[33] You took my heart, could I please have it back?

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Dedicated to angelic_1 for her enlightening comment on chapter 26. It was a very good point, and I feel dumb for not noticing it before -_-

Anyways, angelic, I tried to add something in this chapter, but I don't know if it fits...


Then he sighed and kissed my forehead before wrapping his arms around me in a hug, and I widened my eyes, still in shock about what had just almost happened. My heart was still thudding inside my chest and I still felt all warm and tingly. I closed my eyes and buried my face in his chest, glad to have him back.

However, all good moments had to end, and this one did too soon. He bid me goodbye with a smile and I smiled back and we parted ways, going to our separate dorms. But I still felt warm and fuzzy inside; I had my best friend back.

.:Story Start:.

The next morning, I awoke still buzzing with happiness. My 'rock' was back in the picture, and our friendship seemed to have grown stronger through the misunderstandings that we had been through.

I was still wondering where last night's events left us. We hadn't kissed properly, but the intent had been there. But he didn't go through with it; maybe he had second thoughts? Or maybe he wanted to wait until some other time because we had only just made up again?

This constant thinking was tiring my brain out. Why couldn't boys just leave my head alone? Why did they have to be so damn confusing? They were so annoying. There was no way in hell I was asking him about it though; that would be one of the most awkward conversations ever to have.

My brain was still in full thinking mode as I left for breakfast, and when I spotted Alex at a table, I smiled shyly at him, a rosy tinge coming to my cheeks. He smiled back at me, not suggesting anything other than his usual kindness. So he did have second thoughts, I reassured myself, going to get my breakfast.

I couldn't tear my gaze away from him through the whole of breakfast. The way he brushed his hair from his eyes was almost cute, the smile on his face made my heart burst from happiness as I knew he was happy, and - I hadn't really noticed before - he was actually almost as gorgeous and handsome as his cousin.

When I finished, I didn't want to leave because Alex was still eating, but I knew it was unhealthy to stick around so I returned to my dorm, although my chest ached. I was suddenly becoming scared by this new change in feelings; why was I becoming so attached to him? Did I want him to do what he had almost done yesterday?

Trying to distract myself from these scary new feelings, I went to have a shower. It usually helped me relax, mull things over and sort my complicated thoughts out; but this time, it didn't work. And these were the reasons why.

1 - James could be an arsehole.

2 - James could be really nice.

3 - I had already come to the conclusion that my feelings towards James were overly friendly

4 - I was scared that they would become too overly friendly and problems would arise

5 - I didn't know how I felt about Alex

You took my heart, could I please have it back?Where stories live. Discover now