[28] You took my heart, could I please have it back?

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Chapter 28


"It's not your fault, Liz," he whispered in my ear. "None of this is. The worst thing you can think is that it's your fault, because that just lowers your self esteem, makes you weaker. Be strong, Liz..."

I scoffed, but let myself be taken over by the exhausted darkness of the night as I let Alex hold and comfort me, whispering sweet nothings into my ear.

.:Story Start:.

When I awoke the next morning, I was lying in my bed, still in my underwear, with Alex's arms still wrapped around me. I blushed like crazy as I saw he was awake, and said awkwardly,

"Um, morning,"

He smiled, and I relaxed again, wrapping my arms around him, but he wriggled out of my grip.

"No, sorry, I have to go home now," he said, giving me a quick hug before slipping out of bed. I blushed further when I saw he was only in his boxers, and quickly looked away. He laughed, and there was a pause slightly, and I wondered what was going on when he came into view around the other side of the bed.

"Shy?" he teased, sitting in the gap between me and the edge of the bed. I scooted backwards and almost fell off before he grabbed me.

"Not funny, Alex," I said with a scowl. He just laughed and pulled me into another hug. I got the feeling he was rather enjoying this, and I wondered if it had anything to do with the fact that neither of us was wearing a great amount.

He finally left the spare room a minute later and I took a few deep breaths to compose myself before undressing fully, grabbing a towel and heading into the shower. I let the water run over my shoulders, calming my stressed out self. I knew what was waiting for me at school, and I was worried. What would happen today?

I sighed, turned the shower off and stepped out, before drying myself. I returned to the spare room before realising my clothes were in my room, so I grimaced, pulled my bathrobe on and walked to my room, knocking on the door.

"Yeah?" I heard Alex call, and I sighed.

"Can I come in? I need to get my clothes," I explained, and he said yes, so I opened the door and made my way straight to the dresser. Alex was fully clothed and ready to go to his house to get ready for school, so I gave him one last hug.

"See you at school," I said dismally, before exiting with my clothes and going back into the spare room to get dressed.

I pulled on my clothes quickly, ran a brush through my hair and tied it up quickly before dashing off to give Alex a last goodbye hug. He was standing at the door, saying goodbye to my father, and he chuckled when I tackled him in a hug. He said bye again, and stepped out of the door. I turned and smiled at dad as the door closed, wishing him a good morning.

He simply smiled and went into the kitchen, where I followed and made myself a bowl of cereal for breakfast, staring at the counter as I thought about what awaited me at school. My dad, noticing my sombre mood, ruffled my hair to make me try and cheer up again. I gave him a brief smile before going back to my gloomy, depressed mood.

I made my lunch, packed my bag and pulled some shoes on after my breakfast, waiting for dad to get his shoes on so he could take me to school. We left a minute later, and I stared out of the window gloomily, not wanting to go to school.

However, a few minutes later, we inevitably pulled up into the school car park, avoiding the massive yellow school bus that came from some village or other nearby. I sighed and said goodbye to my father before getting out of the car and drearily trudging towards the school playground, dreading the day ahead.

You took my heart, could I please have it back?Where stories live. Discover now