Chapter 10 - Sirius's trial

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The days leading up to trial went by quickly, Remus and Rosalie it to know each other and Remus told Rosalie a bit about her parents. Finally it was the day of the trial and Rosalie was extremely nervous, she couldn't wait to see Sirius again but she knew he would be in terrible condition and she knew that there would be a lot of tears and she didn't particularly like crying from herself or from other people it got too awkward. It was 8am and they had to be there in a hour, Rosalie walked in to the living room to see Remus pacing looking just as nervous as she felt. At half past 8 Remus apparated them to the ministry. They quickly got to the court room and they walked seating themselves in the back row.

30 minutes later they were beginning the trial, Rosalie noticed Dumbledore in his seat and he did not look happy. However her attention drew to Sirius as he came in. Her breath caught in her throat, he looked terrible, he was so thin you could see his ribs through the shirt he was wearing. He had dark rings under his eyes and his cheeks were sunken. Tears filled her eyes as she looked at him. She looked at Remus and noticed he had tears in his eyes as well. She took his hand and squeezed it gently in comfort, he squeezed back just as gently. Auror's dragged Sirius to a chair and shoved him onto it, they then chained him up so he wouldn't try to run away. Rosalie looked at everyones faces and noticed they all expected this to end soon and for him to go back to Azkaban, she scowled they shouldn't just assume, there all idiots. The minister stood up looked around and spoke to the crowd "someone has asked us here today to have a trial for Sirius Black believing he his innocent if the charges of killing 12 muggles and 1 wizard, being a death eater and for betraying us. If he is innocent of all charges he will be freed and given a million galleons for every year he has been in Azkaban but if he is guilty of even one of these charges he will be thrown back into Azkaban, Madam Bones will be the one questioning him with veritaserum, so please give it to him" he spoke loudly, one of the Auror's put three drops on his young and the whole room watched fascinated as it went into effect. Madam Bones started her questioning by asking "what is your full name?", "Sirius Orion Black" "what is the name your entire family?" "Orion Black, Walburger Black and Regulus Black". "Where were you on the night the dark lord attacked the Potters" "I was at home drinking, but I felt something wrong in my godfather bond with Rosalie Potter so went to the Potters" "and what happened when you were there?" "the house was destroyed when I got there and I went inside to see if anyone was alive I realised that only Rosalie was" "and what happened after that?" "I picked up Rosalie and left but I saw Rebeus Hagrid outside he told me Professor Dumbledore told him to bring Rosalie to her mothers sisters house, I tried to argue but I remembered that I needed to go to find Peter Pettigrew, he was the secret Keeper of the Potters house because we thought it would be too obvious if I was and we didn't think that Peter would ever betray us, I went after him so I could kill him but it didn't work like that, he started screaming about why I betrayed the Potters and then blew up the street and got away" "but how did he get away" "me, James and Peter were all unregistered animagus, Peter was a rat and got out by the sewers" he answered in a distant voice. The whole courtroom was silent from the horror, Rosalie looked at Cornelius Fudge to see his reaction, he was pale and looked horrified as everyone realised they put an innocent man in Azkaban for 10 years. The minister cleared his throat and said "well we should vote, for Sirius Blacks innocence" everyone put there wands in the air, "Sirius Black is innocent of all charges and will be getting a million galleons for every year he was in Azkaban so that is 10 million galleons, and he will be getting his wand back, please unchain him Auror's and he will be fined a thousand galleons for being and unregistered animagus and will have to register, everyone else is dismissed."

The Auror's gave Sirius his wand back and led him into a room that was used for innocent people from Azkaban using when they got out so they could have something to eat and see there family, it had never been used before. Rosalie and Remus followed them and came in to see Sirius sitting down stuffing his face. His head shot up as he heard them walk in, his eyes widening as he saw who it was "Rosie, Remus" he croaked. "Sirius, I'm so sorry I didn't believe you, I should've believed you, I'm so stupid to not believe you" Remus's rambling was stopped by Sirius kissing him full on the lips. Rosalie stared wide eyed at them as they kissed, they broke apart blushing furiously as they remembered there company. However as soon as Rosalie got over her shock, they were still kissing at this point, she started grinning. When that looked at her she squealed like a fan girl and jumped up and down saying "you two are sooooo cute together". Both Remus and Sirius looked relived, Sirius engulfed her in a hug and for someone who was in Azkaban for 10 years he was really strong, they hugged each other tightly, about 10 minutes later they let go of each other and sat down.

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