Chapter 53 - Holiday

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Clang! Clang! Rosalie jolted awake looking around blearily. She didn't understand what was happening, all she knew was that something had woken her up. Clang! Clang! Was heard again and Rosalie jumped out of bed and practically flew down the stairs. Skidding to a halt in the front hall, she slammed straight into Percy who had also rushed down the stairs when he had heard the noises, Draco was directly behind Rosalie, who he smashed into when she stopped in front of Percy, Fred and George followed behind Draco, toppling over when they slammed into him making Percy, Rosalie, Draco, Fred and George become a heap on the floor. The adults stared at them amused, except for Sirius who was on the floor laughing hysterically as he watched all five of them sprawled out on the floor.

Glaring at them Rosalie spat out, "what in merlins name was that" at her family, irritation clear on her face. Remus smiled at her, "we've decided that we're going on holiday", he grinned waving his hand at the many bags laying at their feet. They all blinked in surprise, the news slowly sinking in before grins lit up all of their faces. Rosalie and the Weasleys had never been on holiday, Rosalie because of the Dursley's not wanting to be around her, they didn't go abroad often because they couldn't leave her alone with someone else that long without it looking suspicious, but they once went on a two week holiday to Spain and left her with mrs Figg. However the neighbours noticed and started gossiping about it, which meant they could never do it again. Instead they took shorter trips to places like the beach or theme parks, things that meant they were only gone for a day or two. The Weasleys on the other hand simply didn't have the money to take the entire family to a different country.

Draco stared at the four of them with a raised eyebrow not really understanding what all the excitement was about. The Malfoy's went on holiday every year for Yule and for summer, so going on holiday now wasn't that big of a deal. Although he was excited about going on holiday with Rosalie and the Weasleys, it would be new and a lot of fun.

Sirius clapped his hands loudly, "alright get dressed and have breakfast, you'll find out where we're going when we get there" he smirked. They all groaned in frustration at hearing those words but they knew that the quicker they do as they're told the quicker they would leave. They all bolted up the stairs with the knowledge that they would be going somewhere warm as Remus yelled up after them to wear something light. Much to Sirius' annoyance as he wanted everything to be a surprise, however after five minutes of complaining Remus shut him up with a kiss, and told him that if they wore warm clothes they would probably get heat stroke or something. Conceding his point Sirius pouted but finally shut up, much to Lucius' joy, who was one more complaint away from smacking him in the face.

Breakfast was a silent affair, everyone wanted to get out of the house as soon as physically possible. Rosalie was practically vibrating, she had no clue where they would go first but she was certain that it would be amazing as long as she was with her family.

Finally everyone was finished eating about 20 minutes later, so it was time to leave. In Sirius' hand was the creepiest little voodoo doll that Rosalie had ever laid eyes on, she didn't understand why anyone would own something like that it was truly horrifying.

They all stood around the doll, holding onto it in some way and waited for the unpleasant sensation of being transported to a different location. Paling visibly, Rosalie tried to keep her breakfast down as soon as Sirius said the word 'holiday', spinning uncontrollably until they finally arrived at their destination where Rosalie, Fred and George slammed painfully on the ground, while everyone else landed on their feet calmly. Fred rolled his eyes at the amusement on Percys face as he helped him up, muttering an irritated 'show off' under his breath.

As they stood up they all looked around in amazement, around them was mountains of sand, with camels laying in the burning hot sun. Tents were everywhere, too many to count, with people of all different backgrounds standing around chatting and having a good time.

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