Chapter 39 - Quidditch practice

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The week went by quickly, and nothing exciting happened until Thursday. Lessons weren't very interesting, professors were mostly going over things they had already learned with the Christmas break being so close. After lessons was quidditch practice. Marcus Flint was working the team into the ground and every single onew of them was exhausted. He wanted them to be extremely ready for January, when quidditch season started. He was forcing all of them to practice during Christmas break and if they didn't he was going to train them harder than they were currently being trained. Rosalie didn't see how that was possible but she was sure Marcus would find some way to do it, with professor Snapes help of course, which was a truly terrifying thought.

As soon as Rosalie stepped onto the quidditch pitch Flint was barking orders at her. "Potter, get up in the air and do two laps, then I'm gonna get five snitches out and you have 20 minutes to find every one of them, of you don't I will make sure all of the bludgers are aimed towards you". He snapped at her as soon as she was spotted. Rosalie paled when he finished his instructions.

She quickly jumped on her broom to do as she was told. Quidditch practice was two hours long, and by the time they were finished every one of the team was covered in bruises, even Rosalie who had managed to get the fifth snitch at 21 minutes. This would have been an acceptable timing, to anyone who wasn't completely obsessed with quidditch, so much so that failure of any kind was unacceptable and would result in spells and bludgers getting shot at you from every angle, or kicked off the quidditch team.

Luckily for Rosalie she wasn't kicked off the team because she was the best there was in all the houses and Flint knew he couldn't afford to lose her, especially not because of one minute past the ordered time.

At the end of practice all the team walked slowly to the dungeons and practically collapsed on there beds. Rosalie was lucky compared to the others, her job was easy. The chasers had a very difficult job, because all though they were all very close and were all in sync, and could guess the others movements extremely well they also made many mistakes, because of this bludgers had hit all three of them at least ten times and they were all bloody and bruised.

The other beater had an easier time than the chasers, but still a harder time than Rosalie. If his swings towards the other players on the team weren't to Marcus's liking he would send a bludger to him and nearly knock him off his broom, because Marcus was very muscular and could swing and hit very hard. It happened quite a lot as Marcus had high expectations towards his team and those expectations did not get met a lot of the time from the other players on the Slytherin quidditch team.

Rosalie went straight to bed when she got to her dorm deciding that she would shower the next morning. As soon as her head hit the pillow she was dead to the world in a deep sleep.

Sorry it took so long to update and for how short it is. And for how bad the chapter is I just thought I should put something up for you all. I haven't really been feeling up to writing for a while coz my grandad passed away recently. But the chapters should be up more frequently now. Thanks for reading. 😜😍

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