Chapter 74

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Hi angels,

Wattpad is still experiencing some technical problems, so if you are ever unsure about when the last time I updated, please check my profile message board. I will always post information about the latest updates and any possible delays.

And if you are experiencing difficulties viewing chapters, please follow the advice set out in the trouble shooting chapter at the start of the book.

We were 100 votes off our goal, but it doesn't matter, I've written a long update for you anyway :D You guys were really awesome voting and I wanted to express my gratitude by giving you a longer update.

Next weekend I will be away, so I won't have time to write a long update, so I'm not going to set a target etc. this week. Normally I update on my ipad when I am away, but in these last few weeks there has been some compatibility issues with Wattpad and apple products. This means I can only update from my laptop.

So next week's update won't be until Monday – because that is when I get back home.

I want to take a moment for all the wonderful comments and messages that people leave on my board. Sometimes I feel that I give too much attention to the few negative messages, but in all sincerity, your kind messages help keep me sane amongst some of the toxicity I receive here on wattpad <3


This week's dream cast was supposed be by Farah, however, like a complete lemon I lost her cast. I did make a pintrest board for her cast, but I didn't label it - I know, bad angeltwist. So Farah, if you read this, please message me and I will make sure your casting goes up next week.

So this week's Dream Cast is by MisbahDin, and its very fun.

Luc- Joe Sugg

Mia - Kendall Jenner

Henrietta - Gigi Hadid

Casper - Casper Lee

Jacques - Marcus Butler

Nico - Joey Graceffa

Louis - Harry Styles


I didn't have time to think or breathe. Luc was gone. He had moved up front to protect me from the hoard of monsters. He pushed them back, throwing them across the room, only to have them come crawling back a few seconds later. It was awful to watch and feel like I could do nothing. I knew that without any help, he was moments away from being overwhelmed and torn to pieces.

Dammit, I wanted to help, but I could feel him in my mind telling me to stay exactly where I was. If you move, then I will lose focus on the fight. He warned me.

But how could I stay still? He had good as told me that he intended to die, to protect me. So what did he expect me to do, just stand here and watch him die in front of my eyes? No, my heart and conscience would never let me.

So I made a compromise. I grabbed chucks of smashed up rock from the ground and began hurling it at the undead. It was pathetic, but it was the only thing I could think of in the moment. Helplessly I grabbed another piece of rock from the floor and bravely stepped forward to venture closer to the fight. Perhaps if I was closer, then the rocks might do greater damage. I went to take another step when a hand suddenly stopped me.

"Get back there," Casper said gruffly.

He was awake.

Pulling me back he snapped, "Mia, concentrate on figuring out a way of getting us of this goddamn mess while I help Luc."

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