Chapter 31 - Halloween

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The week passed quickly with Rosalie spending time with her friends and playing pranks with the Weasley twins. Without Rosalie noticing October had arrived. It was bright and early on Friday morning that she realized that decorations were all over the school, and her mood instantly dropped. Halloweens were always hard on her, especially when she realized it was the day her parents died. In her past life she pretended she was okay for Ron and Hermione, not that they cared.

As Rosalie and her Slytherin friends walked down to breakfast, Draco noticed how Rosalie had began to fall behind everyone else, frowning in worry he started walking next to her. "What's the matter", Rosalie's head shot up in shock not realizing anyone was next to her, when she noticed it was Draco she forced a smile, "nothing's wrong Draco, I'm fine". Draco stared at her blankly for a while a then shook his head "you do not have to lie to me Rose, I can see somethings wrong". Rosalie sighed and looked over at Draco sadly, "today's the day Voldemort disappeared" she eventually replied. Draco frowned in confusion before it dawned on him what was wrong. He sighed "why don't you go back to the dorm and I'll bring you some food up" he said gently. Rosalie shook her head and replied "I can't miss lessons, I'll be fine Draco" she replied. They arrived quickly at and are quickly, but Draco noticed that Rosalie wasn't eating anything and just playing with her food.

They quickly left for potions, when they arrived Snape was already there and you could tell that he was more moody than usual. As soon as they entered the room he scowled at everyone and told them all sharply that they were all to sit there quietly and read the chapter on the forgetfulness potion. The class groaned but one look from Snape told them that he was not in the mood, Rosalie however was not in the mood to do any practical work and was happy to read the chapter for the entirety of the class.

However noise soon disrupted the class, and Rosalie began to grit her teeth angrily as she realized it was Weasley, who was calling out her name trying to annoy her. Rosalie had always had a short temper and when Weasley threw a stinging hex at her she was far from happy. She quickly snapped back at him to leave her alone before she hurt him, however Snape heard her and told both Rosalie and Weasley to stay after class to talk to him. Rosalie sighed in annoyance realizing she was about to get another detention and it was all Weasley's fault.

The lesson went by quickly and before they knew it the bell had rang. Draco gave her a concerned look but Rosalie just gave him a small smile and waved him off. Rosalie looked at Snape who was glaring at both her and Weasley. "What exactly were you doing" he snarled suddenly, making both Rosalie and Weasley jump. He glared icily at Weasley as he stuttered out "um well we were, well um I mean, we were just talking, because we're friends..." Rosalie snorted at that which made Snape turn his icy glare on to her which made her flinch in fear. "What exactly was that noise for miss Potter" he growled out. Rosalie gulped as he stared at her, bit she answered confidently as she replied "me and Weasley are not friends, the only reason I began talking to him was to tell him to leave me alone after he fired a stinging hex at me", Snape narrowed his eyes dangerously before sending Ron out telling him he had a detention tomorrow, which he grumbled angrily about as he walked out of the room.

Snape gave her a blank stare as he said "I do not believe you". Rosalie felt fury well inside of her. "What do you mean you don't believe me, how dare you" she snapped at him. Snape's eyes narrowed dangerously as he growled "do not take that tone with me", "well then don't call me a liar", Rosalie breathed out trying to calm down, before she finally started speaking again. "Look professor, i know you hate me, and though I'm not sure why I have a feeling as to why, but just because we have similarities does not mean I am my father" she said sharply, "so you need to stop treating me like I'm some sort of villain". Snape gaped at her before his face went blank. "I see you have a bit of an attitude this morning miss Potter" he growled. Rosalie smiled sadly "yes professor, but today is the day Voldemort was defeated so I believe I'm justified" she replied sadly.

Snape's eyes widened in shock as he realized what she was so sad about, and as he replied to he statement his voice and face softened, making him seem like a different person. "I believe that today is not a day of celebration for you miss Potter, so if you would like you may go back to your dorm for the rest of the day until dinner and I will talk to the rest of your teachers about it". Rosalie's eyes watered as she thanked her professor, before she left the she said "I'm sorry professor", Snape looked at her "about miss Potter", "I know today must be hard for you as well", confusion was seen on Snape's face, "my mother was your best friend wasn't she". Snape stared at her in shock before replying, "that was a long time ago miss Potter", "but you still love her" pain flashed in his eyes, before he smiled sadly, "I believe you
should get going miss Potter", she nodded and quickly left the room.

For the rest of the day Rosalie stayed in bed, some of the time she was silent and just stared at the wall, and some of the time she quietly sobbed to herself. As the day cane to an end she realized it was almost time for dinner and got up to join the rest of the school. When she arrived most of the school was already there and she saw all of her friends sitting on the Hufflepuff table, where they were less likely to be judged for being in Slytherin, as soon as she sat down she was bombarded with questions. She smiled sadly and replied "I'm fine, Snape told me to go to bed for the rest of the day after potions". "Are you sure you weren't hallucinating" Neville said slowly, "yeah I mean Snape doesn't exactly like you" continued Susan. Rosalie smiled "yeah I know but I think he could see how upset I was and felt bad for me or something" she said, "and besides I'm a Slytherin, it would look suspicious if he was seen not looking after one of his own". They all nodded as it sounded like something Snape would do. When the food came they were all amazed and all ate a lot. Rosalie realized that this Halloween was different from the last one in her old life. There was no Quirrel running into the hall screaming about a troll, obviously Voldemort didn't want that to happen, but she didn't know why, she would have to ask him.

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