Chapter 24b

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I woke up to the send of Luc softly breathing next to me. His warm body was curled around mine with his arm wrapped around my waist, holding me close as he slept. The events from last night seemed a distant memory now, and whatever evil I had seen in my bathroom no longer seemed so terrible now that I was in Luc’s arms, safe and secure.

 I moved slightly and I heard Luc sigh pleasantly in my ear, “I have been waiting for you to wake up.”

“You were awake?” I asked.

“I didn’t want you to wake up alone again,” Luc replied.

I rolled over in his arms to face him and saw his sleepy face grinning at me like the proverbial cat who had got the cream. Luc’s hair was messy from last night’s love making and it fell across his dark eyes in a way that seemed kind of cute. It was strange to see Luc in this light, looking so relaxed and approachable instead of cold and distant.

“What are you thinking,” Luc asked.

“I am thinking about how cute your bed hair looks this morning,” I replied.

Luc growled in amusement and suddenly flipped me underneath him and straddled me on top. Pinning my arms above his head he said in a mock threat, “I am the Prince of Darkness not the Prince of Cuteness.”

I began to laugh and Luc quickly stifled my giggle with a long drawn out kiss. I writhed underneath him on his dark satin bed sheets, enjoying every moment of my dark vampire prince. Luc nibbled my lip and pulled away remarking, “We cannot stay in bed all day. I know Nico is absolutely itching to talk to you about what happened last night.”

“He wants to talk about last night?” I replied in a daze as Luc rolled off of me.

Luc glance down at me with a satisfied grin and said, “Yes, he wants to talk about last night and how that obnoxious girl managed to get her arm broken. Do you remember that or have I robbed you of your senses?”

I rolled my eyes at Luc and said, “No, I just don’t know what Nico wants to talk about. There isn’t exactly a lot to say.”

I couldn’t speak to Nico until I had spoken to Henrietta. Nico and Jacques had sensed that there was something wrong with my story last night- I could tell by the way they were looking at each other in the car that they both suspected something. Maybe they thought I had broken Laura’s arm on purpose and perhaps I would have to confess to something of that nature to hide the truth about my real abilities. But until then I would have to delay talking to Nico and Jacques for as long as I possibly could.

“Nico is keen for you to speak to him this morning,” Luc replied.

I gave Luc big sad eyes and said, “Can’t you speak to him, I don’t want to talk to him today. I want to stay in bed with you all day.”

I inwardly cringed at my own shamelessness. Sexiness definitely did not come naturally to me but Luc lapped it up anyway, he was too loved up on the notion of us to see it for what it really was. He couldn’t see that I was stalling.

Luc leaned back down for another quick kiss and said, “As much as I would love to spend the day in bed with you I have to go back to court today.”

“Court? Why do you have to go to court?” I asked wondering what kind of legal trouble he was in.

Luc smiled and explained, “Not that kind of court Mia- I have to return to the Royal Court. My brother summoned me early this morning and although I desperately tried to get out of it to be with you, Louis said that it was urgent.”

“Can’t you video message him or something…do you have to go?” I said feeling my heart starting to sink.

Luc shook his head, “Louis wants me in court this afternoon for some kind of emergency crisis meeting. It should only last a couple of hours and I will return to you by nightfall.”

“No Luc, please don’t leave me. If you can’t stay then at least let me come with you,” I replied.

“You are staying here with Nico and Jacques, Mia. End of story,” Luc said with a decisive tone of finality.

I opened my mouth to protest but Luc quickly silenced me with a kiss. His lips were soft and warm against mine and for a few seconds I forgot exactly why I was so upset about him leaving. I moved my hand to touch his face but Luc pulled away from me breaking the kiss abruptly. I opened my eyes in confused daze to see him sliding off the bed and walking towards the shower.

“What… wait,” I called after him.

Luc paused and glanced over his shoulder and said, “I need a shower Mia, and then I need to go and see what Louis wants.”

He started to head back towards the shower and I called after him, “Well maybe I can join you.”

I don’t know why I said it, or what I was going to do if Luc actually said ‘yes’ but it was just the first thing that came into my head. Luc was walking away and I was getting desperate. Naturally I mentally kicked myself after saying it because to my ears it sounded absolutely ridiculous but I was surprised to see Luc’s reaction.

He paused and his body visibly tensed as if it was fighting for self-control. He took a few moments to compose a reply and when he did he almost shuddered.

“We both know why that is a bad idea Mia,” Luc said.

“But I like bad ideas,” I replied in a husky voice, “Do you remember I once had this really bad idea to stand under a tree in the cemetery to wait for the Prince of Darkness?”

I heard Luc exhale slowly through his teeth. Whatever I was doing seemed to be working so I tried pushing it further. I leaned forward on all fours and began to crawl slowly down the bed towards Luc. He couldn’t see me but he could hear the rustle of satin sheets against bare skin as I inched my way down the bed.

“Luc,” I breathed, “I think I need to remind you just how fun bad ideas can be…”

Luc started to turn away from the shower to face towards me and for a brief second I thought victory was mine but then…


Loud knocking on the bedroom door destroyed the moment and was followed by Nico yelling loudly:

“Your Highness, the King is demanding your presence immediately!”

Luc muttered a curse under his breath and called back, “I will be with you in a few minutes,” He then looked at me and said in a controlled tone, “We will continue this when I get back.”

I collapsed back down on the bed in defeat as Luc darted into the bathroom for a quick shower. I couldn’t believe Nico, he had completely ruined the moment … and I couldn’t help feeling like he had done it on purpose.

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