Chapter 22b

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What I had seen and what Henrietta had told me felt unreal. As cliché as it sounded I really did believe that I would wake from this insane dream and I would be back to plain old human self. Yet when Henrietta had left me in my dorm room and I had gone into the bathroom to splash cold water on my face I slowly began to realize that this was never going away. I was a vampire who could talk to the dead. Yet despite this bomb, I was still a college student, I still had essays to write and lectures to attend. I did not have time to deal with this paranormal … or Luc for that matter.

I closed my eyes and visualized the door in my head. By opening and closing that door I could now control Luc from forcing his way into my head- and I would need to now since I had to keep my vampire talent a secret.

I glanced down at the floor and the splintered wood that lay across my carpet. Why couldn’t I have a practical vampire ability, like an unnatural talent for DIY or mending stuff that my stupid husband broke, instead of having an ability that might get me killed. But for now my talent did not seem a real thing. Sure, I had seen a crazy looking lady through a doorway, but that was it. This in my opinion was not concrete proof that I was suddenly talking to the dead … but just in case it was, it was probably best to keep my mouth shut about it.

I left the bathroom and began to clean up the shattered remnants of my bathroom door. At some point I was going to have to call maintenance and report to them that my door was broke, although I had no idea how I was going to explain to them how it broke in the first place. I couldn’t exactly tell them the truth.

Stooping down I picked up a large wooden piece door and held it in my hand. I had planned to dump in the corner until I could find a disposable rubble bag or something, but before I could even move my bedroom door swung open and Jacques burst in.

“Don’t do it!” He said slapping the wooden shard out of my hands, “It doesn’t work like that and if you do it I can guarantee it will hurt like hell.”

I stared back at him lost for words.

Jacques quickly pulled me against his chest and said, “I know Luc can be a monster but you have to give him a chance- you can’t just choose to go out like this.”

My face was uncomfortably squished against his white cotton shirt and I still couldn’t understand what he was talking about.

“What are you doing?” I mumbled into his chest.

“Comforting you,” Jacques replied with a concerned tone.

“That’s sweet Jacques, but I’m not exactly upset,” I said.

With that revelation Jacques pulled back and looked down at me, studying my expression. He searched my eyes and eventually said, “So does that mean you have passed the threshold of sorrow and entered into some kind of ambivalent state of mind where you have not thought or concern for your own future happiness, welfare and wellbeing?”

I raised an eyebrow in reply and said, “I was thinking more along the lines of I am not upset at all- period.”

“So why were you holding the stake?” He asked.

“You mean the piece of door that Luc smashed last night?”

The cloud of confusion lifted from his eyes and he made an ‘ohhh’ noise, and then explained, “Nico and I were searching for you, and I was hopping over the rooftops when I spied you holding the pointy stick of wood, and I thought that you were trying to hurt yourself.”

“As in you thought I was about to stake myself,” I said.

“Okay, in my defence Luc called me an hour ago freaking out because he couldn’t find you. He called me and Nico in a state and explained about what happened last night and how you had run off in the morning-”

“He what!?” I gasped feeling the color draining from my face.

Oh my God, Luc had told Nico and Jacques about us ‘doing it’ last night.

Jacques suddenly twigged and raised his hands up in defence, “Oh no, no, no, you don’t understand, Luc was worried and he may have divulged some background context as to why you were upset- but, come on Mia, we are adults and you are married so it isn’t exactly weird.”

I picked up the wooden shard Jacques had slapped out of my hand and aimed it at his chest.

“Get out of my room right NOW!” I yelled.

Jacques eyeballed the wooden fragment of door and slowly nodded his head, “Okay, I think this is a conversation you need to have with Luc,” He said slowly backing out the door.

“You can tell Luc that if he comes near me then I swear on all that is holy, I will stick this piece of wood up where the proverbial sun does not shine,” I snapped.

“Message received loud and clear Boss,” Jacques said stumbling out into the corridor.

I slammed my bedroom door shut and threw the piece of wood across the room. Furiously, I paced my around my bedroom calling Luc every name under the sun. How could he do that? How could he just go and blab to everybody that we had ‘done it’ last night. Was it a masochistic display of ‘hey look at me, I got laid last night and I am the man’ to all his friends? Why would he do that to me?

I sank down on to the floor in disillusionment. Last night had been confusing, but it had been special … well to me at least. But now I felt cheap and dirty. I thought I meant something to Luc, and maybe I was foolish for believing him. The whole ‘you are my soul mate thing’ is enough to sucker any girl into believing that she was special.

Well I guess I wasn’t that special after all…

Married to the Prince of Darkness (COMPLETED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon