[27] You took my heart, could I please have it back?

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So, the last chapter was for James supporters, and this one's for Alex supporters :) Hope you like it!!


"Liz," he said, startling me, just as I was about to leave. I turned to him and looked at him in mild surprise, and he flashed me another smile. "I forgot to say...welcome back," he said, and I smiled, the cold overtaking me as I stepped into the not so busy street. I couldn't care less about the cold - I had just spent the whole evening with James Black, without being irritated with him once.

.:Story Start:.

It was Monday morning, and I was back to school again. Back to my old school, where I saw those people that made my life hell every day. I gloomily reflected that I only had one friend I could talk to, and I couldn't talk to him very often in case people found out and started labelling him and freak and a loser.

One friend. Four possible ones...the band. I wasn't sure where my social relationship was with them. Somewhere between acquaintances and friends, I hoped. Especially James...there was something about him that made me really want to be proper friends with him. Rather than just occasionally talking to him freely, usually in the library.

Somewhere between friends and acquaintances...that's what I had hoped. But I had my hopes set too high, as I found that day.

The day started off well. Dad took me to school that morning, in his car. We sang together to the radio, to some seventies song that we both really liked, and then started laughing afterwards. Like a proper father and daughter. The thought made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

He dropped me off in the playground, and I had a strong sense of déjà vu, remembering when Neil used to do the same. He then drove off to work, I was proud to announce, for the first time in five years.

I walked into the playground for the first time in a few weeks, and was ashamed to admit that, as much as I hated this building, I actually kind of missed it. It had sort of been a constant in my life - the only thing I knew would be there when nothing else was. School.

The moment I set foot in the playground, however, was when things started to go wrong. I saw people look at me. More than that; they stared at me. They pointed, whispering behind raised hands. I had no doubt they were discussing my absence, but I wasn't particularly bothered - until I remembered a particular email Alex had sent me when I was at the Baker's house.

He had told me that Nicola had been spreading rumours about my disappearance. Saying that I had been arrested for drugs or violence or something, and that I had been sent to a young offenders institute thing. I had kind of disregarded it at the time, but now I realised that it was much worse than I thought.

People, instead of calling me names as I walked past them, shrunk away, sending me filthy glares. Some still called me names, but from a distance, and when I approached, they would scuttle away. I frowned, my eyes searching the playground for Alex. I met his eyes, and gave him a confused look. He merely grimaced, and I sighed, biting my lip. No doubt I'd get crap from the teachers, as well.

The bell went about five minutes later, and I gloomily trudged to form, ignoring the people who shrunk away from me in the corridors. I entered the room and was about to go to my normal seat when I saw that someone was already sitting in it. I was about to go and sit somewhere else when the boy stood up and moved two rows across, looking a bit scared.

You took my heart, could I please have it back?Where stories live. Discover now