[48] You took my heart, could I please have it back?

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I loved James, but I wasn't in love with him. I loved him like a brother, I loved him as a friend. And I was in love with Alex. I didn't have to worry anymore. My feelings had been sorted.

I beamed, engulfing Lily in one of the biggest hugs I'd ever given anyone, almost crying in happiness.

"Thank you so much, Lily. You have no idea how happy I am that you've made things clear to me. You're the best friend I could ask for," I said, and she smiled, hugging me back.

I loved Alex. And that was all that mattered.

.:Story Start:.

Lily stayed at my house for the rest of the afternoon, really hyped that she'd managed to sort out my feelings - as was I. I was so happy I finally understood that James was nothing more than a great friend to me.

Finally. Everything was perfect.

I had friends, I had a boyfriend, I had my dad. I was happy. And Lily knew this, so she was extra happy too. I loved Lily for being such a great friend. She always knew how to help me, how to sort out my problems.

The first thing she made me do was play the guitar for her because she hadn't heard me play in years. I smiled briefly at this and got out my mum's old guitar, beginning to play songs, lots and lots of them.

After that, she found a pad of A4 paper and grinned, suggesting that we draw for a while. I laughed; I had missed Lily's eccentric ways, so I agreed, knowing Lily would make it ten times as fun. I couldn't draw to save my life but that just made it even funnier.

I drew a garden with loads of random animals which barely resembled what they were supposed to be, which cracked Lily up so much it took her five minutes to calm down. Then we started drawing each other; at first we really tried, but then we started messing about and adding beards and big ears and bogies and snouts.

That took up a surprising amount of time and soon dad was calling us down for dinner. We both grinned and dashed downstairs, eager for food. Dad could also sense I was in a much better mood so he was happier, too. It seemed my mood affected everyone else's.

We had various vegetables and pork to eat, and when we'd done, Lily and I both praised him on his amazing cooking. Then we went back upstairs and just generally chatted away for a while until it was time for Lily to go home.

Before she left, Lily grinned at me and said,

"Hey, Liz, guess what I'm gonna do with you some time," her lips twitched in a mischievous smirk and I gave her a suspicious look.

"What..." I said with a sigh and she beamed.

"I'm going to take you shopping!" she squealed the last word and I groaned, banging my head against the wall.

"No..." I groaned, but she said she was going to drag me if necessary. After a few minutes of reasoning, I decided I needed some new clothes anyway so I half heartedly agreed. She beamed and gave me an enthusiastic wave before leaving, going to her mum's car.

When she left, I sighed, a smile still on my face. All was well. Dad came up behind me with a smirk.

"Someone's happy," he said and I rolled my eyes. "Did you finally solve your little...dilemma?"

I widened my eyes. How the hell had he guessed that?! Seeing my expression and interpreting it correctly, he laughed and congratulated me before going into the living room and I followed, deciding to watch TV with my dad for the evening.

Alex and Sarah returned later in the evening, having eaten at their house. When I asked why they hadn't come back sooner, Alex said he didn’t want to impose on us but I thought that was moronic because there was nothing better than having Alex in the house.

You took my heart, could I please have it back?Where stories live. Discover now