Chapter 47 - Shopping in muggle London

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It was 3:30 when they arrived back at Potter Manor, and as soon as they gave there bags to the house elves to sort out they collapsed on the sofas in the informal living room in exhaustion. Sirius sighed in relief, "well I'm glad that's over" he said dramatically, as much as he loved shopping he had been out for way to long. Rosalie nodded with him before frowned "yeah, but I still have shopping to do in muggle London" she said thoughtfully. Everyone gave her horrified looks, most of them had never even been to the muggle world, except Remus, and sometimes Sirius, however that was very rare. "Okay but we're going to do that tomorrow, right now we're just going to sit and relax" Remus announced. Everyone nodded in agreement before they spoke about other topics, such as what subjects Draco and Rosalie wanted to do in their third year, which neither of them could answer because they had no idea what to pick, however Rosalie did know that she definitely wouldn't be taking divination again. That lesson was literal hell for her and she didn't want to go through all of her death predictions again. The only subject she was sure she wanted to take was ancient runes as it looked fascinating. Draco on the other hand had no idea what he wanted to do. He had never really been interested in anything other than potions.

Eventually it was time for dinner and they all fell into silence as they ate a delicious meal. When they finished Rosalie, Draco and Percy went into the main library to read quietly, along with Remus. While Fred and George went to there prank planning room to be creative and make new prank items. The other adults went back to the informal living room to have a chat. At around 8:30 the Malfoys decided to go home as they were planning to go to muggle London with Rosalie the next day as Draco wanted to learn more about them. For this reason they all thought it was a good idea to get an early night so they could get up early to go. So at around 9:00 they all went to bed.

At 8:00 o'clock the next morning everyone was up and sluggishly getting ready. Fred and George were still practically falling asleep on each other. This was mostly because they stayed up most of the night planning new pranks to play on the Hogwarts students when they go back, they were also planning what new items to start creating. Percy stayed up half the night reading, meaning he was walking like a zombie. The only person really awake was Rosalie and Remus, who were both laughing at Sirius as he stumbled to the dining table. They were dressed quickly as Rosalie left out muggle clothes for everyone to wear. All the boys were wearing jeans and a plain top. Except Remus who had his own muggle clothes, and Sirius had an added black leather jacket from when he was younger. It took everyone about an hour to finish eating breakfast but at 9:30 they were finally leaving the house after a lot of pushing from Rosalie who had finished about half an hour ago and was desperate to finally finish her Yule shopping and relax for the rest of her break from school.

After breakfast they left to go to the leaky cauldron to meet the Malfoy's. as soon as she saw them she Rosalie stared at them in horror. They didn't look bad, they were wearing what they usually wore. However that was the problem. They were going to draw to much attention to themselves if they wore that, and that was not ideal. Rosalie looked at Remus m, who had a similar look of horror on his face. He hastily pulled his wand out of its holster and transfigured there clothes into muggle clothes. To say that they did not react well would be an understatement. When she saw what she was wearing Narcissa screamed, which made anyone within hearing range turn to look at them. Lucius was turning slightly red in the face from complete fury, and even when Remus explained his reasoning he didn't lose the slight pink on his cheeks. Draco just thought that the clothes were uncomfortable and was very annoyed but he got over it quickly when they left and apparated to central London, making Draco forget all about his new clothes as his stomach rolled unpleasantly. When they arrived at central London they immediately searched for a shop called hatchards , a books store where Rosalie was planning to buy her last gift for Lucius, Blaise, Marcus, Vincent and Remus.

For Lucius she planning on getting him books on muggle politics. As he loved magical politics so much, she thought he might be interested in the muggle side of it. Rosalie found a book called 'London Youth, Religion, and Politics: Engagement and Activism from Brixton to Brick Lane by Daniel Nilsson DeHanas' that she immediately picked up for him. Blaise was interested in how muggles survived without magic so she had decided to get him a book called 'the world's greatest ideas by nick temple" to show him the different inventions muggles made.

Marcus was getting a book called 'the art of war by sun Tzu' a book on military strategy, as Marcus loved the idea of fighting for a purpose, and war was all about fighting for something you believe in like your country, or in Voldemort's case magical injustice, Rosalie thought Marcus would make a great soldier if he was fighting for the right reasons. Rosalie was planning on getting Vincent muggle novels, as he had so many magical novels that Rosalie was pretty certain that he had read all of them, Rosalie decided to get him some of the most famous muggle novels out there which were 'Frankenstein by Mary Shelley', 'Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte' and 'The wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame'.

Last but not least was the rest of Remus' presents. She was going to get him a book called 'the. History of England by David Hume' as she knew that was one of the few books on history that he didn't have. The next present for Remus was going to be in a shop called kingdom of sweets, where Rosalie was planning on buying a lot of chocolate for Remus, and a lot of things for herself as well. Everyone else was excited about going to this store. The twins practically ran in the store when they saw it. They had never had muggle sweets before and was very interested in trying some. In the end the left with so many bags nearly half the store had to be restocked.

It was 11 am when Rosalie had finished shopping so they decided to go back to Diagon alley to get something to eat, they would've eat in London, however Lucius looked like he was about to start hexing the muggles as another one nearly ran into him. After they ate it was about 12 and everyone was exhausted. It had been a busy couple of days and everyone was ready to go back to potter manor and relax for the rest of the day. Fred, George, Draco and Rosalie got out there brooms and went to the quidditch pitch as soon as they got back. Draco wanted to be chaser in his second year so he wanted to practice as much as possible before then. Which Rosalie thought was an excellent idea, seeing as Marcus wouldn't tolerate anyone on his team slacking off and being lazy.

Percy went to the library to catch on his reading, while the adults went to the informal living room to talk about adult things. The hours went by quickly and before everyone knew it, it was time for dinner, which like always was delicious.

At around 5pm the Malfoy's left and Percy and Remus went to the library to read. The twins went to there second bedroom to create prank items and Rosalie and Sirius decided to catch up for a while before everyone went to bed at 8pm.

Done! Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed it 😜😜😜

Rosalie Potter does it all over againOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara