Chapter 9 - Planning and seeing Remus again

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Rosalie heard Amelia Bones tap her foot impatiently as they sat in front Thornspike for about 10 minutes while he stared at them not blinking. Finally he cleared his throat, "Sirius Black will having a trial on August 11th, however we need someone fair to question him and word them right, he will be under veritaserum but if they are worded wrong the truth may not be fully revealed. We were going to ask anyway and as your here it will be easier but Ms Bones we would like you to question him." Madam Bones looked at the goblin shocked, Rosalie guessed it was because she understand why Sirius was even getting an trial. "I will do it, however I am positive he will go back to Azkaban" she said looking uncomfortable, "thank you, now Rosalie is there any one you would like to be at the trial with you?" he asked "Remus Lupin" she answered immediately not needing to think about it. "Ok I will contact him now so you can meet with him now and ask him to come in person". Rosalie beamed at him and thanked him brightly.

30 minutes later Remus was stepping into Thornspike's office looking confused. "Hello sir how can I help you" he said the goblin. "Miss Potter would like to ask you something" he said in his gruff voice pointing his finger at me. Remus's head shot towards, his eyes widened and unshed tears filled his eyes. "Rosie" he whispered quietly like it was all a dream, Rosalie jumped up and lunged for him wrapping her arms around his waist and burying her head in his chest. After getting over his shock Remus wrapped his arms around her as we'll whilst tears spilled over his cheeks. Remus sat down and cradled her in his chest not able to let her even when they calmed down. Clearing his throat Remus asked Rosalie what she needed to see him for. She lifted her head from his chest and met his eyes, "I got a trial for Sirius" she said quietly, Remus stiffened and croaked "why?" Rosalie answered in a quiet voice "because I truly believe he is innocent". She looked at him pleadingly, begging him to understand with her eyes. "Why are you telling me?" He asked feeling defeated, "because if he is innocent he will want to see you and I know you miss him deep down". Remus sighed and Rosalie grinned knowing she had won, "yes I will come" he said looking at her fondly. Rosalie turned to Thornspike "is there anything else you needed?" She asked, "no, the trial will be at 9 am be there early so you get in, now you may leave". After thanking him all four left Gringotts, "I think we should all go to my house" Rosalie declared suddenly. Susan perked up and looked at her aunt pleadingly "can we" she begged. "Yes ok" Amelia sighed exasperated. Remus gave Amelia an amused grin which she rolled her eyes at but the corner if her mouth twitched slightly. "Great grab on to the hand bag" she exclaimed excitedly, they did so and she said the password, happily being whisked away.

With a grunt everyone landed, Susan and Rosalie in there butts and Remus and Amelia unsteadily on there feet. Rosalie got up grinning and opened the gate. They got to the door quickly and it was opened by Missy. Remus smiled at the house elf and Missy squeaked happily when she spotted him "master Remus it is so good to be seeing you again" Remus smiled wolfishly at her "you too Missy", "alright let's all go to the living room and have lunch". They all followed her happily, and sat down on the couches in the living room, they waited patiently as Loopy brought them lunch. They ate quietly for a few minutes before Remus, who was uncomfortable, broke the silence, "so Rosie where have you been living all this time and why are you now living alone?" he asked curiously. "Well I was living with my aunt and uncle until I got my Hogwarts letter, I couldn't live there anymore" "why not" Remus asked, Rosalie bit her lip thinking over how much she should tell him, she decided to tell him parts of it, she trusted him whole heartedly but there were some things in her past that she wished to forget completely and talking about it wouldn't help. "My relatives hated magic with a passion and so hated me, my uncle decided that he would try to beat it out of me." Rosalie heard shocked gasps but carried on knowing that she would end up not telling them any more if she stopped. "It wasn't so bad at first he didn't hit me or anything just made me sleep in a cupboard under the stairs, made me do all the chores and only fed me the left overs, that was until I was six, my accidental magic got more noticeable and my uncle wasn't happy he started beating me, just small stuff like slapping me, but as I grew older it got stronger and he started breaking my bones whipping me and beating me with a baseball bat, but now I'm away from them now and I'm never going back" she said defiantly but as she finished her explanation she had tears streaming down her face and so was everyone else, Remus got up and wrapped her in a tight hug and he didn't look like he was going to let go, Rosalie didn't struggle and snuggled closer to him. She could hear quietly growling and muttering to himself "gonna kill them, how dare they hurt my cub, they will regret ever laying a finger on Rosalie Potter". Susan broke the silence "how are you still same with all that happened to you" she whispered seriously, but Rosalie burst out laughing, "I wouldn't say I'm sane but no one really is, besides if everyone was sane life would be boring." Susan laughed with Rosalie breaking the tense atmosphere. Remus still didn't loosen his grip though.

After about an two hours Susan and Amelia left but Remus stayed for a bit longer. Rosalie finally got the courage to ask Remus what she had wanted to ask him the moment she saw him. "Remus I was wondering if you would like to stay here?" she asked nervously, Remus looked at her confused "I'm for how long?" he asked, she bit her lip and gathered her courage "for good" she said determined. Remus looked surprised but he grinned "I would love to live here" he said gently, Rosalie grinned and launched herself at him wrapping her arms around his neck. He chuckled amused at her behaviour. At 8pm they ate dinner brought by Loopy and got to know each other. After that they went to the library to read until 9pm when that went to bed. Rosalie went to bed feeling happier than she ever thought she could be. She was out like a light as soon as her head hit the pillow.

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