Chapter 4 - Potter Manor

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Landing on soft grass as Rosalie  collapsed for the horrible ride the portkey gave me. Amazed she sat there gaping at the building in front of me. She couldn't breathe, it was the most beautiful thing that she had ever seen in her entire life and it was all hers. Behind a chuckle was heard. A small blush spread across her cheeks as she completely forgot Thornspike was there. Slowly she got up and dusted of her jeans and stared back at Potter Manor, the front gates were large and golden sparkling in the sunlight with a lion on each side of the gate staring at her with fierce eyes, making it seem like they were alive. Turning to the goblin she asked "what now?" "Now you need to put your finger in the lions mouth to connect the wards with your magic" he said emotionlessly. Nodding she slowly did what he said. After that was the gates flung open with force making her jump from shock. Past the gates led to fields with rows and rows of flower beds with all different kind of flowers from magical to muggle flowers all beautiful though. As they walked to the excitement settled in Rosalie's belly. Stopping they stood in front if a large oak door with a golden lion for a handle. Gently pushing the door open they stepped in, hearing a faint popping sound Rosalie looked down seeing a female house elf with a pillow case on with the potter crest embroidered on it. The house elf beamed at her in happiness, unshed tears in her eyes. "Oh miss Rosie, you is back, missy bes missing you very much" she squeaked out. 

Smiling adoringly at the excited house elf Rosalie said "it's lovely to see you, could yours please give me a tour of the manor", "yes if course, missy would be honoured". Quickly turning back to Thornspike and saying goodbyes, telling him she would speak to him again soon and thanking him for the portkey's she watched as he left, then turned back to missy only to see four more house elves behind her. "Missy thought yous be wanting to meet the other house elves in the Manor" she squeaked out nervously, but Rosalie only beamed at her "yes thank you Missy", one of the house elves stepped forward, it seemed to be male "I's be being Hobby and I's be cleaning the house" he said in a deep but squeaky voice. The house elf next to him stepped forward in the same type of voice as Hobby but a bit higher "I is being Blinky, and I's be also cleaning the house" he said. Another house elf stepped forward and said in a squeaky girly voice "I is being Loopy and I's be cooking for yous". The last house elf stepped forward and said in a girly squeaky voice "I is being Diddy and I's be doing errands for yous like getting the news paper or going shopping". Missy stepped forward again saying "I's be head if the potter elves miss Rosie" she squeaked. Smiling at them she said "it's a pleasure to meet you all, now missy can I please get that tour". Missy nodded excitingly before walking away, Rosalie followed her listening intently as she explained where everything was. Apparently there was 15 bedrooms with 9 having en suits, 6 toilets, 1 main library and 2 smaller library's, a study for The head of the Potter family and a study for the heir and a lot of other rooms that she had completely forgotten about already.

After a while the tour came to a close and Rosalie checked the time. It was 7:30 and she needed to be going back to diagon alley. "Thank you Missy, but I really must be going to diagon alley now to get my school things, I will be back tonight" Rosalie said. Missy beamed at her "okay miss Rosie, I will see you soon".  Rosalie grabbed the handbag which was a portkey and swished to diagon alley.

Rosalie Potter does it all over againWhere stories live. Discover now