Chapter 60 - Azar

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Rosalie stared up at the dragon in shock as it descended to where she and her friends were standing. The others were paralysed in fear but as she watched it get lower and lower she felt a wave of calm wash over her. As the Chinese fireball landed the ground shook from the force, but miraculously Rosalie stayed on her feet, unlike the others who were all sprawled out on the ground. Rosalie would've laughed if the situation wasn't so serious.

"Stupid humans think they can have my eggs. I'll show you all" the dragon screeched angrily. When Rosalie noticed that the dragon was about to let loose another wave of flames she quickly jumped into action. Her friends tried to pull her back, however she rushed forward before they could grab her, raising her hands placatingly towards the dragon.

"Please, we mean you or your eggs no harm" she hissed gently, which made the dragon tilt her head to the side in confusion.

"You are a speaker?" she said bringing her head closer to Rosalie, who froze in fear, she was terrified she would do something to offend her and that thing would probably get her killed.

"Yes, I was not aware that parseltongue counted with dragons" she answered shakily.

The dragon snorted out smoke from its nostrils, "of course you can, parseltongue gives you the ability to communicate with all serpentine creatures, it is not limited to just snakes" she said in an affronted voice.

Rosalie laughed nervously, "yes that makes sense" she nodded, and it did but Rosalie had never really thought about it before. Mainly because everyone was so against it before and now it was because she wasn't really sure why she still had the gift. She had always been told it was because of the connection she had with Voldemort, but the goblins had gotten rid of the Horcrux so the Parseltongue should be gone as well. However there was no point worrying about it now.

While Rosalie thought this the dragon had laid on her stomach so that she was closer to her. She briefly looked at the four behind Rosalie, but lost interest quickly realising they were obviously not speakers as well and therefore unimportant. Her eyes flicked back to Rosalie, who stiffened in fear once again.

"You do not have to be nervous small human, I would never harm someone who could speak the noble tongue" she crooned in what Rosalie assumed was supposed to be a calming manner. She supposed it did help a little.

"I am sorry, I have just never spoken to a dragon before, it is quite intimidating" she said honestly.

The Dragon rumbled approvingly at that, seemingly pleased with Rosalies statement.

Feeling braver than before, Rosalie stepped forward slowly and held out her hand, it was only a couple of centimeters from the dragons head, but time seemed to slow as she hesitantly placed her hand on the dragons large head, who looked at her warily before realising that Rosalie was not threatening her. Rosalie gently stroked her hand up and down the dragons head in awe, she had never thought she would get a chance like this.

"What is it that they call you small human?" the dragon asked.

"I am Rosalie, what about you?" she returned.

The dragon tilted its head in thought before answering with, "we dragons do not have names as you do, we usually recognise each other through scent so there is no need for names, however the humans     call me Azar" she said nuzzling into Rosalies hand.

"That's lovely" she whispered.

The other four behind Rosalie stared at her in shock, it was one thing to know one of your closest friends could talk to snakes, it was another thing to actually see it though. And she wasn't even speaking to a dragon, t was a dragon.

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