Chapter 29

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The question of the bloody origins of Port Cressida flew far from my mind when I learned that I was going to be moved to the royal palace for my own 'protection'. I had known that this day would come and I had hoped that when the day came I would be better prepared, but this was way sooner than I had anticipated. I wasn't prepared to go and live vampire society. I knew virtually nothing about vampires or their culture and customs, and the few things I did know made me want to turn and run.

I walked slowly behind Nico as he blithely led me down the corridor to the private room where Luc was waiting for me. I think Nico was very pleased with himself after dropping that little bombshell on me. He kept glancing over his shoulder as we walked to check my expression and despite trying to keep it together, inside I was honestly terrified.

I followed Nico through a door which I thought would be a small private dining area where Luc and I would eat, but my expectations were blown out the water when I saw the enormity of the room. This was more of a function room than a private room as it could easily hold several hundred people. The room was large and spacious, boasting a beautiful view of the forest and mountains from its floor to ceiling windows. Outside there was a veranda, which was probably shut off for winter now, but I imaged in the summer the veranda would be opened up so the guests could enjoy the view in the cool evening air.

There were dozens of empty tables decorated with fresh flowers and pretty tea lights and for a second I wondered if the room had been used for a wedding reception earlier, but Nico as if he had read my mind said, "Luc planned all of this months ago way before he met you. Jacques even helped choose the decorations which is kind of ironic because he is the one who has practically ruined tonight's surprise ... don't you think?"

I didn't reply. Nico was crafty and I had a feeling he was trying to provoke me into saying too much so I walked past him to the windows and looked out across the forest. The moon was shining bright tonight, bathing the forest in its silver light.

I felt Nico behind me and he leaned towards my ear and said in a low voice, "Enjoy the view while you can. I have a feeling that a storm is coming and I think when it does come all of 'this' is going to disappear."

"I like storms." I shrugged.

"I wasn't talking about the weather." Nico replied cryptically.

I lowered my voice and asked, "Is that a threat?"

Before Nico could reply a waitress appeared out of side door at the end of the corridor. She coughed lightly to make her presence known than asked me to follow her into the private adjoining bar of the large function room. Secretly I was relieved because I could feel my nerves starting fray. Nico knew something was up and I needed to keep calm and not fuel his suspicions. So maintaining my composure I looked at Nico and politely excused myself.

Inside me was an awful uncontrollable fear was strangling me and it was so bad that the simple task of putting one foot in front of the other was a challenge. It was the not knowing that was killing me. I knew I was walking into a situation blindfolded, and I knew this situation was dangerous but I had no idea of the type of danger that was waiting for me. I needed to start thinking logically and practically. Being frightened was not going to help me in the long run and if I was going to survive whatever fresh hell was waiting for me down the road then I would need to use this dinner with Luc to my advantage. I needed to go in there and gleam as much information as I could about the palace and Port Cressida. But there was just one problem... and that was Luc.

I didn't understand psychology or biology behind vampire mates. I had no idea if the bonds between us were spiritual or magical or pure bio-chemistry, but I knew that there was a bond between us whether I liked it or not and this bond affected my cognitive faculties associated with logic and reason. When I stepped into the bar area and spotted Luc sitting at the private bar in his black suit and slicked back hair, all the fear and anxiety began to melt away as new emotions came rushing forward to the forefront of my mind. I felt expanding warmth inside my chest that fluttered wildly in the presence of Luc. I was happy, overwhelmed, and relieved to be reunited with him despite only seeing him last this morning. If it hadn't been for pride and sense of dignity I would have probably run across the bar and flung my arms around him. But instead I stood a few steps past the door way and into the room then waited for him to notice me.

It did not take long. He turned in his barstool and saw me across the room. A warm shadow of a smile lit up his face and he got up from the bar and abandoned his drink to walk towards me. His pace was slow and I knew why, he was taking his time to look at me, to admire me, to examine every single line of my shape. This made me feel painfully self-conscious and uncomfortable as well as nervous and excited and strangely happy. I tried not to over think these feelings because I did not want to give into them. These were the feelings that made me think and act stupid and right now I needed to be at the top of my game.

I tried to stop these feelings that Luc was causing by trying to shatter the moment between us. I needed to destroy the mood and the tension and the chemistry that was escalating between us. So I nervously folded my arms across my body in an attempt to deny him a view of my body.

Luc watched in puzzlement and asked, "What is wrong Mia?"

There was a ghost of a smile in his expression that screamed mischief. He was feigning concern but I could tell he thought the action of folding my arms across my chest in an attempt to reclaim some of fragment modesty, was somehow funny. Luc's amusement grated against me and without thinking I snapped, "Do you have to look at me like that?"

"Like what?" He asked.

"Like a starving dog staring at a bone!" I replied.

Luc's predatory gaze broke away from mine and for a foolish split second I thought I had won.

"You are not being fair to me Mia," He said softly, "How can say that when you walk in here wearing my shirt, after spending the day being wrapped up in my bed-sheets from the bed we make love on. Do you think that is fair?"

My mouth ran dry and I struggled to speak, "I- I don't think like you Luc... I don't think like that." I said. The tone in my voice was weak and I felt completely out of my depth. This situation was sliding away from me and I could feel myself losing control. Luc began to walk towards me and close the gap between us. I wanted him to stay back because I knew I would be completely lost if he came too close.

"You are not being honest with yourself Mia. I see the way you look at me, the way you move and I know that you want me just as much as I want you." Luc said closing in.

I took a few steps back and felt the cool hard wood door pressing against my back from where the door had been shut. Luc stepped in front of me and leaned forward placing his hands either side of my shoulders against the door and suddenly I found myself imprisoned between the door and Luc.

"I can see it in your eyes and your body language- you are aching for me." Luc ground out.

"Now you are the one who is being unfair." I replied avoiding his eyes.

"Look at me." Luc said softly.

I lifted my head to meet his dark eyes and found myself overwhelmed. Luc smiled and gently leaned forward to press a small kiss on the corner of my mouth. My insides melted but I was frustrated at Luc's restraint. Why wasn't he kissing me like I wanted to be kissed? Why was he holding back? Then I realised he was holding back because he wanted to show me that I was just as hungry as he was, and that I needed him just as much as he needed me.

"Why are you torturing me?" I asked

With his mouth hovering over mine and he said with a smile, "I am not your torturer Mia. I am the only person in this world that can give you the relief that you need, and I know you are longing for relief."

He dipped his head down and grazed his lips against mine in a short sharp kiss that made me want more. I leaned forward into the kiss, desperate to prolong the sweet bliss between us but Luc pulled away, then grabbed me and pulled me close to his body in a protective hold. I felt his muscles tense underneath his clothes and I knew something was wrong.

"Luc?" I asked.

"Shhh- we have unwanted company." He replied.

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