Chapter 55

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Luc left the apartment, leaving me on the floor amongst the fallen books and mess his tantrum had caused. My lips were still sore from his kisses and my heart was still beating wildly in my chest. How the hell he could have such an effect on me was beyond my understanding - the man was a murderer, after all.

Fuck- how could I've been so stupid to get swept away by a few silly kisses! Thank God, Celia, turned up when she did, to remind me of the terrible mistake I was about to make. I would have never forgiven myself if I'd slept with him the same night he had murdered his own brother.

The apartment door flew open and someone came running in screaming my name. "Mia! Mia! Where are you?"

It was Henrietta.

I sat up on the floor and yelled, "Here!"

She came running in, her face pale and eyes red with black watery trails of mascara running down her cheeks. She saw me lying on the floor surrounded by fallen books and gasped, "Oh God, he's been here – are you alright?"

I nodded. "Yes, I think so."

She fell to the floor next to me and wrapped her arms around me. "Did he tell you what he has done?"

"Yes," I replied numbly.

"Oh God, Mia, I was there. I saw everything – it was horrible," she broke down crying, "I-I was so scared he was going to kill you. I've never seen him like this before; it was completely out of the blue. One minute we were all talking and the next he, he ... oh god-"

She fell forward against me and her shoulders shook violently with heavy sobs. I hugged her tightly, not knowing what to do or say. There was just too much horror to comprehend. I couldn't believe Luc, that bastard had been careful not to tell me about how he had killed Louis in front of Henrietta. It was so cruel and inhumane, poor Henrietta!

"I'm so sorry," I said softly.

"It's okay," she replied regaining some composure, "I'm still in shock – I don't understand what happened. We were all in Louis' office talking about the Yule Ball then Luc changed, he became different. The floor started to shake and Luc's eyes turned black. Louis told me to run and I did. Just as I was leaving, I turned to look back at him and I saw Luc was standing right next to him, elbow deep inside his chest!"

I froze to the spot. I couldn't process what I was hearing. Luc had told me that he killed Louis because he threatened us, the baby and me. "That lying bastard," I hissed.

"We all believed him," Henrietta replied sadly, "I thought he wanted this family to work, but all he ever wanted was the crown. Louis' body wasn't even cold when he prized the royal seal from Louis' dead fingers and declared himself King. I tried calling the guards but it was too late."

"Can't we have the guards arrest him? For God's sake he has murdered his brother!" I asked.

"Luc is telling everyone Louis went mad. He's trying to make out that he killed Louis in self-defence. I tried telling the guards what really happened but Luc threatened to kill me if I spoke a word of the truth." she cried.

"That's so awful," I replied.

"But Mia, it gets worse – so much more worse and I'm so afraid to tell you," she whispered.

"Tell me what?" I asked.

She pulled away, lowering her gaze to the floor and said, "It's deplorable what's he planning. I couldn't believe it when he announced it to the whole court. Oh Mia, please understand I had no part in this. You see, after he killed Louis he grabbed my hand and dragged me before all the Lords and Ladies. I thought he was going to kill me, but he didn't. Instead he announced to the whole court that he was now King, and he had every intention of making me, his new Queen."

My blood turned to ice and I gasped, "What? How can he? He's married to me!"

"That's what I said! I told him that I could never marry him after what he'd done to Louis, but he told me that, although you gratified him sexually, he felt that you lacked the elegance and beauty that was required of a true Queen. I disagreed with him, but he wouldn't have it. He explained to me that he needed a Queen that knew the ropes and could deal with public affairs," she explained.

"But then, what becomes of me?" I asked.

Sadly she looked away and said, "He told me that because I don't have a great track record for making babies, he would keep you as a breeder and his only personal fuck toy. Any child you birth will be taken away from you and given to me, to pass off as my own child. However he has also made it clear that he wants to succeed where his brother failed, and has told me that he will endeavour to make me pregnant with his own child. I'm so sorry you have to hear this from me. I thought he might have told you himself."

I shook my head. "He never told me anything like that."

No, he had told something, he had told me that he loved me. He told me that I was his princess. He had told me all sorts of pretty lies that were only intended to charm the panties off of me - and I'd stupidly believed them. I had no one but my own self to blame. I believed his lies because deep down somewhere inside of me, I wanted them to be true. No one had ever said they had loved me before, and I think that's why I wanted to buy his stories about true love, vampire mates and there being no one else. "I've been such a fool."

Henrietta hugged me, "We both have, but I promise you, we will get through this together. I swear that I will protect you, Mia, from him. You are like a sister to me, I could never let anyone hurt you."

"Thank you," I whispered.

"Listen, I have to go. Luc has ordered me to wait in his bed chambers for him so we can get a head start on 'succeeding where Louis failed'. I can't disobey him. Please stay here and I will come see you tomorrow, and then hopefully we can figure a way out of this mess," she said.

"Okay," I said weakly, watching her get up and leave.

She walked towards the door and paused. "I promise, Mia, we will get through this together."

I smiled at her and said, "I hope you're right."


Hi angels,

I've been reading your comments from the last chapter about whether you think Luc is good or not, and there are some pretty divided opinions. Well in light of this chapter, who do you think is telling the truth - Henrietta or Luc?

Keep in mind that the old story and its sequels are no longer canon so anything could happen (so please don't post spoilers from other books because they don't apply to this story <3 ) :O

And what about Mia? There are so many comments about Mia both good and bad. Some of you think she is stupid for not running to her husband and getting him to deal with her problems. While some of you think she's wise to withhold her trust from a man who has so many black-marks against his name. So what do you think about Mia?

Leave your answers in comment section below and I'll have a read through :D

This week's official dream cast by Zeinab!

Luc – Colin O'Donoghue

Mia – Meghan Ory

Nico – Josh Dallas

Jacques – Mitchell Hope

Henrietta – Anne Hathaway

Louis – Matt Dallas

Casper – Michael Raymond-James

Nurse Poison – Kate Beckinsale

Hope you all had a great weekend and I'll see you guys Friday :D



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