[5] You took my heart, could I please have it back?

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I spun aimlessly on my barstool, waiting for Neil to arrive. I had eaten my toast (good girl, Lizzy), made my lunch, packed my bag, and it was 8:15...but still no signs of Neil. Any longer and I would have to walk to school, which I didn't fancy doing.

I stopped spinning and peered out of the kitchen window as a car pulled up. I recognized it as Neil's, and sure enough, his horn bleeped, and I pulled on my shoes and went outside, locking the door behind me.

I stepped into his car and was concerned by the worried expression on his face.

"Neil? What's up?" I asked, frowning, as I pulled my seatbelt on. He shook his head, without saying a word. I dropped the matter - he didn't have to tell me if he didn't want to. I was so worried about him, because it was unlike him to be so quiet, thoughtful, gloomy, that I didn't realized we'd stopped. I hurriedly said goodbye and clambered out of the car, waving anxiously as he drove off.

Deep in thought, I walked slowly towards the playground, standing at the edge. What was up with Neil? Did it have anything to do with me? No, surely not...if it had, he would have told me...wouldn't he? Absorbed as I was with my worries, I didn't notice the figures that came up to talk to me.

"Hey, Johnson, Mr. J says we gotta practice music outside of school so we might get stuff done quicker, so we're practicing tomorrow at my place," my head flicked up and I saw James, Landon, Kyle and Tom standing before me. Tom looked bored, Landon and Kyle were both looking at James with raised eyebrows and James was looking at me, his dark brown eyes boring into my own.

I gave myself a mental slap as I found myself staring back, and nodded.

"OK...what time? And where's your house?" James frowned - he hadn't thought of that.

"I'll give you the address in form," he said, and they walked away. I stared at the ground in front of me. I was going to James's house...

The bell shook me out of my reverie, and I instantly remembered Neil...I felt bad, I'd forgotten about him in my thoughts of James. Stupid jerk, I growled in my head, glaring at the said twat.

I walked into form and slumped in my seat, sighing. The teacher was here on time today - for the first time this week. James and Tom were already seated, talking to each other. James took a piece of paper and wrote on it, then scraped his chair back and stood. He walked over to me and placed the paper on my desk. It was his address, and the time - 4:30 - scrawled roughly underneath.

"Thanks," I muttered, taking the paper. I looked at his face, and he was frowning. I frowned too in confusion - what was his problem? But there it was again - the expression of outrage and concern. I opened my mouth to ask him what was wrong when the teacher asked for everyone to sit down. James walked away without a word and I scowled - stupid teacher, I thought.

He took the register and for once the bell didn't go straight after - he hadn't been late. That gave us - well, that is to say, everyone apart from me - time to socialize. James resumed talking to Tom. Wait - was I staring at him? Oh crap...

I looked away, fearing Nicola etc would spot me staring at him, and dug inside my bag for my notebook and pen. Instead of writing a story, I finished the poem I had written - my rubbish piece of poetry that didn't deserve to be called a poem. I felt aware of someone looking at me, and I looked up and scanned the room. I was surprised at what I saw.

James was staring at me, the same frown on his face, but now looking a bit confused. I said, "What?" he shook his head and smirked.

"Doing homework, Lizzy?" he said in a mocking tone. I frowned. Lizzy? Since when did people call me Lizzy? Well, better than 'Johnson' I suppose, which is what I was going to have to get used to...

You took my heart, could I please have it back?Where stories live. Discover now