Chapter 7 - The Malfoys at Potter Manor

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Rosalie landed ungracefully on the grass in front of Potter Manor gates. She jumped up quickly and placed her finger in the lions mouth so it could pierce her skin and open the gates. She waited patiently as they flew open. Draco whistled appreciatively at the Manor clearly impressed. Rosalie grinned "c'mon, I'll get one of the house elves to show us around, I would do it but I forgot where everywhere is" she grinned sheepishly. The Malfoy's smiled at her in amusement, they walked up to the door with the Malfoy's admiring the incredible garden, the door opened and Missy stood on the other side beaming at them "miss Rosie I'm so glad yous is back", Rosalie smiled happily back. "Hi missy can show me and the Malfoy's around I would but I forgot how to get around" she said scratching her neck with an embarrassed blush on her cheeks. "Of course miss Rosie" missy squeaked, the Malfoy's and Rosalie followed Missy as she showed them around, the Malfoy's were awed at the magnificence of the Manor and Draco immediately fell in love with the library. That all decided to stay in there and read for a while.

About an hour after they arrived at the Manor Draco came out holding a big black book and stared at in confusion. "Hey Rosie, do you know what language this?" he asked hopefully. Rosalie looked up from the book she was reading and looked at the book in Draco's hand "it's English isn't it?"she said confused, "um no it's not" Draco replied, his parents nodded in agreement to what Draco said. "Can I see it?" she asked, "yeah sure" he handed her the book. Rosalie looked at the spine of the book and gasped, snakes were drawn in the side. She realised quickly what language the book was, "it's parseltounge" she said breathlessly, "and you know that how miss Potter", "um because I'm a parselmouth" she said nervously, wondering if they would react badly, but her worries were vanished as Draco grinned "cool can you speak it now", Rosalie grinned back "sure, what do you want me to say", Draco thought about it for a minute before saying "say Draco Malfoy is awesome" he grinned. Rosalie smirked before hissing "Draco Malfoy is annoying", they stared in amazement at her. "That was incredible" Lucius breathed out, Rosalie beamed at him.

Soon they were back to reading, Rosalie started reading the parseltounge book that Draco had. It was about Parselmagic and was very interesting, apparently spells done in parseltounge were more powerful than the ones done in English, that also could only be undone would be able to undo any of the spells she did in parseltounge was Voldemort and she planning on joining him any way. After a while Rosalie started to get hungry. "Do you wanna stay for dinner" she said breaking the silence. "We would love to" lucius said smiling at her, "great, Loopy" she called, the small house elf popped in and squeaked "would miss Rosie and her guests be liking dinner now", "yes that would be wonderful, thank you Loopy", "it will be ready in five minutes" she squeaked, and then she popped out. Five minutes she popped back in to say dinner was ready. They all walked calmly I the dining and sat down. Narcissa sat in front of Rosalie, with lucius next to Narcissa and Draco next to Rosalie. They ate quietly than went to the living room. They sat there for about two hours talking about everything and anything. Narcissa and Rosalie were talking about the Malfoy's next ball and now that Rosalie was officially apart the family she had to be there too. Lucius who was listening to there conversation chuckled to himself quietly at his wife who was demanding that Rosalie where a dress that matched Draco's dress robes. At 8:00 they went home saying that they would see her soon.

After they left Rosalie packed all the things she got from diagon alley and then went to see Hedwig. After a while she changed in to her pyjamas and got in to bed, excited about tomorrow's events.   

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