Chapter 28 - Fourth year explained

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After Rosalie's talk with Snape, she quickly had something to eat then, ran straight to Draco to tell him the news, she found him in the infirmary visiting Neville with Susan, Hannah, the other first year Slytherins and Fay. As soon as she got into the infirmary she ran up to Neville's bed and wrapped her arms around him tightly, "are you alright?" she said whilst crushing him in her hug. When her arms unwrapped from around Neville she saw his face was bright red but he had a soft smile on his face. "I'm fine Rosalie there's no reason to worry", Rosalie frowned not really believing him but nodded hesitantly never the less.

"Ok now that that's settled I have some big news, but it doesn't leave this room" she rushed out excitedly. Seeing how excited she was all of Rosalie's friends nodded quickly wanting to know the news. Smiling breathlessly she blurted out "I'm the new seeker for the Slytherin Quidditch team". All of her friends stared at her for a few minutes in astonishment before grins spread all over their faces and as one, except Neville who was still in bed, they  crushed Rosalie in their arms.

The following days were hectic and tiring for Rosalie who had to do her homework and go to Quidditch practice, Marcus was a lot stricter than Oliver ever was as he wanted to win again and finally beat Gryffindor. Terrence Higgs was giving her odd looks, but she couldn't tell what he was thinking, which was troubling for her. Finally it was Saturday and Rosalie was planning on meeting the twins and Voldemort in the room of requirement to tell the rest of her story.

She quickly had breakfast with her friends and rushed to the seventh floor knowing that the twins had already left. She called for one of her house elves so he could get her some snacks and drinks like last time. When she arrived in the seventh floor she saw the twins standing out side the door waiting for her. Her smiled brightened when she them because although they did irritate her sometimes they were like family to her in her past life and she wanted it to happen again in this life too. When they saw her they grinned and bowed, Rosalie rolled her eyes at their antics but she wore a soft smile on her face. Soon after they were finished getting the snacks ready Voldemort walked into the room and they all sat down. "OK" Rosalie started, "this year was the start of everything getting worse for me, it was such an awful year and i sometimes sill have nightmares about it" she said honestly.

"I thought the year might be okay from the way it started, Sirius had signed my permission form so I was allowed to go to Hogsmeade and I was invited to the Quidditch world cup with the Weasley family..." Rosalie than started to explain the match against Bulgaria and Ireland, telling them how Krum, who was the seeker for Bulgaria caught the snitch but Ireland still won because of the points they won from the chasers. But after that everything went to hell. She told them how Death Eaters flooded in and started torturing muggles and setting everything on fire and everyone fled from the area it was happening, Voldemort frowned at this not understanding why they would do this. She explained how her wand was the one who had cast the spell that put the death eater sign into the sky, but this was blamed on Winky the house elf as she was the one who was holding the wand.

Rosalie went on to explain how worried Mrs Weasley pretended to be worried about Rosalie and was very convincing, the Weasley twins looked furious at this, disgusted at how their family were behaving, however Rosalie believed that Bill, Charlie and Arthur were genuinely concerned about her which made the twins smile slightly. Rosalie went on to explain about the school year. How at the beginning of the year Dumbledore announced that quidditch was cancelled for the year and instead they were going to be hosting the tri-wizard tournament, both the twins and Voldemort looked interested at this but remained silent knowing that it was going t be explained in her story. Rosalie continued her story by telling them that Beauxbatons and Durmstrang were the other schools participating and that they arrived on Halloween and Dumbledore said that only people who were seventeen and over could participate, and how everyone under seventeen was severely disappointed. However at the time Rosalie was happy about it she didn't understand why anyone would want to risk their lives in a silly game. Rosalie sighed "but in the end it didn't matter because I was still chosen to be a champion with Cedric Diggory", she grinned explaining how furious the other two schools were that Hogwarts had two champions instead of one.

"Dumbledore didn't really do anything to stop me being in the tournament" Rosalie growled furiously. She went on to talk about how everyone ended up hating her, especially Ron, he called her an attention seeker, which made her angry and hate Ron too. "In the end though everyone loved me again because I was able to out fly a dragon" she sighed sounding exhausted. She explained that before she had to get the golden egg from the dragon she had an interview with Rita Skeeter, and it was the day that Rosalie began to loathe Rita. She told them how she got the egg with her amazing broom 'the fire bolt'.

Then when everything seemed to be looking up with the tournament she found out she had to go to a ball. When they found out everyone was really excited, except for Rosalie. She said in the end George asked her to go as a friend, and Rosalie was so relieved she hugged for like an hour straight. George blushed at this but looked happy that they were so close in Rosalie's past life. In the end Rosalie had a really good time at the ball, but the same couldn't be said for Ron who went with Parvati Patil and Hermione who went with Victor Krum and had a really good time at first, she ended up having a massive argument with Ron who was being a jealous prat and didn't have the guts to tell Hermione how he felt.

Rosalie explained how she finally found out what the screeching was with the help of Cedric, who wanted to pay her back for her information about the dragons. She told them that it was a mermaids song and that she used gillyweed to be able to stay under for an hour, which was given to her by Dobby. She explained that she took the words of the song too literally and that she saved both Ron who was her most important thing at the time and Fleur's, which was her sister Gabrielle, this made the twins grin and were about to tease Rosalie but they stopped when she told them that she got a higher mark for it. Rosalie was amused at the twins pouting faces for not being able to tease her.

Rosalie carried on the story explaining how she found outgrow she and Cedric was joint first, then Victor, and lat was Fleur. This meant that Cedric and Rosalie were going into the maze first, which was the next task. She explained how the maze was grown in the Quidditch field and she was really annoyed at the time but got over it as soon as the maze was gone. The maze was massive and had some extraordinarily dangerous creatures in the maze such as a sphinx which she had to figure out the answer to a riddle. There was also roots or something coming out of the maze walls and capturing them, one tried to get Cedric but Rosalie saved him. Rosalie sighed "this was just before me and Cedric found the cup and decided we would grab it together. However neither of us knew it was a portkey". Voldemort looked like he was contemplating what this could mean, but couldn't figure it out. "We ended up in a graveyard that was from one of my dreams, I only knew this because of the gravestone fir Tom Riddle" Voldemort stiffened at this, horror filled his bones and he growled furiously, Rosalie rolled her eyes "calm down you drama queen all I did was say his name", he glared at her but went silent wanting the rest of her story.

"We saw Voldemort in some weird baby version of himself in Pettigrew's arms and he was told to kill Cedric", Rosalie looked sad at this but wanting to finish the year quickly carried on. She explained how Voldemort needed the blood of the enemy forcefully taken, the bone of the father, unknowingly given and the flesh of the servant willingly sacrificed. She told them how her and Voldemort dueled after he called his death eaters and Rosalie escaped so she could warn Dumbledore and she brought Cedric's body back with her. She explained How she was taken to the office of Mad eye Moody who was the defense against the dark arts teacher that year and taught them about the unforgivables and scared Neville a lot.

It turned out that mad eye moody was really Barty Crouch jr, Voldemort looked interested when she said this knowing that he was one of hi most loyal followers. She explained that he was the one who made the cup a portkey and put her name in the goblet of fire, but he also helped with the tasks. In the end he was forced to get the dementors kiss after Dumbledore saved her. When she was in the hospital wing she was upset and in pain and wanted to be comforted by Sirius and Remus, but they were forced by Dumbledore to do a job for him. She never forgave Dumbledore after that and started to question his actions, especially after he sent her back home.

"Okay we'll carry on with this next week at the same time and the same place. Rosalie got up and made for the door but stopped when Voldemort called her name. She turned to look at him, "sit down Rosalie we need to have a chat" he ordered. She sighed but sat down. "Why are you telling me this story" he demanded. "I told you I want to join you", he frowned clearly not understanding her reasoning. "Why would you want that". Rosalie frowned as she thought about her answer, "because, even though I don't know why you started the war, your side is better than Dumbledores and it's not like I can just stay out of the war completely you people won't let me" she answered. Voldemort nodded thoughtfully and waved her away, Rosalie rolled her eyes but left the room to go and send a letter to Sirius and Remus.

Rosalie Potter does it all over againWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt