[9] You took my heart, could I please have it back?

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I'm sorry for the long wait! Homework and lack of sleep is taking its toll T.T

You will find out next chapter what's wrong with Neil, promise!!!

.:Story Start:.

{I could only see him standing there, his brown eyes widening in shock as I tumbled down the stairs. The image was replayed over and over as I slept, just him with that worried expression on his face...}

I opened my eyes blearily, unsure of what to expect. The last thing in my mind had been James standing a flight below me, his face turned up, his eyes wide as Nicola pushed me. OK, this was good, I hadn't lost my memory.

Now all I saw was a hard, light green-turquoise surface, stained with red. The pain in my head was unbearable, it was throbbing like Landon was bashing his drums in my head. I groaned and rolled over, blinking at the bright light, suddenly dizzy. I vaguely saw a blurred human figure above me, its mouth was moving - wait, it was a he...anyway, his mouth was moving, but I couldn't understand what he was saying.

I frowned and tried to speak, but no words came out, just a second groan. I continued to blink blearily, wherever I was coming into more and more focus each time. The dizziness stopped and I saw the scene clearly.

I was still on the staircase, at the bottom of the flight of stairs Nicola had pushed me down, and people were gathered around me - two teachers, three people I didn't recognize, all adults in fluorescent uniform, paramedics I presumed. A teacher was kneeling beside me - I recognized him as Mr Jenkins, who I got on well with.

I wondered why the teacher was so concerned. He was still speaking, I think he was saying my name. Hearing hadn't returned to me yet. The suddenly, there was a loud 'pop' in my ears and I could hear.

"Liz? Liz?" he was saying frantically. "Can you hear me?"

"Yeah..." I said weakly, trying to sit up. He rested a hand on my shoulder.

"Don't. That was a nasty fall you had, you're not going anywhere until they've looked at you," I frowned.

"I'm fine, look..." I sat up too quickly and the world span round me. I blinked, disorientated. "Oops..." I muttered, wincing at the pain in my head.

"Exactly," he said, and gently laid me on the floor again. I hated feeling so weak and vulnerable.

The paramedics came over to me and started asking me questions, doing all sorts of paramedic-y stuff. They gave me some medicine to stop the headache and assured me that my nose wasn't broken, although it was bleeding heavily. I knew one thing for certain - I was going to kill Nicola Moore.

Mrs Bush, my English teacher, helped me up and took me to the medical room. Thankfully it was last lesson so I wouldn't have to wait too long. I sat down on one of the sofas and took the plastic cup of water someone gave me gratefully - my head still killed and I was feeling a bit dizzy from my walk.

I relaxed on the sofa, closing my eyes, ready to kill Nicola. I flipped through a magazine and then threw it back on the table - it was only about celebrity gossip, most of which I'd never heard of.

I got bored after around twenty minutes. I pulled out my notebook and started writing, but that did me no good - I had writers block. I wondered when Neil was going to get here, and how he would react - would he be concerned? Or blank, as usual?

The final bell made me jump. I hadn't been expecting it - I had hoped Neil would come sooner. I heard the crowds of people milling past the medical room doors, and wondered, absent minded, if James was out there, and if he had worried at all when I fell down the stairs. Probably not, I told myself. He said he didn't care about me.

You took my heart, could I please have it back?Where stories live. Discover now