter 27 - Flying lesson

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The next week went much like the last week, and Draco could see that Rosalie was no longer worrying over anything, and he was relived when she started eating normally at dinner on Saturday. She laughed and joined in the conversation with the rest of Slytherins later that Saturday while everyone was in the common room, even though some of the Slytherins were still wary of Rosalie as they thought that she was a light wizard and wouldn't understand them, so they were reluctant to get closer to her.

Draco and Rosalie were really excited, flying lessons would be on Thursday with the Gryffindors and some of the Hufflepuffs so they could even out the numbers, seeing as there were more Hufflepuffs than other house and there were quite a lot of Ravenclaws. They grinned at each other extremely happy to finally having what they were waiting for all year, the other Slytherin girls groaned not wanting to go flying, all of them preferring to stay on the ground, but the other boys looked just as excited as Draco. The week went quickly and soon enough it was Thursday, and although they were excited they were respectable Purebloods and would never disgrace themselves by showing to much emotion or running anywhere. When they arrived the Hufflepuffs were already there and as soon as Rosalie saw Susan, Hannah and Neville Rosalie grinned and run up to hug them in greeting, the other Hufflepuff looked at them like they were aliens clearly not expecting a Slytherin to ever hug a Hufflepuff, there was only one other Hufflepuff with them which was Justin Finch-Fletchley who Rosalie didn't really get to know. him in his past life, but he was nice enough when she did talk to him.

Rosalie had decided a while back that she wasn't going to do any fancy moves when they practiced flying, and it wasn't as if Draco was going to steal Neville's remembrall this time. Madam Hooch finally arrived and the Gryffindors not long after. It was just like before, we stood in front of the brooms and waited for madam Hooch's instructions. While madam Hooch was talking so were the Gryffindors. Rosalie saw Dean and Seamus whispering to each other while trying to ignore Ron who kept interrupting there conversation. She heard her name get mentioned repeatedly and it was starting to irritate her, when all three of the boys looked at me they all turned there heads away quickly obviously not expecting Rosalie to be watching them. Ron's ears had turned red and Seamus and Dean both looked embarrassed. Rosalie sighed annoyed at being the center of gossip once again.

When Rosalie decided to go back to listening to Madam Hooch it was when she was telling everyone to say up. Like last time Rosalie and Draco did it straight away with a few others doing it as well but a lot of them were just floating in the air, rolling around the floor like Hermione, or like Neville were completely still. Looking up Rosalie stared straight into the furious gaze of Hermione Granger, Rosalie could see the jealousy in her eyes and it made her amused. Annoyed when Rosalie didn't do anything but smirk at her Hermione turned away and concentrated back on the broom that was still rolling around on the floor.

Finally everyone had their brooms in their hands and were mounting them. Just like last time Neville got nervous and lost control of the broom, which sky rocketed and zig zagged around the sky like a deflating ballon, and just like last time he broke his wrist and dropped his remembrall. However this time Draco didn't pick it up, Ron did. Ron burst laughing, "what a bloody idiot, he can't even ride a broom properly". All the Slytherins and Hufflepuffs glared at him in fury. "How dare you, you stupid ginger moron, give me Neville's remembrall. Now!" Rosalie shouted furiously. Ron just snorted in amusement, "yeah and what are you gonna do, you dirty Slytherin" he said laughing, "if you want it that bad come and get it" he yelled flying into the air on his broom. Rosalie rolled her eyes and grabbed a broom, until she heard a "wait" being shrieked at her by Hermione. "You can't, you'll get us all in trouble" she huffed in outrage when Rosalie ignored her and flew up to meet Ron.

He looked shocked and annoyed that Rosalie was able to fly so well. "Fine you can have it, if it doesn't break" he snapped throwing the ball into the air. She watched slowly as it descended before quickly shooting after it and quickly grabbing it. When she landed everyone who wasn't a Gryffindor, except Fay, was cheering. That all died down when they a sharp voice yell out "miss Potter", Rosalie's head snapped toward the voice, which was professor Snape. She sighed in despair as he told her to follow him. Rosalie followed quickly trying to keep up with his long strides. They quickly arrived at professor Flitwicks classroom and Snape asked to talk to Flint. Rosalie furrowed her eye brows confused trying to remember anyone who had the surname Flint. When he walked out it hit her, Marcus Flint, the Slytherin quidditch team captain, but she didn't understand because Snape didn't seem like the type of person to give her a position after she broke the school rules, but she'll just have to see.

When they made it to Snape's office Rosalie was panting harshly, with her hands on her knees not caring what she looked like to the two men in front of her. When she straightened herself out she looked up to see both of them giving her an incredulous look, her face began burning in embarrassment. "Uh sorry about that" she smiled at them sheepishly. Snape just ignored her and swooshed into his office with Rosalie and Flint following behind him. He waved his hand telling both of his students to take a seat. The chairs in Snape's office were hard and uncomfortable, they were wooden and plain, which didn't really go with the decor in Snape's office. It was mostly black and Slytherin green such as; the curtains were green, there were two armchairs in the background that were black, the walls looked like black stone and so was his chair. However his desk was a dark brown, as well as a bookshelf that was from the ground to the ceiling and filled a whole wall. There was so many books that looked fascinating and Rosalie just wanted to go over there and see what books he had.

"Flint I would like you to meet your new seeker" Snape interrupted her train of thought, Marcus looked surprised but hid it well, the only reason Rosalie could see it was because during the war she learned to read people so she wouldn't be killed. Flint nodded slowly "what should I tell Higgs sir", Rosalie's eyes widened in horror, she hadn't realized until now that she would be taking someone else's position on the team, she was about to refuse Snape's offer but the dark look he was giving her made her hold her tongue. "You will just have to tell him we could always use reserves" he said bluntly, "now I want you to tell her the rules...", "uh sir I already know how to play, me and Draco played when I visited him during the summer" Rosalie interrupted. Snape raised his eyebrow "you went to Malfoy Manor" he asked clearly not believing her. "Uh yeah it turns my mother was Narcissa Malfoy's younger sister before she was kidnapped and taken to a muggle orphanage". The shock on both Snape's and Flint's faces were highly amusing and Rosalie struggled to hold in her laughs.

"Y-you're part Black" Flint spluttered. "That's impossible" Snape sneered, Rosalie just stared at him "if you don't believe me you can always ask Draco" she answered calmly, their conversation was interrupted by a low growling sound. Rosalie's face turned a dark shade of red, "sorry sir, but I'm really hungry", Snape just nodded and told her she could go. He said that she could get all the information about practice in the common room, he also mentioned to remember to keep this a secret so know one knew about there secret weapon until the last minute. The dark look on his face when he said it made Rosalie shiver and quickly walk out of his office so she could go and have dinner.

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