Chapter 33 - Sick

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Monday morning came bright and early for Rosalie, at five o'clock in the morning she was out side with the freezing winds smacking her repeatedly in the face. She did not appreciate being out here at this time, however she made a commitment and she planned to stick to it. It was quidditch practice, at first everyone on the team glared at her and tried to make her feel unwelcome, it was even more uncomfortable seeing as she was the only female on the team. Other members of the team included Marcus Flint who was captain and a chaser, Adrien Pucey who was also a chaser, Miles Bletchley the keeper, Nicolas Kinsfolk who was another chaser, Thomas Crawley who was a beater and Peter Gage who was the other beater. They all hated her being on the team and the fact that she replaced Terence Higgs. However once they saw her play they quickly dropped the attitude and welcomed her happily.

Quidditch practice was difficult and extreme, Marcus made them fly around until they couldn't feel their faces, he let out bludgers, there were about ten of them, that were flying around the pitch in every direction. Every player got hit at least once. He made Rosalie catch the snitch at least 100 times and didn't stop until she caught it in under ten seconds, which she did repeatedly but he still made her catch it again. Him and the other chasers had to throw it in the hoops while the bludgers flyed around and the keeper had to keep the quaffles out of the hoops, but the time they were finished it was 7 o'clock and everyone was completely exhausted and covered in many bruises, Rosalie didn't think that she would ever get used to marcus's brutal training, he reminded her so much of Oliver, but he was alot more willing to hurt, whilst Oliver was not.

Rosalie sluggishly went through having a shower after practice and through all her lessons, her professors were concerned about and asked Snape to speak to her.

"Potter!" snapped a harsh voice, causing her to nearly jump out of her skin in surprise. Rosalie looked up blearily and noticed Snape striding towards her, she wimpered pathetically knowing that this was going to be a long conversation. She really could'nt be bothered to talk to anyone at the moment, her friends we're concerned about her too, but she was too tired to move her mouth, let alone speak to assure them that she was fine.

Snape stared at Rosalie in shock, she looked like she was about to collapse, he sighed tiredly. He gently placed his hands on Rosalies shoulders and led her to his office. Luckily Rosalie was already in the dungeons heading to her dorm room to go to do some homework that was due in tomorrow, however she felt like she was going to fall over. She didn't understand, quidditch practice had been like that for months it should be getting easier not harder.

Finally they arrived at Snapes office and as soon as he let go of her shoulders she crumbled to the floor and fell into unconsciousness. Snape stared at her in shocked horror as he leapt practically flew to his fire place to floo call Madam Pomfrey, the mediwitch. He quickly explained to her what happened and she came rushing through his fire place to see what was wrong. After waving her wand over Rosalie for a few seconds she sighed "i'm afraid miss Potter has wizards flu, which as you know is highly contagious to other wizard children, I am sorry to tell you this but she will have to stay here until she is better".

Snape stared at her in horror "What! Why! Can she not just stay in the hospital wing". Madam Pomfrey raised an eyebrow at him "you know that is not possible with how many people come in and out of the hospital wing everyday and as her head of house it falls to your hands to make sure she is fully looked after. Snape sighed but nodded in agreement. "Good. When she waked up give a pepper up potion and if she has a head ache a pain potion". Snape scowled at her "i know how this works madam I have done this before", madam Pomfrey nodded in response before leaving.

A few hours later Rosalie woke up with a jerk, her dreams of Dumbledore torturing her running through her mind. Rosalie sighed she still felt terrible, which could only mean she was sick. Being sick was the worse feeling in the world. Rosalie squeaked in surprise when she heard a small cough from the door way. She looked up and saw professer Snape standing in the doorway looking at her in amusement. Rosalies face flushed completely which made Snape smirk more. She quickly realised that she wasn't in her dorm, "Um sir what am I doing here" she asked confused. "You are sick miss Potter, and unfortunately for the both of us you are highly contagious to other children which means you will have to stay with me for a while" he said bluntly.

Rosalie internally groaned, what about her lessons she couldn't fall behind, she had promised herself that she would do better in school this time around whilst also having fun. "How long will I be here sir" she asked softly, causing Snape to remember she hadn't taking her potions yet. "Take a pepper up potion miss Potter and a pain potion, I will answer your questions when you do this and have some more energy than you do now". Rosalie did as he said and could feel her energy increasing, the potions made her feel so much better.

"Now you will be here until madam Pomfrey says that you can leave and not a moment sooner, when you feel better you will be doing class assignments that I will collect off your teachers" Rosalie sighed in relief at this happy she wouldn't fall behind. "At a later date in your illness, when you are able to stand with out feeling like you will collapse, you will do the potions that you would have been doing in class if you were not sick. If you have any questions feel free to ask, you will have to eat alone but the house elves will bring you food three times a day if you are ever not hungry just ask them to keep it warm for you until you are. If you ever need anything and I am not here call the house elf twinkle she will help you and if she can not she will get me, do you understand?". Rosalie nodded "yes sir I undrstand".

Snape nodded and walked into the front room of his rooms, the teachers quarters had a front room, a bathroom, an office and a bedroom, but the potions professor also had their own personal potions lab. Rosalie got up and followed Snape into the front room and sat down on a light brown armchair that was identical to the one Snape was sitting in. Rosalie curled up on the armchair and looked curiously around the room. It was in earthy tones like browns and forest greens. It wasn't what Rosalie thought it would look like. She thought on would either full of Slytherin green and silver, or completely black. But his rooms was quite nice and calming. Their was a huge bookshelf that was the size of the whole room it was filled with books on so many different subjects it made Rosalies head spin.

Rosalie walked over to the book shelves and saw that most were about potions, defence and there were even a few about the dark arts. Those books caught her intention immediately, some of these books included the darkest spells of all time, how to torture your enemies effectively and the most evil wizards ever and the spells they used. Snape stood abruptly when he noticed what books she was looking at. "Miss Potter those are not books you should be looking at" he said sharply. Rosalie sighed she needed to at least read about the dark arts so that when she was older she could be able to perform them better. It wasn't like Rosalie could get them in the holidays, Sirius and Remus would wonder what she was reading, it was extremely frustrating. Rosalie sighed and walked back over to the chair and flopped onto the seat with a huff. Snape followed by sitting on his seat calmly and continued reading his book.

Rosalie stared at Snape for a while until he looked at her in annoyance, "is there something you would like to say miss Potter" he demanded annoyed. "What was my mother like" she blurted out suddenly. It was something she had wanted to know for a while. Snape stared at her in shock "what!" he croaked out in shock. Rosalie flushed in embarrassment "its just, Sirius and Remus tell me about my dad all the time and what he got up to in school and how and Sirius even speaks about my grandparents on my dad's side and how great they were. But they don't really know that much about my mum. You were her best friend during her childhood and you knew her really well, and I want to know what she was like".

Snapes eyes softened slightly during her small speech. "Your mother was not like any other" he began softly. "She cared about everyone and thought everyone deserved a second but if you hurt someone she cared about it felt like she was even more scary than the dark Lord. We met before we went to Hogwarts and even though she was a gryffingor and I was a Slytherin we stayed close. Your mother liked to help others even when they didn't want it. She was the smartest witch in the school whilst she was here and because of it she became a prefect in her fifth and sixth years and in her seventh she became head girl. Your mother was very proud and if someone insulted her she went ballistic" he chuckled. "Me and your mother ended our friendship after I said something incredibly stupid" he sighed upset. Rosalie smiled gently "i'm sure if my mother was still here she would forgive you". Snape stared at her sadly "i don't know if she would" he said quietly.

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