[39] You took my heart, could I please have it back?

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It summed everything up nicely. Why I cared about him when I shouldn't, why I was obsessed with him, why I always tried to answer questions about him in my head. It was so blindingly obvious, but I wished it wasn't true.

Oh my god, I thought, my eyes snapping open. I'm in love with James Black…

.:Story Start:.

So I was in love with James.

Lily had been right.

But now, I was scared.

What if he would never love me back?

What if I got hurt?

What if Nicola found out?

What if James himself found out?

What if Alex found out?

What about my feelings for Alex?

Too many questions. And I had the answer to none of them.

School was like torture the next day. I arrived to see Alex and James talking to one another, and to my horror I found that I felt something for Alex, not as strong as James, but something. It was odd, because Alex had been the nicest towards me, Alex had always been there for me, Alex had always helped me, and yet I liked James more.

I came to stand next to Lily and Alex, quiet as everyone chatted boisterously around me. My new realization made it impossible to ignore James with his dazzling smile, handsome features and clear voice. I glanced at him every so often, trying to calm my racing heartbeat.

Just before Lily and I parted ways to form, I called out to her,

"You were right," she looked at me blankly.

"About what?"

I simply jerked my head towards James and she smirked, before walking away. I shook my head and followed James and Tom to form, my eyes glued to him now he couldn't see me. I wondered what he would be like today; would he be nice? Would he be worried that I had concussion or something? (Which, luckily, I didn't).

We entered form and Nicola went to go talk to James, so I didn't bother, although I growled mentally at her, wanting to punch her nose off. Why was she so clingy? And really, what did James see in her? I was sure I was about ten times nicer than her.

Shaking my head, I sighed. I had about one chance in a million of getting with James, why was I even thinking of it? It was nearly impossible; I had to get my mind in gear. But how would I forget about these feelings? How would I forget about my first love?

First lesson was music, and I walked over to a keyboard before starting to play, singing quietly to myself. To my surprise, Tom helped me with the lyrics when I struggled, and I thanked him. I didn't get the opportunity to talk to James during music, and the suspense was killing me.

You took my heart, could I please have it back?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang