Chapter 26 B

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I sat on the cold floor next to Luc staring down at the pool of red vomit in front of me. I had no idea vampires could even be sick- it seemed so unlikely. When I tried to move to clear it up Luc had pulled me back to his side and said, "Let's just stay here a little while longer."

I liked his suggestion but my mouth tasted like sour blood, so I politely pointed out that I need to wash my mouth out after heaving my guts out. Luc took it in good humour and helped me to my feet. He took my hand and began to lead me towards the main bathroom where a number of toiletries had been left on the side in brand new packaging. Luc handed me a toothbrush and a tube of paste which I gratefully took.

We stood together in front of sink staring at our reflections in the huge bathroom mirror. Luc was dishevelled and dirty with blood and dust, while I was covered in my own bloody vomit. Without thinking I said out loud, "God we look so gross."

The remark caught Luc off guard who was starting to unbutton his shirt, he laughed out loud and replied, "I think we actually look like proper vampires now."

I smiled at his joke but immediately stopped grinning when I saw the dried blood stuck in my teeth. Feeling self-conscious I squeezed half the toothpaste tube on my toothbrush and scrubbed my teeth like crazy. Luc on the other hand slid coolly out of his bloody shirt and exited the bathroom to get a clean shirt. When he returned wearing a nice bright white shirt he had also brought a large fluffy bathrobe along with him.

Standing behind me, Luc slid his arms around my waist and said, "I want you to take a relaxing bath. Don't go into university today, just try to relax while I go and see my brother."

"But what about Jacques?" I asked anxiously.

Luc's expression hardened and he ran his hands over my arms, "Jacques is a known womanizer. He probably thought he could take advantage of you in your vulnerable state and some fun. I don't think he meant you any serious harm, but I promise you that I will make sure that he will never bother you again." He said.

"What will you do?" I questioned.

"I will talk to my brother and see that he has sent away from the city- maybe exile again." Luc said.

"Jacques was exiled before?" I asked.

Luc nodded, "After Celia was murdered Louis exiled Jacques from the city. It wasn't really Jacques' fault, but Louis was so devastated over Celia's death that he blamed Jacques' for not recognizing the growing evil in Casper. Louis felt that as Jacques' was the closest person to Casper, he should have seen Celia's murder coming and prevented it."

"But that wasn't fair."  I said.

"Louis wasn't thinking straight. He had just lost his mate and to a vampire that is the worst thing that can ever happen. Many vampires chose not to carry on living after their mate dies. Most of us thought that Louis would follow Celia into the afterlife, but he stayed strong for the Kingdom and pulled through. A short while later he met Henrietta and the rest is history."

"I feel sorry for your brother." I said.

"All of us do," Luc said, "He went through Hell after my parents died, then he went through Hell again after Celia died. I don't think he will ever be the same again but at least he tries to be a normal as he can be given the circumstances."

"He sounds a very brave man." I said.

"He is a very brave but he is also very damaged- I don't think he will ever recover from Celia's murder or Casper's betrayal." Luc said.

Luc pressed a kiss on to the top of my head and changed the topic to something more light-hearted. Holding me tight he says to me, "Once I have spoken to my brother I will come straight back home and we can talk some more. Until then I want you to stay in the apartment with Nico where it is safe."

"What about Jacques?" I asked.

"I will take him back to the city with me and talk to my brother about what to do with him." Luc said.

"Please make sure that Louis doesn't hurt him- I couldn't bear that on my conscience" I said, trying to buy time for Jacques.

"I will see what I can do," Luc said.

I knew I couldn't help Jacques, but I knew Henrietta might- she was the Queen after all, and she was also someone who knew my secret. All my hopes were pinned on her now. Leaning back against Luc, I asked, "Could you ask Henrietta to come and visit me? It would be nice to talk to another girl."

Luc smiled and replied, "Of course, I will have Nico contact her and inform her about everything."

"Thank you." I said.

Luc looked at through the mirror with adoring eyes and said, "I have to go now but I love you."

I forced my anxieties down and managed to smile, "I love you too."

Luc kissed my shoulder and left me alone for a relaxing bath in the apartment where less than an hour earlier Nico had attacked me and then I had seen the ghost of burnt woman. Staring at my reflection in the mirror I wondered who I should be more afraid of- the living or the dead?

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