[26] You took my heart, could I please have it back?

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It's a bit short, but as it's a happy chapter, I figured you wouldn't mind :P


Finally, I gave the Baker family hugs. Dominic's hugs reminded me of Alex's hugs - warm and comforting, big-brother like. When I had finally finished hugging and saying goodbye to everyone, I followed the Collins' outside and to their car, walking with Alex.

Once he was sure we were out of earshot, he muttered in my ear,

"I could see right through your happy little emails, Johnson," the use of my surname, I knew, was not spiteful, and I smiled guiltily.

"Right..." I replied, and hastily caught up with his family so we couldn't continue the conversation.

I waved goodbye to my friends, and temporary family, before climbing into the car, and smiled as we drove out of sight of the house.

"So, Liz!" said Mrs Collins brightly. "What have you been up to?"

I sighed, despite myself, staring dreamily out of the window as the last few weeks replayed themselves in my head.


.:Story Start:.

An hour later, I yawned and stepped out of the car, exhausted for no apparent reason. The moment I set eyes on my house, I smiled - it had only been a few weeks since I had been here, but it felt like months, especially with all the drama that had happened.

My smile fell as I remembered who was waiting for me inside that house. A man who didn't love me, who only came back because of the problems his alcohol caused involving his best friend...

Alex noticed my frown and nudged my arm, raising an inquisitive eyebrow at my hesitation. I bit my lip, not wanting to tell him about my doubts, as I always kept my emotions inside. He frowned and gave me a look that told me to tell him, but I shook my head and looked back at the house.

He grabbed my suitcase for me, despite my protests, and led the way up the garden path. Now extremely apprehensive, I took out my key - which I had kept with me - and opened the front door.

I virtually skipped inside - it was good to be back. I stopped my elated entrance as I heard my father's footsteps from the living room, and shot Alex a look of sheer panic, forgetting that he didn't know about my misgivings. He smiled at me comfortingly, but I didn't get a chance to say anything as my father stepped into the hallway.

Our eyes met, mine filled with panic, his filled with surprise. Then, to my complete and utter surprise and relief, he took two steps forward and embraced me as he should in a tight bear hug, chuckling.

My eyes widened in surprise, but then a huge smile overtook my face and I hugged him back. Memories came back to me, memories of being caught in one of his killer bear hugs which I loved so much. I snuggled into his shoulder, as I used to when I was but a child, and closed my eyes contentedly.

I didn't notice Alex disappear into the kitchen, leaving us alone to 'bond', I guess. I just stood there for ages, wrapped in my father's warm, comforting arms, utterly relieved that my depressing thoughts over the last few days had been for nothing. My dad, the dad I had known, was back.

After what seemed like an age, I finally pulled away from his hug, still smiling.

"Good to have you back, dad," I said. He smiled back and ruffled my hair.

"You too, kid," he grinned, and I led the way into the kitchen, giving Alex a mammoth smile.

Things, at home at least, were going to be OK.

You took my heart, could I please have it back?Where stories live. Discover now