[50] You took my heart, could I please have it back?

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March arrived and with it, the warmest day yet. The sun shone on the town on a Sunday afternoon, but I was cooped up in my room, doing homework. It was kind of irritating; the days I was out with my friends, it would be grey and gloomy, and today it was nice and sunny and I couldn't go out because I had so much homework.

Mind you, at least I had friends to go out with now. And of course I was eternally thankful for that. Things were perfect. Everything was alright.

Other than this English essay, I thought, sighing dismally. Who cared about poets of the 16th century? I scribbled a bit more rubbish down and then threw my pen down, groaning as I face planted the desk. I was not in the mood, I just wanted to get out there and spend time with my friends, as usual.

I still texted the Baker family on a regular basis and they would tell me random stories of their school, and I would tell them random stories of mine. We kept a good friendship although we never saw each other anymore.

I picked up the pen again, knowing I had to get this finished today otherwise I never would. I referred to all my notes and shit and finally I got a decent three pages down of waffle, mostly, but I did my best.

My phone buzzed on the desk and my face lit up as I saw it was Alex.

Hey sweetheart :) Do you want to come round later? x

I'd love to :D

We arranged a time and suddenly I was buzzing; I really wanted to go to Alex's house. I finished off the last couple of questions on my music homework then went downstairs, grabbing an apple from the kitchen before going up into the attic.

I sat on the sofa and my eyes scanned the bookshelves that lined the walls nearest me. I found one I was particularly fond of and picked it off the shelf, getting comfortable on the sofa as I began to immerse myself in the book.

I lost track of time as I was so absorbed in the story. The characters were so fantastically formed, and the plot was so thrilling and hooking that I couldn't put it down. It was intriguing and exciting and I just totally lost myself in this fantasy world.

I ignored my surroundings as I let myself become one with the character; everything they touched, smelt, heard, saw, I could too, and it was just so real. I'd almost forgotten what it was like to read a good book; I was glad I picked this one up. I missed books.

Just as I was getting worked up over the attitude of a character in the fourth chapter, I leaped out of my skin, my heart jolting as I felt a hand on my shoulder. I screamed shortly and dropped my book, staring wide eyed at the intruder.

Alex sat there clutching his stomach in hysterical laughter and I scowled, folding my arms.

"You made me lose my page you moron," I grumbled, picking my book up and flicking through as I listened to him laugh. Secretly I loved hearing him laugh; if he was happy, then I was happy.

Once I found my page I purposefully ignored him for making me jump and laughing at me. He sobered up after a minute as I continued reading, and he wrapped his arms round my waist.

"Aw, come on Liz, don't be like that," he said, resting a chin on my shoulder as he stared up at me. I glanced down at him.

"Why?" I replied, pretending to sound offended.

"Because I love you," he replied with a grin and I smiled.

"I love you too, but you made me lose my page," I replied, turning back to my book.

"Lizzy," he whined, but I ignored him, even as his soft lips pressed against my cheeks. "I'm sorry," he mumbled, brushing his nose against my jaw. I wavered, but didn't give in. You did not disrupt me from my reading!

You took my heart, could I please have it back?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora