[25] You took my heart, could I please have it back?

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Hi guys!! I thought I'd update a bit quicker and all, as I have been very slow recently. Can't promise you quicker updates in the future, but I do hope you like the chapter :D


I took down notes and wrote as many answers as I could, my mind occasionally straying to my complicated life but otherwise engrossed in the complicated questions on the board that had everything to do with analysing Shakespeare.

Finally, the bell went and I was free to go to my next lesson. I mentally cheered as I remembered it was the last one of the day - week - and that three weeks had now passed since I first arrived here. Only one or two left until I would finally be able to go home, to get away from the Baker children.

Unfortunately, I didn't have this lesson with any of my friends either, and so I had to endure another fifty minutes of torture, and those same, irritating two words which an insult inevitably followed. Sure enough, as I entered the classroom...

"Hey, Johnson!"

I tuned out and eagerly wished the fifty minutes away.

.:Story Start:.

Dear Lizzy,

Good news! This week is to be your last at the Baker household. You will be returning home on Saturday!! I really can't wait to see you again and find out what happened while you were away. The theme park and everything sounded fun!!

Wishing your hasty return,

Mrs Collins

Hey, Liz!!

Mum says you're coming home on Saturday. I can't wait to see you again, I really missed you, it really hasn't been the same without you here. Maybe we could have another movie night when you come back? Mum's already said it will be fine. I really can't wait for you to get back.

There have been all sorts of rumours that you've been kidnapped and stuff, but I know you wouldn't like it if I told them that you were coming back, because they'd starting asking me questions.

Miss you lots!!


hi lizziy!!

how are you? I miss you lots and lots. Mummy said youll be back soon I hope so becase I really miss you.

hurry up and come back!!


The moment I read the first few words on the email, my face lit up in the biggest smile imaginable. I was going home on Saturday!! I wouldn't have to face all this torture anymore. Granted, I would be with Nicola and everyone else, but I didn't have to put up with Dominic or Saskia anymore.

I closed my eyes after finishing the email, still smiling, and leaned back in my chair, finally content. Six days left, I told myself. Just six days until I get to go home, see the Collins' and dad, although he wouldn't be pleased to see me.

The smile fell off my face as quickly as it had arrived. My father, who probably only ever loved me because of my mother, and now he wouldn't because she was gone, and I was the spitting image of her, minus the eyes.

I sighed and wrote my reply before closing the internet and opening my boring history essay. Satisfied it was complete, I clicked 'print' and wandered downstairs to collect it from the printer.

As I entered the living room and walked over to the printer, I glanced outside to see a few flakes of snow falling. I smiled a little - I loved the snow, and it had been so long since I had last seen a snowflake.

You took my heart, could I please have it back?Where stories live. Discover now