Chapter 49 - 20th of December

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In two days it was going to be Yule and there was still so much to do. Today was a baking day. Everyone was excited for today, even the Malfoys who don't really do things like this they just make the house elves prepare everything for yule, however this year Rosalie wanted the whole family to prepare together, even though Lucius complained for about half an hour to Narcissa when he found out, he hated getting his hands dirty. Rosalie wrote out a list of all the things they would be baking. It was lucky they woke up at 8am and had breakfast because it was going to take a while to get everything done. They would be making ginger bread men, ginger bread houses, cookies, a chocolate yule log and a cake. It was going to take them all day. It was lucky they had such a big kitchen as otherwise they wouldn't be able to get everything done. The ginger bread house was going to be made by Draco and Rosalie with the help of Narcissa, The ginger bread men would be made by Fred and George with the help of Remus, Percy would be making the cookies with Sirius and Lucius would be sitting on a stall tasting all of the food because he couldn't be trusted in a kitchen. Well neither could Sirius but Percy was a control freak and wouldn't tolerate Sirius messing around. Which was lucky because someone had to try to minimize the damage Fred and George would cause, which was up to Remus. Narcissa got the easy job, she had to help Draco and Rosalie, although they were trouble makers they knew better than to annoy Narcissa more than she would tolerate.

For the ginger bread house the ingredients they would need were,

90g of clear honey

175g of soft dark brown sugar

60g of butter

350g of plain flour

1tsp of baking powder

1tsp of ground ginger

1tsp of ground minced spice

1 medium egg

500g of packet royal icing sugar

and a selection of sweets to decorate with

As Rosalie got all the ingredients with the help of the house elves, Narcissa got a pan to put the ingredients in. To make it was quite simple but both Rosalie and Draco got easily bored of making it, what they really wanted to do was decorate the house. Realising this, Narcissa ushered them to the long tables lining the wall and recommended they draw to pass the time. They decided they would both draw a magical creature. Rosalie chose a hippogriff and Draco chose a dragon. About an hour into their drawings the house was finally ready to be formed. With the icing Narcissa had made previously they put the house together. Around the edges they put Haribo's and skittles and for the door they used licorice and chocolate buttons. For the garden they used candy canes for trees and edible match sticks for the fence.

At the same time across the room Fred, George and Remus were making the ginger bread men.

For the ingredients they would need:

225g plain flour, plus extra for dusting

½ tsp salt

2 tsp bicarbonate of soda

1 heaped tsp ground ginger

½ tsp cinnamon

50g unsalted butter

100g soft brown sugar

100g golden syrup

While Remus made the ginger bread men, Fred and George were chucking flour a each other, currently there was flour covering both of them, Remus, Sirius, who joined in after seeing what they were doing and every wall in the kitchen, the house elves that were in the kitchen helping make everything were staring at the walls in horror. They were practically tearing up at the mess surrounding them. Eventually they had to stop because they ginger bread men were finally ready to be decorated. They used smarties for the buttons and the eyes and icing for any patterns that they did. Altogether there was 24 men made. All of them had different patterns and different coloured eyes and buttons because Remus was a control freak and had to have everything perfect.

Percy and Sirius were making the chocolate chip cookies. Well really Percy was making chocolate chip cookies, Sirius was either eating the food around him, passing Percy ingredients or other equipment he may need or he was chucking flour at Remus trying to get his attention as he made the Ginger bread men. Percy decided he would make as many cookies as were possible. In the end he made 52 cookies. It would have been more but Sirius kept eating them. Eventually Percy got so annoyed at him he shoved him over to where Lucius was doing paperwork, because Narcissa told him to and he was slightly terrified of his wife, not that he'd ever tell her that, because she would kill him.

Once all of that was done they left them to be eaten on the day of yule. The last thing they needed to make was the yule log however as there wasn't much decorating on this dessert, only Remus, Narcissa and Percy was going to make it. Rosalie, Draco, Fred and George was going to have a drawing competition to pass the time. They all had to draw Hogwarts. Rosalie's drawing was ok, but she wasn't the greatest artist. Fred's looked truly awful, it didn't even really look like a building. Draco's was better than Rosalie's but it was still pretty bad, but at least you could tell what it was supposed to be. George's however looked incredible, It was amazing and everyone was shocked, except Fred obviously, he always knew George was an amazing artist.

When all the baking was done it was 6 o'clock, the house elves hurriedly made dinner, when it was done it was 7:30 and everyone was starting to get tired. There dinner was eaten quickly by everyone and as soon as they were done they all went upstairs and fell face first in bed. The Malfoys decided to stay the night as they were exhausted, besides they had to be there tomorrow as they were going to start making the yule day dinner.

Sorry this took so long I've been working a lot this month 😭😭😭
Well here it is hope you enjoyed it, I'll try to update sooner but no promises 😜😜😜
Also I have a really bad memory so if I've mentioned something before and change it later on in the story I'm sorry and it's an accident

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