Chapter 18b

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In the early hours of the morning I woke up and found myself in strange new surroundings. I was lying in bed, sandwiched between a pair of black silk sheets in a minimalist styled room that I had never seen before. Warm ambient lighting lit the room with a soft hue that was gentle on my vampire eyes. It was not like the garish florescent lighting in my own dorm bedroom that made my eyes water and sting in pain.

With great care I pushed myself up into a sitting position on the bed. My memories of what had happened before I had fallen asleep were hazy. I remember Laura Taylor, Jacques and Luc, but there was something else stuck in my mind, something I could not quite remember. I dragged my fingers through my hair and looked about the room once again. Was I in a hotel room?

The decoration and style was so bland I could not imagine that anyone lived here on a permanent basis. There were no signs of tiny mementos that might give a hint to the identity of the person who lived here. Across the room I spotted my clothes neatly folded on top of black glossy table. I pushed the black sheet off of myself, intending to get up and explore, maybe even find the person who had put me in this bed, but to my dismay I found that I was lying in bed in only my bra and panties.

Quickly I whipped the black silk sheet around my body and flushed wondering who had undressed me. The answer soon became apparent when Luc appeared in the door way wearing nothing more than a pair of dark lounge pants.

With my cheeks inflames I asked, “Who took my clothes off.”

The Luc’s expression stiffened and he said with a hint of sarcasm, “As tempted as I was Mia, Henrietta undressed you.”

I winced slightly now feeling embarrassed, “Sorry, I just woke up in this place and I couldn’t remember how I got here.”

“So you instantly thought I must have dragged you back to my lair to have my way with you,” Luc replied.

“I don’t know- I just can’t remember,” I stammered suddenly feeling very small.

“Well Mia,” Luc began in an authoritarian tone, “Someone decided not to come to the library when I asked them, and consequently someone missed out on their meal of blood. So guess what happened when I caught up with that someone and found them in a state of hysteria in their bedroom last night?”

I stared at Luc in stone silence not knowing whether to feel anger or embarrassment. He leaned against the door frame personifying sheer masculine arrogance and looked down on me as if I was a very young child in need of a scolding.

“Mia your body had gone into starvation when I found you. After you had stupidly locked yourself in the bathroom, you passed out- I had to break the damn door to get to you,” He told me angrily.

“How is that my fault,” I snapped, “You never told me that vampires could faint from hunger- in fact you never tell me anything … I never asked to be a vampire Luc.”

Luc rolled his eyes as if he heard that complaint a million times before and said nothing. He instead watched me with a dark brooding intensity that made feel very uncomfortable. I hated feeling like I was in trouble for something that I had never done.

His dark stares grated against my nerves and I sprang out of bed with the silk sheet wrapped around my torso.

Luc straightened up, his body becoming alert as I padded across the cold marble floor to fetch my clothes.

“What are you doing Mia?” He queried with a tone of disapproval.

“I am getting dressed,” I said flatly.

“It is three o’clock in the morning,” Luc replied.

I picked up my clothes from the table and headed towards the adjoining bathroom I had just spotted out of the corner of my eye. Suddenly I felt Luc probing inside my head trying to work out what I doing. When he realised that I was planning to get dressed then walk back to dorm he became impatient.

“Where do you think you are going?” He sighed.

In an emotionless tone I replied, “You’ve read my mind so you already know.”

Luc’s lips tightened and he growled, “Mia get back into bed, it is three o’clock in the morning.”

I ignored him and continued to walk towards the bathroom door. Coolly I went to open the bathroom door, but jumped in fright when Luc’s hand darted out in front of me, brushing past my own arm and grabbed onto the steel door handle to slam the bathroom door shut.

I turned to face him, and found myself eye level with Luc’s chest. My breath caught in my throat as I uncomfortable realised that I had become sandwiched between Luc and the bathroom door. Shit, he was so close I could feel the heat from his skin radiating through the thin black silk sheet wrapped around my nearly naked body.

My gaze involuntary swept downwards and I noticed his how toned his abdomen was, suddenly whatever we fighting about was forgotten as the female hormones in my brains disabled my cognitive capacity for rational thinking.

At first I thought it was just me, but then I noticed that Luc had fallen silent too. He was transfixed to the spot, looking down at me with warm honey brown eyes that pleaded with me to stay.

 “Mia,” He breathed softly.

My heart felt an ache and I leaned forward, reaching up on my tip toes and kissed him.

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