Chapter 20 - The prank

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Monday morning couldn't have come quick enough, Rosalie and the twins were so excited they practically ran to the great hall to see it happen. When they got there they walked calmly into the hall and went in separately to not cause suspicion. The prank would be happening when most of the students were in the hall.

After a while every was in the hall and the fun started. The loud chatter that always surrounded the hall was silenced by a loud shriek. Every head turned towards the Gryffindors wear the scream came from and stared at Katie Bell who was the first victim.

After that every Gryffindor except for ten people had there clothes turned into opposite gender muggle clothes. The boys were dressed short skirts that just covered there most private areas and had the shortest belly tops imaginable and on there feet were ballet slippers. The girls on the other hand were wearing ugly Hawaiian shirts with the most horrendous colours ever, with matching shorts to go with it, however the shorts were a completely different colour that really didn't go with the colour of the shirt. On there feet were brown flip flops. The fashion lovers on the Gryffindor table screamed in horror when seeing the horrible clothes they were wearing. The ten that didn't get pranked were Fred and George (obviously), Oliver Wood, Angelina Johnson, Fay Dunbar, and five random Gryffindors that Rosalie didn't know the name of.

Next we're the Slytherins, the girls were wearing a suit which included different colour shirts from black to white to turquoise, with a black, grey or baby blue over coat and a matching tie and trousers, on there feet were black leather smart derby shoes. The boys on the other hand were wearing a girls shirt with colours black or white and a skirt which came up to there knees and a brown belt around there waists, the shirt was tucked into the skirt. There shoes were black dolly shoes. The Slytherins didn't like the fact they were in muggle clothes, especially when in wasn't even the clothes for there genders. The ten that didn't get pranked were Rosalie (obviously), Draco, Pansy, Blaise but it would be obvious if Rosalie whole friend group was left un-pranked so she decided to prank the rest of her friends, they didn't prank Flint even though the twins really wanted to  and than they just left out another five students that Rosalie or the twins didn't know the name of.

Hufflepuff's clothes were pretty simple. The girls were wearing baggy jeans that practically fell down there legs and a bright coloured baggy top with ugly old trainers. The were not happy about it but didn't mind as they didn't look as terrible as the other houses. The boys were wearing tight skinny jeans that just about fit and a bright coloured really tight top on there feet were simple trainers. The boys weren't happy as they could barley breathe. The  ten people that didn't get pranked were Susan, Hannah, Cedric Diggory, Neville Longbottom and 6 students that they didn't know.

The Ravenclaw girls were wearing white and black shirt sleeves t-shirt and matching coloured jersey shorts. They were also wearing multi-coloured crocs. The boys were wearing long flowy dresses with patterns on them and 5 inch heels. They were all horrified at what they were wearing. The ten people that didn't get pranked were Sue Li, Cho Chang, Terry Boot and 7 other Ravenclaws that they didn't know.

The teachers stared in shock as there students clothes began to change. Dumbledore stood up and everyone fell quiet. "Who ever did this I would like you to speak up now" he said in a commanding tone m, like he actually thought people were going to do as he says. No one moved. "Everyone who hasn't had there clothes changed please follow me, the rest of you off to class@ he said loudly.

They all followed him silently to his office.

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