[55] You took my heart, could I please have it back?

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"Excuse me, but could you tell me where Elm Drive is?" the man asked. I couldn't quite see him, because Lily was in the way, but she took charge, taking a step forwards so she wasn't raising her voice to give him directions.

"It's down there, then turn-- hey!" she squealed and instantly I was alert, focused. My eyes rested on Lily and the man, and I registered something round and metal.

A gun.

Pointing at my best friend.

(Chapter 55)

My heartbeat increased to about a million miles an hour. This couldn't happen. Oh my god. This wasn't happening. This was happening.....my hands began to tremble as I stared wide eyed at Lily. If I was shaking, then a whole earthquake must have been going on in her body.

"Both of you get into the car now, and no one gets hurt,"

His voice was cold, cruel. My breathing was becoming erratic, more so as he indirectly threatened us. My hand was fishing in my pocket for my phone, where he couldn't see. Then Lily took a slow step to the left, towards the back door of the car, trembling. Exposing me.

The man rested his gaze on me and suddenly my blood ran cold. Memories of standing in front of my mother's grave as this man walked off, and being attacked in the middle of a street only two weeks ago by this man suddenly hit me and I froze. His lips twisted into a smirk, his dark, cold eyes glaring at me maliciously.

"Get in the car, you stupid bitch," he hissed. Those words should have made me realise who it was but I was too busy panicking to notice. I shuffled towards Lily and we both climbed into the car. I had managed to get my phone out of my pocket and held it out in front of me so he wouldn’t see it in the mirror. I was sitting directly behind him.

I was trembling badly. Beside me, Lily was staring ahead, pale as a ghost, looking as though tears were about to flow. I dialled 999, even though I knew I couldn't possibly speak to anyone, but to my horror I accidentally pressed loudspeaker and the operator's voice was loud and clear in the car.

The man said nothing. Lily said nothing. I said nothing. A gun was pointed at me at an awkward angle but I knew he would shoot. I pressed end call, silently cursing myself, screaming at myself for being so utterly careless. I might have gotten away with it if the operator had heard him speaking or something.

"Give me your phones." His voice was harsh and cold as he put the gun down and Lily and I chucked our phones onto the front seat. He turned them off and discarded them, and we lapsed back into silence.

I stared out of the window, hoping to see where we were going. He didn't seem to be heading out of town; or if he was, he was taking a very indirect route. This was somewhat of a comfort; we weren't far from home, it wouldn't take long to find us. Right?

Lily's cold, sweaty, clammy hand found mine and gripped it. We were both shaking as we clutched each other's hands for support. I could only hope that we got through this. I had no doubt that whoever it was had made the attempt on both mine and dad's lives. I just wanted to know who it was.

The drive didn't last long. We stopped in a neighbourhood that I was sure I recognized, but I couldn't work out how. Sure, I lived in this town, but I hadn't been everywhere and I didn't remember coming here. I frowned a little. Even the house we stopped outside looked familiar. Maybe I knew him, as well as dad?

He hid his gun and stepped out of the car, jerking his head for us to do the same. Our hands were still clasped so we reluctantly let go and opened our doors, under the watchful, cold, dark eyes of our kidnapper.

You took my heart, could I please have it back?Where stories live. Discover now