Chapter 45b

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Henrietta gripped tightly onto the brass handle of the door, and paused upon the door's threshold. She turned to look back at me and said, "Once we step through this door a spell will become active, where no one but us will be able to enter into this apartment without your explicit invitation - and I mean no one but us, not the guards and not even Luc, will be able to get through. This is for your protection should Casper ever enter the fort. Do you understand?"

I nodded my head.

"Good," she smiled and stepped through.

I hesitantly followed her, eager to get away from the guards and wash off sticky blood that was hidden under my dress, but also nervous of what I'd find once I got into this apartment. She'd told me the apartment had been abandoned for centuries, and this had me worried. I mean, I wasn't expecting wi-fi or a smart tv, but I'd like to think that the apartment would be clean, warm, and have indoor plumbing. I couldn't imagine having to wash in a tin bath like they did in the olden days, or even worse, using a chamber pot.

Holding my breath I followed her through the doorway, and breathed a small sigh of relief when the room opened up into a warm reception room with a welcoming fire surrounded by several large comfortable sofas that were decorated with giant fluffy cushions and shimmering velvet throws. Part of me melted inside, and I rushed over to the sofa and sank my fingers into gorgeous fluffiness that was one of the oversized cushions. Groaning I said, "This is heaven."

Henrietta smiled, "I thought you'd like it. I'd tried to get this stuff sent to your original room, but Louis and Luc wouldn't allow it. They'd clearly don't share our similar appreciation, and enthusiasm for beautiful throws and soft...soft angora cushions."

I wrapped myself in one of the velvet throws that was lying on the back of the sofa and sat down, "This is bliss, just bliss," I murmured snuggling into one of the cushions. Warmth and softness enveloped me, and all thoughts of Luc, Casper, Louis and good old dead Nurse Poison drifted far away from me.

"I'm glad you like it," Henrietta said softly, "I want you to be happy here."

"This room alone is perfect," I replied.

"Well, there're three other room to visit," she said with a smile.

"Are they all like this," I asked dreamily.

"You'll have to come and see for yourself," she said cheerfully beckoning me to follow her.

I reluctanly got up from the sofa and followed her to the other side of the room, where there was a small door disguised as wall panel next a pretty hanging landscape of a valley. She tapped on the door once and gave it a push and the panel opened outward. Pulling the door forward, I jumped in surprise when white silvery light came pouring through the door cracks.

"What is that?" I gasped.

"Take a look," she said opening the door fully.

I peered in and saw the moon shining through a small bay window lighting up entire room. My hands lifted to cover my mouth, now opened with excitement and wonder - it wasn't just the moon shining through the window that had caught my attention. I walked through the room, which was modestly sized and filled with books, magazines and other materials too keep me occupied, and kept moving towards the window. The light was bright, unusually bright for the moon, but when I saw the tiny flakes of snow and the frosted edges of the window pane, I knew why.

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