Chapter 23 - Explaining her story

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Voldemort grinned evilly "well than child, tell me how we're going to that" he purred. "I will, but first I think you need to know about my original life" Rosalie replied. He nodded "ok let's hear it then", do Rosalie told him everything.

She started talking about her relatives, how they were evil, cruel and heartless, and how they beat her and locked her up, of all the horrible people on Privet Drive and how the abuse was so obvious and yet they did nothing to help her. She explained about the day she got her letter in her original life and how she changed it in this life.

After that she talked about her first year, about the troll, the Cerberus, the challenges she faced with Weasley and Granger, and how they realized it was Quirrell and not Snape who was working for Voldemort. Rosalie then explained just before her second year and how awful it felt not getting any letters from her friends. How all  she could feel was pain and spent many nights  crying herself to sleep. About meeting Dobby and wanting to kill him for stealing her letters and destroying her aunts cake and how much trouble she got in for it. she told him about Fred, George and Ron flying their dads car to her house and decided to bring her to the burrow. After that she went to diagon alley to get her school supplies and used floo for the first time. she told him about seeing Lucius and Draco Malfoy at flourish and blotts and that lucius slipped Voldemort's diary in between Ginny Weasley's books.

She spoke about how her and Ron had to fly a car to school because Dobby used his magic to not let anyone in anyone through the magical barrier. Voldemort listened attentively as Rosalie explained how much trouble she got in and how scared she was that she would get explained. She explained about Lockhart and what a terrible teacher he was and  how he created a dueling club which outed her as a parselmouth and how everyone went against her because of it. Voldemort looked furious that any one would treat someone that way because they could speak parseltounge, it was foolish to think that a language could make someone evil. She explained about Lockhart and how idiotic he was, Voldemort looked disgusted when she told him about Lockhart's lessons. Rosalie carried on her story telling Voldemort about how everyone was getting petrified and everyone in the school was terrified that it was going to happen to them. Voldemort looked confused s she said this tying to work out what creature could have that kind of power. Rosalie carried on her story on by telling Voldemort about nearly headless Nick's death day party and how all three of them were disgusted by the mouldy food. She told him about how they found out about the basilisk and how she regretted doing it. Suddenly Rosalie chocked up and started sobbing, Voldemort froze in fear not knowing how to handle people crying.

They were both so concerned about what they were doing they didn't hear two very mischievous laughs going inside the classroom that Rosalie and Voldemort were in.

"Well, well, well", "look what we have here" Fred and George said in their annoying twin speech. Rosalie and Voldemort both stared at the twins wide eyed, horrified that they got caught.

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