Chapter 37 - Explaining to Draco

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Monday morning came bright and early, which made Rosalie groan, because even though the sun was out she knew it was going to be freezing. She dreaded going to lessons. Her whole body aches from being repeatedly hit by snow balls. First lessons was herbology so not only would she have to do planting early in the morning she would also have to be outside, and she knew as nice as Professor sprout was she was still going to make them work hard even if it was below 0 degrees.

Rosalie quickly got dressed so she could go down to breakfast with her friends, on the way down Rosalie stressed about what she was going to tell Draco, she had also decided she was going to tell Blaise, Theo and Daphne as well, this was because Theo was smart and was amazing at chess, Blaise because he loved flying and could help catch the key and also because he was level headed and wouldn't want to use the stone for himself, so if anything happened to Rosalie he could get the stone instead, daphne on the other hand was getting told as she was Rosalie's best friend. Out of all her friends Rosalie got on best with Daphne, she was extremely close with all her friends and especially the girls but they all tended to have a friend who they would do anything for and over the last couple of months Rosalie and Daphne have become that for each other. Draco's best friend was Blaise, Theo's best friend was surprisingly Neville, Pansy's best friend was Millicent, Susan and Hannah were best friend and obviously Vincent and Gregory were best friends. Fay and Tracy were best friends and Rosalie and Daphne were best friends. They got close because they had so much in common but also because they didn't.

Daphne was often cold and acted like she didn't care, whilst on the other hand Rosalie was always happy and only acted like a pure blood when it was absolutely necessary, where Daphne only stopped acting like a pure blood when she was around her family and closest friends. Daphne liked shoes and dresses, but not excessively so like lavender and Parvati used to, whereas Rosalie loved flying and wearing comfortable clothing. But they both loved books and reading, they both had the same dark sense of humour that would make someone as light as Arthur Weasley cringe and they both loved mocking people who annoyed them. They levelled each other out and all their differences just made them closer.

So Rosalie had decided because of that she was going to tell Draco, Blaise, Theo and Daphne that she had planned to join Voldemort, she knew they would understand as all of their parents were part of Voldemort's death eaters. She was planning on doing it tonight after dinner because the other Slytherins wouldn't be bothered by it, she hoped. She would tell the rest of her Slytherin friends eventually. Probably after Christmas break where she would tell them everything including about having a second chance at life. Her other friends on the other hand would be less understanding though, so she planned on getting the other Slytherins Opinions on when to tell them.

After breakfast Rosalie along with the other Slytherin first years and the Ravenclaw first years made their way to the green houses to start their herbology lesson.

The lessons that day seemed to take forever, but finally Rosalie and her friends came out of transfiguration at 3:30, dinner was at 7;00 so she had a while before she had to go down to the great hall, because of this her and her friends decided that they would go to the library to revise. When they got there the library was practically deserted as everyone had gone out to have some fun in the snow. Rosalie had gotten transfiguration and history of magic homework so she planned to do that to past the time.

By the time it was time for dinner, Rosalie had finished her homework and was having a conversation with Draco about the best flying techniques that they had seen their favourite professional quidditch team do. Dinner was a quiet affair, like it always was on the Slytherin table. Slytherin didn't like loud noise that could interrupt other people's conversations as they thought it was rude but also Slytherin was seen as the house with the most emotionless students, this was because if someone didn't know anything about you they couldn't exploit your weaknesses so the Slytherins kept to themselves.

After dinner they all went to their common rooms, Rosalie was slightly nervous, she didn't think they would react badly but she also knew they wouldn't be happy with her doing something so dangerous as speaking to the dark lord alone. When they got to the common room she quietly asked to talk to them in private. All four of them frowned at her but agreed. They went into the boys rooms and sat on the beds as Draco locked and silenced the door for some privacy. Rosalie was on Theo's bed, whilst Blaise and Draco was on Blaise's bed and Theo and Daphne was on Draco's bed. 

They all looked at Rosalie expectantly waiting for the reason she wanted to talk to them. Rosalie fidgeted with her hands before breathing in deeply. 

"The reason that I wanted to talk to you was because I need your help", Daphne was already nodding. "Of course sweetie we'll help with anything". Rosalie smiled gratefully but replied "you might want to find out what I'm going to ask before you say that" which made the others frown even more.

"Okay, what is it then" blaise said slowly. Rosalie sighed. "First I should probably explain something. A couple of months ago I talked to professor Quirrell because I looked at a map Sirius, Remus and may dad made and realised a man called Tom Riddle was always on top of him", Rosalie lied, this was the easiest way to explain the situation before she told them the truth. Rosalie looked at her friends and saw them all frowning, thinking over what she had said so far. They all thought the name sounded extremely familiar but they couldn't place where they had heard it before.

Rosalie carries on by saying "I went to talk to him and he told me the truth, Voldemort had possessed Quirrell and his face was attached to the back of his head" Rosalie stopped taking there as she noticed their faces. A looks of horror was on all of their faces.

"You spoke to the dark lord. Alone" Draco whispered but Rosalie still heard him and she nodded slowly, this made Draco start yelling. "HOW COULD YOU BE SO STUPID YOU COULD HAVE BEEN KILLED!" Rosalie knew this was likely to be their responses but there was a reason the hat put her in Gryffindor in her first life. "I KNOW THAT DRACO BUT IM FINE THERES NO NEED TO YELL!" Rosalie was never the most level headed person in the world and could blow up at any time.

"BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP!" Daphne suddenly yelled, which shocked Draco and Rosalie out of their argument. "Good now that your both quiet we should let Rosalie finish before we start yelling at her for being so stupid". Rosalie didn't know whether to be grateful for stopping the argument and letting her talk or insulted for calling her stupid.

"Ok, after he told I explained to him that I wasn't going to fight against him and that I was hoping to join him". Rosalie said this whilst playing with her hands. When she looked up at her friends their jaws were slack and they looked dazed. Blaise was the first to snap out of it. "You want to join the dark lord" he said slowly like he was sure he had heard right, but when Rosalie slowly nodded it was Daphne that answered. "Are you insane you can't just JOIN THE DARK LORD WHAT ARE YOU THINKING, HE'LL KILL YOU" when Daphne had started talking she was talking normally but halfway through she became hysterical and started screaming at Rosalie. It made everyone on the room scared because Daphne never lost her cool. She always kept a level head, so for her to start screaming meant that it was very bad.

Rosalie quickly walked over to her and grabbed her hands. "I'm fine, I know your worried but I have my reasons for joining Voldemort", Daphne stared at her for a moment. "What are those reasons" Rosalie closed her eyes for a moment wishing that she had not asked that question. "I can't tell you yet, it's not because I don't want to it's just that I need to explain it to some other people before I explain it to you". Draco was staring at her for a full minute before saying "you mean Remus and Sirius, you have to tell them first." Rosalie nodded at that.

"Ok, I trust you so I'll wait until you tell them to explain" Rosalie was so relieved when she heard this that she could've cried. "Thank you, but that's not the only reason I needed to talk to all of you" everyone looked confused at this but then she said something that completely stumped them. "I need your help to get the philosophers stone"....

I did it in a little over a week 😀 your gonna have to wait until next week for their reaction though cause I'm lazy and can't be bothered to write anymore on this chapter! Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed it 😜

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